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1Akuma Family Crest [Suna-D/No Kill] Empty Akuma Family Crest [Suna-D/No Kill] Thu Nov 07, 2013 5:39 pm



He looked down,pull downward on his hood to make sure no one could see his face.Zaiaku had finally received his first mission.Perhaps,in all irony,it was from a Akuma clansman.He was tall,though obviously lower than Zaiaku's gigantic stature,he appeared to be in his late 50s,head full of white hair that connected with a short,white beard.Indeed,he seemed to be a grandfather,given his tone he used when he spoke to Zaiaku,sweet yet stern.He had to buy some family crest or something,hence why he was in the Bazaar.He looked to his left and right.He was surronded by stores and shops.One was selling clothing,another selling food,another selling antiques...wait,thats it!He quickly made his way into the antique shop,dusty and empty,which wasn't very surprising.He wandered around and saw an old woman at the cash register,fast asleep.She had stringy white hair,a long nose with a wart on it.Zaiaku raised a eyebrow but continued exploring the small shop.There were shrunken heads,old tribal spears,a crocodile head,a old pendant,and some bizarre object.Zaiaku walked to the object and took a closer look.It was a strange shape,golden,and had symbols.His eyes widened.It was a piece of the crest.He quickly grabbed it and walked to the old woman,knocking on the dusty counter."Excuse me?"He said.She continued snoring.He slammed the counter,making her jolt awake."What!?What!?"She said in annoyance,her voice old and raspy."I would like to buy this."Zaiaku said,holding up the crest piece,her old,mean eyes fell on him,then the piece,then back on him.After the purchase,he walked out,putting the piece in one of the compartments in his robe as he continued on.He wandered the bizaar for a few hours before winding up in a jewelry store.He walked amongest the shelves filled from necklaces to toe-rings.He felt like he was being watched,and he was.It was mostly women in here,so it would be rather strange to see a lone man come in here.Eventually,he found another piece.It shined brightly and had a gold chain taped to it.Zaiaku facepalmed and purchased it,ripping the gold chain off as he left the store and put the piece in the compartment.He once again wandered like a phantom."Whats so great about these things anyway?"He thought as he entered a lone alley,filled with numerous people in rags.He walked through them,their sad eyes meeting his figure for a few seconds before returning to the ground."Hey check this out!"A male voice said.Zaiaku looked and found a young man in saggy pants,holding up a crest piece,making the people around him gawk."That metal is mine."Zaiaku said aloud as he walked towards the kid."Hell it ain't!"He yelled,putting on the ground and getting into a fighting position.Zaiaku went silent for a moment,seeing how easy it was to provoke the kid.Zaiaku walked to the kid,his face still can't be seen.The kid threw a punch,which Zaiaku dodged by stepping to the right side and delivered his own his punch on the kid's right ribs,making him fall on his side.Zaiaku quickly grabbed the piece and leap high into the air,landing into a entiely new street,the people around him staring.He put the 3rd piece in the compartment and continued on.He was now surronded by stands,merchants urging him on as he passed by to take a look at their products.He stopped at a stand that read "Gol-D's Gold".There was a crowd,but being as tall he was,Zaiaku easily looked over them and found the last two pieces on a cloth with man standing next to him,yelling out prices.Zaiaku then realised it was a auction.He shoved his way to the front and slammed the last of the money the clansman gave him to buy the pieces."I'll buy up front."He said,removing his hood,exposing his monstrous appearance.The people around him gasped and backed away.The man,who Zaiaku supposed was Gol-D,shook nervously as he took the money and handed him the last two pieces."Thank ye.."Said Zaiaku as he walked away.It was now 8:57 PM,night had engulfed Suna.Zaiaku walked to the clansman's house,knocked on the door and handed him the pieces."But...""But what?""It's supposed to be already assembled."Zaiaku sighed stressfully as he sat on the ground,put the pieces together,and handed it to the old man,who smiled gratefully."I'll make sure the others hear about this."He said as he closed the door.Zaiaku walked alone in the night,heading towards his house."I hate shopping..."


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