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1Training Area Maintenance [D-Rank] Empty Training Area Maintenance [D-Rank] Fri Jun 07, 2013 5:10 pm



It was approximately 9 am the Sun was beating down on Konohagakure without a cloud in the sky. Rinshi stood on his front porch adjusting his gloves and headband to his liking. He looked up to the sky holding his hand up to his brow, “God damn Sun, why today?” he said with an irritative tone he stepped off of his porch step, dragging his feet, while jamming his hands into his pocket and said, “Nothing to do but stupid back-alley missions today, well better get going,” he said as he began his walk towards the Administrative Building.

Rinshi walked up the steps of the Administrative Building looking for the Mission Board where all but a few Genin were standing around it dissappointed at the current posts. “Hooray for adventure,” he said sarcastically. He approached the board looking through the posts selecting the usual D-Rank section as he spotted a post that read, Training Area Maintenanace, he looked over the Objective and Details, Thoroughly perform maintenance on one of the training areas. Rinshi groaned, “Great, labor on a hot day.” he continued to the details, All materials you need to accomplish this mission will be given to you by the owner of the lands. Rinshi decided to accept the mission. He then neglectfully jammed the sheet of paper in his pocket, and began his stroll towards the nearest training area.

Rinshi arrived to a picket fence that read, Training Zone #8, Rinshi looked around for the owner of the grounds. In the distance he spotted an elderly man around his late 70s, the man had wrinkly skin, a bald head, his eyes looked shut and his face looked like something Death forgot to pick up. Rinshi approached the man bowing before him as he addressed himself, “Hello sir, my name is Rinshi I'm the Genin who will perform the maintenance today.” Rinshi believed the man was hard of hearing, until he heard a slight humming sound come from the old man, Rinshi then realized that the man was sleeping. Hesitant, Rinshi stuck out his hand and placed it on the man's shoulder, when suddenly the man awoke grabbing Rinshi's hand throwing him over his shoulder, Think you can sneak up on me, while I'm vulnerable, you are sadly mistaken my child!” Rinshi lay below the man dazed, the man stood over him snapping his fingers, Rinshi hopped to his feet, furiously shouting at the man, ”HEY, WHATS THE BIG IDEA, WHY'D YA HAVE TO GO AND FLIP, YA GEEZER!!!” Rinshi stood red in the face and calmed down, ”My apologies, my name is Rinshi Hyuga, I'm here to perform maintenance on the Training Zone.” The man stood and replied, ”Oh, I'm sorry didnt mean to hurt you there kiddo.” The man chuckled as he reached in his pocket pulling out a key. “Everything ya need is in that shed over there.” Rinshi took the key as he thanked the man and headed over to the shed.

Rinshi reached the shed, using the key he received and opened the shed it was dark, but there was enough light outside to see inside. He scanned over the contents inside with his eyes, he took a few of the Taijutsu striking logs and placed them on the ground outside he then took 4 bags of sod and placed them next to the striking log. Rinshi closed the shed doors, locking it back. He then turned around surveying the land as he said to himself, ”This should be a piece of cake, only a few holes in the ground and some broken logs, I'll be done in no time.” Rinshi grinned and went about his work. First he began with the logs replacing them with the new ones. Rinshi made his way to a deep hole in the ground, ”YOU GOTTA BE KIDDING ME!!!” he opened the bag of sod on the edge of the hole filling it to the top, the Sun really began to beat down as sweat cloaked his face. The hole was half full after the first bag was empty he opened the second and did the same as the first. With the biggest whole filled, he filled the remaining holes with the sod. By the time he finished the holes it was around 2 in the afternoon. Rinshi walked to the old man who what it looked like was meditating, turned in the key, and with the broken logs in hand made his way to the mission board, he turned in the completed task, and made his way home for a much needed rest from the heat.

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