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26Shikyo Clan - Page 2 Empty Re: Shikyo Clan Fri May 22, 2015 11:43 am



+2 speed: Good.

-5% Speed WC Training: Good.

Element Control: Flavor, so it's good.

Last thing: I'm not sure what the [effect] is supposed to be; it needs to be explicated better, if it applies to jutsu and items (also, how will this work?). It seems to let you passively be always better than someone of equal stat tier/rank no matter what, at least when applied to items. o.O

27Shikyo Clan - Page 2 Empty Re: Shikyo Clan Fri May 22, 2015 12:51 pm



At the cost of chakra it lets you be able to use your expertise in 1 stat to try and overcome your shortcomings in another area. So with the use of chakra your speed can look faster than it is, can aid you when attacking a strength based opponent etc. So you are not one directional.

Now the items can be tricky and should be at least A rank and acquired through rp and abilities at A rank should include jutsu costs and S probably the same depending on the power of an ability.

28Shikyo Clan - Page 2 Empty Re: Shikyo Clan Fri May 22, 2015 8:55 pm




To help incorporate this mechanic from only being useful at lower ranks only. Shikyo members can also create jutsu that let them "rank up" their stat in question. This "rank up" in no way adds an actual rank up meaning someone A-3 does not magically become S-3, It simply means that the effect of the mechanic above WILL activate at the time the jutsu/item is cast and that is it. The same is true for two shinobi at SS-3, even though there is no rank above SS-3 the jutsu will still activate because they are considered an imaginary rank higher.

I dont think this clan needs this section, a stat interaction is a stat interaction, you can't fake having a stat higher without it being higher... while i see what you are trying to do, in having your interactions stay relevant at SS rank, our rules are that it caps at SS-3. sorry. If someone wanted to make a jutsu which gave them like an... X rank stat for a limited time, that would be up to their jutsu lists, i don't think you need to put it on the clan~

"Shikyo are also capable of accelerating to maximum speed without effort allowing them to reach maximum speed after their first step."

No, remove this please.

"They also have the ability to cast two jutsu at a time after the rank of Jounin."

Everyone can do this.

The rest of your KKG/ drawbacks seems ok.


1/ this is a scaling jutsu, you're not getting +50mp/s at C rank, no matter the chakra cost. Either give it one set value besetting its rank, or choose between this and your other scaling jutsu please.

2/ This needs to be C rank at the very least and have a drawback, the same as getting a +1. Also Why don't you just debuff your opponent? It would be so much easier.

3/ Seems okay, you say it closes in, at what speed? and im dubious about a jutsu which says it makes an opponent defenseless, that is up to how they block or what they're doing, i would like it removed please.

4/ this jutsu is fine, no ultimatums :)

29Shikyo Clan - Page 2 Empty Re: Shikyo Clan Fri May 22, 2015 11:29 pm




30Shikyo Clan - Page 2 Empty Re: Shikyo Clan Tue May 26, 2015 10:46 pm



Dameon Shikyo wrote:Shikyo Jutsu/Item Mechanic:

The Shikyo clan have a specific mechanic that is considered a KKG but is applied to either Jutsu or Items instead of it being a traditional KKG element. The mechanic is as follows:

"If the opponents [Stat] is 1 rank or lower than the users [Stat] then [Effect]"
I don't....see the point of this, to be honest, though I don't know what [effect] is supposed to be.

Dameon Shikyo wrote:Shikyo are also capable of accelerating to maximum speed without effort allowing them to reach maximum speed after their first step. Shikyo are also capable of creating and using jutsu to benefit their speed or utilize their speed.
The first sentence was requested to be removed in the above form. The second, every ninja can do.

I have modded all of your jutsu, but your clan possesses five. You must remove one.

Shikyo Burst: Does this require hand seals? It should, if it's to be at maximum effectiveness. In addition, you have 2 extra effects (difficult tracking, instant max sprint speed). This needs a limited duration, or a heightened chakra cost, or something.

Presence is a 1-tier debuff; hand seals, no?

Adaption is fine.

Speed Parry: As what I think is a non-chakra technique, anything that would damage or destroy your weapon will still do so. If a Chidori Katana would slice through your blade normally, you're making contact with it, and it's gonna slice. Of course, the parry only works if you execute it well enough IC.

Speed Riposte: Again, it looks more like a maneuver than a jutsu (no chakra), just guessing. So, I would say it deals damage equal to your weapon rank's damage -2 ranks.

31Shikyo Clan - Page 2 Empty Re: Shikyo Clan Wed May 27, 2015 12:27 am



Deciding which one to remove at the moment.

In the meantime I edited and speed parry and speed riposte DO require chakra. Hence me adding them as jutsu and not just rp'ing it out?

32Shikyo Clan - Page 2 Empty Re: Shikyo Clan Wed May 27, 2015 12:39 am



How does Speed Parry leave the opponent "extremely vulnerable"? You don't really give a mechanic.

Speed Riposte is fine.~

You still didn't remove the accelerate-after-first-step. You can replace it with something else.

As per my previous post, I'm still getting quite fuddled at what the KKG applied to items and jutsu is supposed to do; the [effect] part is really, really variable that I'm really not sure that I like for such a static condition to gain the [effect].

33Shikyo Clan - Page 2 Empty Re: Shikyo Clan Wed May 27, 2015 1:04 am



Speed parry is just that. A parry based around using speed instead of strength with the help of chakra to parry a single attack effectively. As the mechanic says it bases off the speed stat so long as the users speed is 1 tier or higher that the opponents strength stat. This still requires RP skill to pull off just making sure that the chakra, and stats behind the attack match up so its easier to understand IC if I use this against someone, the attack is parried and they have a large hole in their defense which has the possibility to be exploited with they dont react quick enough to it.

This answers the Jutsu/Item KKG question in itself ^^^^^, basically monopolizing a type of mechanic that anyone on the site can apply for but with too many people doing it could jeopardize the integrity of the stat system as a hole. So I decided to make it a KKG to make sure people outside of a clan cannot do such a mechanic. Thinking bigger picture on this one.

edited the other.

34Shikyo Clan - Page 2 Empty Re: Shikyo Clan Wed May 27, 2015 1:56 am




35Shikyo Clan - Page 2 Empty Re: Shikyo Clan Sun May 31, 2015 3:24 am



Unapproved for editing.

36Shikyo Clan - Page 2 Empty Re: Shikyo Clan Sun May 31, 2015 3:31 am



Fixed for Miles ^^

37Shikyo Clan - Page 2 Empty Re: Shikyo Clan Sun May 31, 2015 2:21 pm




38Shikyo Clan - Page 2 Empty Re: Shikyo Clan Sun Jul 26, 2015 9:53 am



Requesting required tier to follow movement in Burst be dropped to at least 2-3 tiers below the user's Speed. One tier isn't that much, and it shouldn't actually even apply to regular sprint speed unless you give an actual reason they shouldn't be able to follow you.

39Shikyo Clan - Page 2 Empty Re: Shikyo Clan Sun Jul 26, 2015 10:07 am




40Shikyo Clan - Page 2 Empty Re: Shikyo Clan Sun Jul 26, 2015 3:45 pm



When using at a lower speed they are still difficult to track as they utilize their chakra to create a series of after images that makes it more difficult to determine which image is real meaning that their movements can be tracked at base speed to C rank increase via sensory techniques/jutsu/or sage sensing.
This only slightly insinuates that you are un-trackable via sensory above this a mistype?

41Shikyo Clan - Page 2 Empty Re: Shikyo Clan Sun Jul 26, 2015 6:40 pm



I suppose it would depend on the sensory? If you are trying to "see" something via a different means like sensing jutsu it would presumably be just as difficult to track if it was done with ones eyes? The only difference is visually you would see afterimages where as with sensing techniques you would not be distracted or potentially fooled.

Ultimately moving very fast would still have the same effect against someone with sensing techniques active as they would with their own eyes because they would have to react to each individual movement. So should I use a second stat check for reaction time if the person is using a sensing jutsu/kkg/or sage mode?

42Shikyo Clan - Page 2 Empty Re: Shikyo Clan Tue Aug 11, 2015 12:48 pm



This doesn't fool sensory jutsu. If it were to require a stat check, it would be severely disadvantaged out of your favor.

As for the drawback, "speed relevant to their rank" applies to only the speed boost or the maximum sprint speed as well?

43Shikyo Clan - Page 2 Empty Re: Shikyo Clan Tue Aug 11, 2015 4:57 pm



The jutsu. So the boosted rank. Aka if they can naturally move 20m/s they will be fine but the drawback applies if they are moving 21+m/s. I edited it to say for the jutsu as well.

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