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1Shigoru Clan Empty Shigoru Clan Thu Aug 06, 2015 5:37 pm

Cogimo Shigoru

Shigoru Clan Shigoru

Clan: Shigoru Clan

Kekkei Genkai: Oni Chakra/Demonic Chakra

Elements: Any

Specialization: Any

Location: Originated in Lands Of Fire, later they moved to the Leaf Village, where even now few members had been seen now and then.

Clan History: Shigoru Clan is one of the ancient clans, having only few rare members in these days. They originated from Lands Of Fire and where group of monks, seeking for their "true" path to follow. They traveled from one place to another, praying in the same time not even knowing to what. For other clans these people seemed a bit strange, but never evil. Shigoru's were quite versatile in many aspects, which even brought happiness to few people time to time. While not being something big, this clan earned a name for being just simply good.

It was upon one of their trips through more desolated corners of the region when they met the "God". It was a being, powerful as no other they had seen, with knowledge and skill of something beyond a ordinary shinobi. This creature radiated fear and terror, but spoke to the clan gently and welcoming. The beings name was Kaos.

In truth the thing was no near gods. If something, more closely it was to demons, as the being was just a huge mass of raw, wild and destructive Chakra, combined with emotions of grief, sadness, regret, hatred, rage, bloodlust and so on. This thing was nothing more then a mind that wanted to conquer and destroy. For shame, Shigoru Clan didn't sense it back then.

Upon finding their "God" the clan settled down in the same desolated land and started to build a temple, worthy for Kaos. The demon had made a contract with the monks. Each of them receives a small part of the "Gods" blessing, in exchange they become his loyal followers. And they agreed of course. The demon chakra turned the monks Ninjutsu stronger, more capable.

Soon the temple was ready, the throne for the "God" was created and as he sat there, hundreds of Shigoru clan started to worship it. As the first generation passed, the demons chakra had seeped so deep in the peoples bodies and minds, that they started to generate a weaker type of the "Gods" power themselves. It resulted in he minds of the clan to also start twisting in different direction. Seeing this the creature couldn't hold his happiness, a whole clan, peaceful and calm before, had turned into a small army of bloodlusting shinobi. It decided to have its fun.

The first were neighbor temples, which were attacked and massacred quite quickly. No mercy were showed and a lot of blood was spilled. The once peaceful clan had turned into almost the same monsters they were led by. They used the Oni Chakra to overpower their enemies with many styles and chakra natures now Shigoru's possessed. Next were the villages, they were first demanded to follow the "God" and if refused, killed without any mercy. More blood were spilled.

Everything started to go downhills upon the moment the Ninja villages took some action in their own hands. While with the boost of the unnatural chakra, they still didn't have the skill or training experienced shinobies had. They didn't have the knowledge as wide or simply the skill. The demon was mad that his fun was ruined by bunch of mortals. Upon that moment the being had started to believe itself that it WAS a god. Defeat wasn't something it could deal with it, so the creature in its rage split himself completely and merged into the whole Shigoru Clan. The effect was something no one expected.

When the creatures pieces fused with the souls of the monks their chakra burst like a new years candle and bodies started to shift. Each of them took a appearance of some kind of monster, demon of some sort. Their howls could be heard all around the battle field and tainted chakra poisoned the land around them. The battle became even more intense, but in the end mind overcame instinct and the left Shigoru clan members were forced to flee.

Though this wasn't the reason because of why there isn't almost any members of the clan. After returning finally to their senses, the rest of the members moved near Village Hidden in the Leafs. In there they decided to settle down and try to repay for their sins of the past. And in one way they did. You see, the demon "Gods" soul parts were just too much for a human body and in time it started to die. Quickly those with the Kekkei Genkai fell under lethal illnesses and lost their lives. Those who managed to survive and had children saw that their children too now were sick from birth and soon died.

Now there is only few members of the clan left and almost none have the knowledge of the terrible past their clan had. It seemed that the clans Kekkei Gekai too was something that had died out, as there is no one who had mastered it. Though there are few children now and then, born with the very fragment of the demon inside them. They have the lethal chakra in their bodies and if listening to the quiet whispers at the darkest alleys, the demon may return.

Kekkei Genkai Description: The clans Kekkei Genkai is their own chakra. Visually it is always black, with a lining of a different color. Everyone, even those without the skill to sense chakras, can tell that something unpleasant is radiating from the owners of it. Additionally it has few powers and boost, depending on ones rank.

Without the two abilities mentioned afterwards this Kekkai Genkai gives a passive trait for their user. Additionally, because the demon chakra is more massive then humans, Kekkei Genkai users gain additional +20 chakra.

  • The Sickness Of Chakra: Because of the tainted demon chakra inside the users body all Jutsu, as well, as a simple connection with the users energy, will cause the created injury to be harder to heal. When treated the wound, the healing effect/medicine takes -1 to its effect.
  • Element Synchronization: Because their Kekkei Genkai is more attuned to the basic five chakra natures the shinobi has more control over those nature with who they had reached A Rank. How it is done, is that the shinobi can summon up his chakra and turn it into the element and manipulate with it. The element will always by default activate in strength in par of a jutsu one rank lower then the users rank. The activation cost, as well, as maintaining cost is that of given in Jutsu Rules.

    Chakra costs | Maintenance costs
    E Rank - 5 chakra | 5 chakra every other turn
    D Rank - 10 chakra | 5 chakra per turn
    C Rank - 15 chakra | 5 chakra per turn
    B Rank - 20 chakra | 5 chakra per turn
    A Rank - 25 chakra| 10 chakra per turn
    S Rank - 30 chakra | 10 chakra per turn
    SS Rank - 35+ chakra | at least 15 chakra per turn

Drawbacks(Applies only to Kekkei Genkai owners):

  • Must take "Born Ill" as a trait, without a possitive one to balance it out. To note, for Shigoru family this trait is far worse then other clans, as it becomes stronger as the shinobi gets stronger. At D rank the user after 7 fighting posts or 5 intense chakra usage posts will start to cough blood in small drops, as well, as their vision will get a bit blurry for a moment.
    At C rank after 6 fighting posts the owner of Oni Chakra will start to vomit little amounts of blood, as well, as hard time to see or breath.
    At B rank after 5 fighting posts the user will start to loose control over his limbs for short moments, as he will experience blood bursts in brain. If injured, healing receives -3 to its effectiveness.
    At A rank after 5 fighting posts for a short moments the users heart can stop, he/she can turn completely blind, as well, as large amounts of blood will fill the lungs, as the user vomits it.
    At S rank and SS rank after 6 fighting post the users dies from complete body failure, as blood will come out from his eyes, mouth and nose.
  • Upon making a character it can have only the primary element.
  • The primary element will be at A rank, as in the start humans chakra has problems to addapt with the Kekkei Genkai.
  • If taking a second negative trait, it must be "Pharmacophobia", as the demons chakra burns out quite a lot of the healing effect medicine should have.
  • Do to constant damage to the body the characters strength and endurance also falls by -2

Members: (Members of the clan can be updated here)

Kekkei Genkai Jutsu: -As from the clans fall there is no knowledge left of any special jutsu-

Last edited by Cogimo Shigoru on Fri Aug 07, 2015 8:17 am; edited 2 times in total

2Shigoru Clan Empty Re: Shigoru Clan Fri Aug 07, 2015 8:12 am



I'm sorry, this is not a means in which i will allow a ninja to learn all 5 chakra natures, that's an exceedingly massive advantage over everybody else. In its base concept, this is denied, I'm not saying I cannot think of means that this can be done, but it is going to have to be a lot more creative than this. Namely, a way which staggers a ninjas ability to be able to use all of them at any given time.

Sorry :( It looks like you put some substantial work into this app, and I would be more than happy to help work you through it in almost any other time, but I would look for another means of using "demonic chakra" other than getting the 5 basic natures under your belt...

Because I highly doubt it will come to pass like this.

3Shigoru Clan Empty Re: Shigoru Clan Fri Aug 07, 2015 8:18 am

Cogimo Shigoru

Edited! Took out the perk about the five natures! I apologize for my mistake ^,^'

4Shigoru Clan Empty Re: Shigoru Clan Sat Aug 15, 2015 4:59 am



"Element Synchronization: Because their Kekkei Genkai is more attuned to the basic five chakra natures the shinobi has more control over those nature with who they had reached A Rank. How it is done, is that the shinobi can summon up his chakra and turn it into the element and manipulate with it. The element will always by default activate in strength in par of a jutsu one rank lower then the users rank. The activation cost, as well, as maintaining cost is that of given in Jutsu Rules." - this does not make sense to me, sounds like to me this would need to be a jutsu, if it is not already. Things like this can't just be described, they need speeds, chakra costs, damages etc.


Are fine.

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