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1Training Area Maintenance [Solo, D-Rank] Empty Training Area Maintenance [Solo, D-Rank] Tue Sep 03, 2013 2:12 am



Aiza looked forward to a simple day of work. It was a mission, meaning he would be paid and it would count as a step towards Chuunin, but it was also a trivial task with no risk whatsoever. Ah, as was expected of a D-Rank mission. No drama. As unexciting as it was, he proceeded to make his way to the training field after he ate breakfast and showered. The designated spot was a mere mile or two away, so no big trek or anything. He was assigned to just clean it up, fix any broken training dummies, stuff like that. He made the next turn around a cluster of trees, entering the training grounds abruptly. They weren't that bad at all; nothing broken, just a bit of dirt and dust and some fallen dummies. The targets aligned next to the natural cliffside were chock-full of kunai, shuriken and arrows. He removed his coat and set it on a log that was standing vertically. "And the work begins."

Seeing as it was the easiest task to do here, Aiza moved to the targets he was eyeballing before and pulled the kunai and shuriken from it, one by one. He threw each into a pile on the ground, making an accumulating mass of sharp objects. He took the arrows out last, throwing them on top of the other projectiles. "Why do people leave all of their tools here? They might actually, y'know, need them sometime..." he said to himself as he carefully took up the things and dumped them all into a nearby bin. What else to be done...he turned to the fallen dummies, staring at them for a moment before making his way to them. They were of wood and some soft plush, so they were an easily lift for the powerful Aiza. He picked them up from the ground effortlessly and set them back right-side-up.

For the dreaded part, he contemplated how to do it easily and efficiently. He didn't want to really have to hand dust everything, but it looked like that was what would have to happen. He spotted a featherduster and grabbed it. He assumed the stance, he prepared the tool, and he pranced from training mechanism to training mechanism, dusting and cleaning. It was rather graceful, but he was doing it in such a way to entertain himself. What fun would cleaning be if he wasn't acting like a princess while he was doing it? From the corner of his eye he noticed a silhouette looking at him. Oh crap, did someone see his little performance? He immediately coughed and acted as if he wasn't doing anythng, but upon glancing at the figure, he noticed it was only a cat. He sighed and smiled at it, but it was enthralled by the featherduster, looking at it like prey. He tossed the thing over to the cat to entertain it as he finished off the last of the dusting using a handkerchief that he had in his pocket.

Eventually, all visible dust, dirt, and debris was cleared, and the entire training area was tidied. Easy money, really, it had only taken him an hour and a half. He brushed off his clothes and removed his gloves, putting them back into his pocket carefully. The cat toyed with the duster, pulling at the feathers with its claws and teeth. As adorable as it was, Aiza didn't really have the attention span to want to stay any longer, so he put his coat on and turned away.

"And now, for my reward." with that said, he shoved his hands into his pockets and began the trek back into the village and to the admin building to greet Takeshi with his completed task.

Mission Word Count: 635/600

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