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1Lost Family [Suna C-Rank Mission] Empty Lost Family [Suna C-Rank Mission] Wed Oct 02, 2013 6:50 pm



Toraika was sitting at the gates of Suna. She enjoyed sitting high up on the cliffs overlooking all of Suna. She then saw a figure moving towards the gate slowly. The way the figure moved made it look sickly and pained. She stood up with a jolt of urgentence. She leaped down the cliff until she was at the front of the gates where the guards were posted. They must have seen what she had because they were prepared for attack as the gates slowly opened up. The moment she she saw what the figure was she darted towards it. It was a man in his forties maybe who looked like he had been wandering the desert for months. She stopped in her steps as if there was a wall in her way. The sight was something she had never seen before. His shirt was tied around his head which revealed his bare torso. It was not a pretty sight to behold what so ever. His ribs jolted from his body like he didn't have skin to cover them at all, with each and every bone perfectly defined. She swallowed hard trying to take in this scene. The man took another weak painful step towards her and collapsed going unconscious. She snapped out of her thoughts and knelt down to the man to help him. "Hey get away from him!" One guard yelled at her but then another put an arm in front of the guard who had yelled. "It's okay, she is a Yoisha." He defended her. At first she wondered how he knew this about her since she had never seen this man before but then she shook it off to help this man. Never had she ever had to use her Kekkei Genkai outside of the hospital or her clan training. She had never had to use it to save someone urgently like this so she felt the pressure of this moment bear a burden on her. She clapped her hands together and rubbed them across each other faster and faster until she had molded enough electricity to surround her hands. She then swallowed hard knowing this was the moment of truth. "CLEAR!" She then placed her gentle hands on the man's chest as his entire body jolted. He then blinked multiple times and sat up slowly. His body began to heat up again and a slight color returned to his cheeks. She smiled as the electricity dispersed from her palms and fingertips. "My family!! My wife!! My daughter!!! Someone please go find them!! I lost them in the storm!!" He wailed these words as he grasped onto Toraika's vest. "We were coming home from Konohagakure two days ago but last night we set up camp and a sandstorm came and blew it all away and separated us!! I tried to find them but I... I swallowed so much sand... I couldn't move anymore... Please!! My savior! Save my family as well!" The man pleaded and begged with the only ounces of energy he had left. At that moment she knew she had to go save his family if it was the last thing she did. She nodded. "I will bring them back to you, I swear it on everything I am. They will be back in no time!" The man seemed to trust her since he nodded back at her and his tears welled up with admiration. "Please... my wife's name is Ai and my daughter's name is Rin! Please I beg you!" The man grabbed her hand as she stood up. "I promise." She then got the nods of approval from all the guards which boosted her confidence even more climatically. 

Toraika darted into the desert without even thinking about how she would find them, only with the thought of finding them regardless of the conditions. She looked left and right and calculating the time he arrived and the time he had mentioned the sandstorm hit she was pretty sure she could find out the general direction and area that the man's wife and daughter had either blown into from the storm or escaped to from the storm. The storm was a pretty big one since it was still slightly windy. The wind also even blew the sand around making it slightly difficult for her to see. She used her long scarf-like metal plate holder that was around her neck and wrapped it all around her head only leaving her eyes visible. Now, she breathed in less sand and more slightly filtered air. The entire time she didn't stop moving and her pace did not weaken either. She picked up her pace when she realized that she was in the right general area. Ai and Rin should be somewhere near and she could feel it. She only hoped they were okay. 

She felt she had ran for hours and the desert wind got colder which proved her assumptions correct the sun was beginning to fall from the sky. If it got dark it would be nearly impossible to find them and the cold desert air would be the end. She would not let this happen and break her promise. Then as if a miracle had occurred she heard the screams of a woman and the cries of a girl. Toraika immediately picked up her pace and went running in the direction of their voices. Once they were in her sight she saw why they screamed so loudly in horror. A Giant Lizard was attacking them and it looked angry and hungry. She immediately ran at the beast. when she was close enough she weaved a sign and slammed her hands together. "Wind Release! Gale Palm!" She then pushed her hands forward which pushed a large burst of wind that was so strong it lifted the lizard off of its feet and sent it flying miles away. It was a direct hit which made Toraika extremely proud. She finally was with Ai and Rin. "Hello, My name is Yoisha Toraika and you must be Ai and Rin. I was sent here by your husband so lets get you to safety but first..." They weren't in terrible shape but they were a little damaged from the Giant Lizard scratching at them. She laid a hand on each of their chests and watched as their scratches and wounds disappeared. "Thank you young lady, you are our savior." Ai stood then bowed with the small amount of energy she had left. "It is my pleasure." Toraika replied as she put Ai on her back and carried Rin in her arms and went running back home. 

The greeting Toraika received from the man in the hospital when she brought in his wife and daughter was amazing he cried and cried tears of joy into her chest. She then went to the Kazekage's office after the man was done thoroughly thanking her. Of course it was being run by secretaries and other officials since there was not a Kazekage at the moment. She reported her day to the head official and received it as a mission. She would have done this day over either way though.

1207/1000 Words

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