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1Training area maintenance {D rank} Empty Training area maintenance {D rank} Mon Oct 28, 2013 7:44 am

Seth Lualdi

Seth Lualdi

The sun was high in the sky. A steady breeze was flowing from the direction of the Hokage Mountain carrying the sweet smell of the surrounding forest into the village. On this nearly perfect day Seth was making his way to the training grounds for his first mission in a couple of days. It was good to get out and do something even if it was clean up duty of the training grounds. It was not going to be as simple as cleaning up the house for sure. He had to fill in holes, replace the taijutsu practice dummy's pegs that had been broken, and return the weapons that had been left at the training grounds. He already got started with the filling up the holes. However, with one would not believe the amount of holes ninja training creates. Seth filled hole after hole with the sod supplied to him at the beginning of the mission. It was quite monatomic work and Seth found his mind drifting away. Suddenly the clouds became extremely interesting. Seth watched the clouds rolled across the sky as if they were racing each other. It did not take as long as Seth originally predicted to fill in the holes with the sod. Putting away what was left over of the sod, Seth then gathered the pegs to replace the broken ones on the practice dummies. Konoha being the home of both the Lee school of taijutsu and byakugan users practically all of the dummies’ had been used to the point that all of their pegs needed replacing. Seth sighed and got to work. It was not very hard. All he had to do was use a kunai to loosen the pegs and then hammer the new ones in. But just like the previous job the sheer number that needed to be done was what made this a true task. After an hour or so Seth finished fixing the dummies and was ready for the final part of the job. First he would sort through the weapons laying around the training area and throw away the unusable ones. Then he would have to find the owners of the ones that were still usable. Fortunately for Seth the weapons had already been gathered into one big pile for him to sort through. There was a wide assortment of different kinds of weapons. There was kunai all shapes and sizes, shuriken, fuma shuriken, senbon, even a few katanas. Resisting the temptation to keep them for himself, Seth found the only usable weapons left were a pack of shuriken that someone must have dropped. It was just his luck that he had no idea who they belonged too. Now he is going to have to find out who the shuriken belong to. Seth quickly developed a plan on how to find the owner of the shuriken. First he would go and read the sign in sheet to see who had used the training area in the past few days. Then he would he over to the shopping district and ask the weapon shop owners if they remember selling the pack of shuriken to anyone on the list. This would work as long as they were not self-made; which would put a major damper on his day. It did not take long for Seth to read the list of shinobi that had been practicing in the last few days. There were about twenty names on the list and five of them he could count out because he himself was here a few days ago with some of his friends and he knew these were not theirs. Taking the list of names that he acquired, Seth headed off to the market district. After asking around a few shops he finally got a lead. The name of the owner is Tetsu Nanarabi. From their it was a simple job of running over to their house. Seth sighed. The sky was now tented red with the setting of the sun. The task took the entire day. But it felt good. It was a job well done.                

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