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Kanov was standing in the middle of the Tsumi sand grounds, with a few wooden dummies in front of him. He was wanting to learn the Shadow Of The Dancing Leaf, a great supplementary taijutsu. He figured he could mix it with a variety of moves, to be extremely effective in the field of battle. Kanov was stretching his body, he did not want to pull a muscle from this training. He felt pretty good, so he walked up to one of the wooden dummies. He measured his kick, seeing if he could hit the chin easily. It seemed easy enough, it did not stretch his leg or hurt him at all. Kanov attempted the technique, he tried to kick it in the chin and send it flying. The dummy went about 1 meter up and fell down. "I guess that's better than nothing." Kanov tried again, getting it to go the same distance up. He was wondering what he was doing wrong. Kanov tried once more, making it go a half meter higher. If he kept doing that, maybe he could eventually get it to go really high. He focused his chakra in his leg a bit more, and kicked again. No deal, he tried again and again, and kept getting it a little higher inch by inch.

It was at about 5 meters now, and Kanov was getting tired. He knew there had to be a more effective way to train this. Maybe if he leaned back and put his hand on the ground when he kicked, he could get a bit more power. Kanov tried this, and sent it flying 10 meters into the air. This technique was much better. Kanov started to use this technique, and once again started inching his way up. He was getting to 13 meters, and decided he needed a new change.

Kanov started to charge his chakra directly to the point of contact instead of his whole leg. He got the dummy to go to 17 meters this time. He inched his way again, getting to 20 meters. This was pretty good, but he wanted to see how far he could really get, and to be honest it was quite uncomfortable. Kanov had to think of a better way, and he was getting tired from using just one leg. Maybe he was better with the other leg? Kanov got ready and kicked again. Nope, it was back down to 10 meters. He seems a lot better with his right leg. Maybe Kanov would do better if he rested a bit, and then tried again, since he was tired and used his chakra.

Kanov was meditating while resting, thinking of many different ways to do the Shadow of the dancing leaf. He could charge his chakra at the soles of his feet like always, but put an immense amount and also put a little chakra in the muscles in his leg. Or maybe he could do a running start. Kanov was contemplating and decided that he should rest a bit more before trying again anyway.

Word Count: 513

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