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Aisu ... Kitahara. Aisu, Keiko. Kitahara, Keiko.

What a stupid thing to get a headache over. It was a long, ongoing identity crisis of sorts, one that she had spent most of her life ignoring in favour of maintaining a somewhat healthy - or not, depending on how one viewed the situation - peace of mind. On a realistic point of view, it wasn't as though she had to choose between the two families. After all, her biological parents were a thing of the past, a distant memory mainly revolving around themes of neglect and longing. Since a young age, she had been adopted by her current family, a wealthy pair of business owners who were simply a family, not a shinobi clan. Adopted … ha, more like bought. But life wasn't at all difficult, she had parents who loved and doted on her, money to spend on any of her various whims, even support to continue training as a genin and perhaps a higher rank once she achieved that level. The only problem was her lack of relation to the other members of the Aisu clan. Being a clan situated mainly within Kirigakure, the village was teeming with members of said clan, with three members holding three major positions - the Mizukage, and two Sannin - and multiple lower-ranked genin of the same clan.

She didn't mind being an Aisu, not at all. As she walked down the streets of the village, lost in her own thoughts, Keiko briefly ran through the benefits of being a genin who shared her clan's kekkei genkai of being able to combine suiton and fuuton into hyoton. Definitely a plus. Ice was no doubt an element she adored, as was water. But over the years, she had been experimenting with ice release herself, prior to becoming a genin. There was no one to train her - not her adopted parents, who weren't even shinobi, nor her teachers at the Academy, who only taught basic elementary ninjutsu. It had only been recently that she had been assigned to a squad … with one of the Aisu clan members as her squad leader. And not just any member, the clan head himself. Things were definitely going to get interesting - for better or for worse she hadn't quite decided yet. But this new development brought about regretful thoughts of not being able to be raised by fellow Aisu clan members, as well as wishful thoughts of whether her abilities would be exponentially greater than they are now if she had been raised properly into the clan.

Sighing, Keiko kicked at a random brown paper bag that floated in front of her, ignoring the dirty glances of the people who immediately assumed she had been the one to litter in the first place. Time to go find something to do before her mood got any more foul. Perhaps she should go find Hayato. After all, she had yet to make many friends, given her often not-quite-moderated temperament and spoiled-princess behaviour. Sub-consciously, she knew that she should go and make some friends, perhaps even get to know a few members of her clan, but how exactly does one go about doing that? Over the years, she had gotten better at talking to strangers, but her bluntness and tendency to speak her mind didn't result in many long-lasting friendships.



Whilst Keiko might have identity problems, the same could not be said for Miretsu. There was only one name that rang through his subconscious, Aisu Miretsu. He was of noble birth, or as close to noble birth as there could be without a monarchy in any of the villages, in their current state of military dictatorship. That sounded bad, but it was one of the best ways that a world like this could be led. Because of his noble blood, or perhaps despite it, he knew exactly where he was supposed to be in life, he knew what he wanted to do and he knew who he was, the person that he wanted to be. At least, that was what he thought; Many people would argue that people can't know who they truly are until they're placed in a life or death situation that ensured their death if they continued to live up to who they wanted to be. For all of Miretsu's experience in life, that was not one of the things that had happened so far, so he was stuck with mere assumptions and beliefs. One of those assumptions was the fact that he thought, or rather hoped, that one day he would become strong enough to take the responsibility of clan leadership onto his shoulders, and for that very reason he was going to have to get to know the people that he would one day be leading, or rather, he had to get to know his family.

One of the people that he needed to meet was a girl named Aisu Keiko, or more accurately nowadays Kitahara Keiko. She  was one of the first people that he wanted to get to know, since he had barely heard of her before he had looked through his family tree. She was his paternal cousin, but other than that he hadn't known very much information about her. He honestly hadn't wanted to know that much information about her, if he had known too much information about her he would have probably become biased from things she had either said or thought, her concepts and dreams all making him feel slightly different about her, tainting his mental picture. It was best to get to know her himself like a normal person would. However, he was restrained by a few things that made such an attempt impossible, such as logic and sanity.

With more and more people becoming a danger to the village as a whole, and rumors about people being attacked by ex-village loyalists, there was no sense in throwing himself in danger just to be able to meet this girl without preconceptions, so he got one of his "friends" to get information from the village's files on the girl. She was an interesting case, if a rather upsetting one. She was seventeen, a full year younger than him, and was a genin just like him. However, there was something confusing about her birth and her current status. Despite the fact that both of her parents were very much alive, and weren't even ill at the time of it happening, they had given up their daughter to be adopted by the Kitahara clan. The information that she was sold as a slave was not something that Mire had found, but he still saw it as abandoning their child for reasons that surely had to be selfish. That very concept disgusted him to his core, and although he tried not to let it color his feelings for her, it made him feel sorry for her. He had never had to deal with a situation like that and couldn't even comprehend how much that would hurt.

So, he had to find her now so that he could get to know her properly. Moving through the streets, he looked everywhere that he could for her before finally noticing her down a street, the people around her giving her dirty looks like she had done something wrong, but she didn't appear to have done anything. Nobody was hurt, there was no blood on her so she hadn't attacked anyone, he would have heard her if she had said anything offensive or abusive, so it really looked like people were just glaring at her for glaring's sake. That was even worse, she was being mocked by the people of the village for either something so incredibly minor that he couldn't notice it now, or they were mocking her for her situation that she couldn't help.

Running to catch up with her, his cloak flying out behind him in the early morning wind, he stopped before her and smiled. "Aisu Keiko?" He said, not letting any emotion out through his voice - Or, at least, trying. Despite how much he was trying to repress his emotions, he seemed a little... too nice in his tone. "I was wondering if I could have a moment to speak to you... I am Miretsu, Aisu Miretsu. To make a long story short, I'm your cousin."



The word family to many would mean those bonded by blood and by emotional ties; generally a fair mix of both nature and nurture. Unfortunately to Keiko, blood meant next to nothing in respect to her definition of the word family, the clan of which her bloodlines originate from was simply a removed institution of sorts. Something that she had relation to physically, but as far as emotional connection went, there was none. Though it wasn't as though she hated the Aisu clan and all the members of which she had yet to meet … It was just wariness, even fear - not that she would ever admit that she was afraid to talk to the very people she could have known all her life had she been raised as a proper Aisu - that kept her away from said group of people. Having no relations to any Aisu members prior to becoming genin, then suddenly having the head of the clan be her squad leader was quite the shock, even if she hadn't shown it at the time. And with such change came questions that she had avoided most of her life … What would it have been like to be raised knowing she belonged in a group who shared her abilities? Or what would it have been like to be able to train and play with those her age who didn't know her as a child of a non-shinobi family, but rather one of the prestigious Aisu clan?

She was, not surprisingly, completely lost in her thoughts as she walked, no longer paying attention to her surroundings. Her facial expression appeared to be one of complete disinterest, the aura around her cold - metaphorically and literally - and quite unfriendly, allowing for her to walk through the streets without concentrating, as most people generally moved out of her way almost automatically. Not that she noticed, her mind elsewhere and eyes looking forward almost blankly, enough for her to not walk into a wall or in a construction site, but not nearly focused enough for her to register the details that passed by … even if she was being directly approached by someone. Even when he stopped right in front of her, her mind only seemed to register that there was a solid obstacle in her path, and that in order to continue on her way, she would have to walk around it. But before she could go ahead with simply making a semi circle around the figure, he spoke, calling to her in a name that sounded foreign, yet familiar all the same. Aisu Keiko. She almost didn't want to answer to it, wanting to feel the momentary satisfaction that would say 'No, that's not me. You've got the wrong person.' But she didn't. There was still curiosity, a piece of her that wanted to see what would happen if she did answer - the simple action would be enough to show that she was beginning to take an interest on the missing piece that made up her identity.

Snapping out of her trance-like state, large lilac eyes blinked up at the taller male, head angled by the slightest degree in confusion as she tuned in to his words. "I was wondering if I could have a moment to speak to you... I am Miretsu, Aisu Miretsu. To make a long story short, I'm your cousin." Another Aisu … and he was claiming to be her cousin. Of course, anyone who shared the same clan bloodline was inevitably related in one way or another - even if their only relation was hundreds of years ago, originating from the same predecessor. But it was the first time to have someone from the clan approach her in such a bold manner, and declaring themselves a position of biological, familial relation, no less. Instead of responding instantly, she found herself studying the person before her, taking in the unimpressive brown hair, his blue eyes not revealing hostility, yet still she was uneasy - as she was when anyone of her clan was concerned. He was wearing a cloak, the simple outerwear making him look professional, a stark contrast when compared to Keiko's casual outfit consisting of a pink hoodie and a pair of black yoga pants.

"Hello." Her greeting was short and simple, polite with a touch of wariness. What else was she to say? Reject the name and tell him to correct himself? "You wish to speak to me?" She asked instead, considering all the possibilities of why an Aisu clan member would want to talk to her. Even if she was curious about the clan, the thought of having a direct confrontation was unnerving. Yuudai had shown no signs of wanting to speak to her, but then again, she had only met her squad leader once and he had shown little signs of anything at the time. "Was there something you wanted?"

Last edited by Keiko on Mon Oct 28, 2013 10:30 pm; edited 1 time in total



Honestly, with this girl's history he wouldn't have put it past her to get hostile with him simply because he was a member of the clan that abandoned her into some sort of adoption deal when she was grown up enough to understand what was going on. That concept still worried him and was actually surrounding him with reasons why he had to be careful. Normally, he would have just gone in all guns blazing, maybe even give them a hug since they were, after all, related, but with Keiko? Keiko.. She was like that dog on the street that people kick frequently whenever they walk past. Cute, and with the hint that they once had a loving family, but now just had misery and confusion. Or, maybe that was just his pro-Aisu thoughts showing out again. After all, her adopted clan were rich as hell, they were one of the most affluent clans within the village.

For all the influence the Aisu had for their intelligence, practicality and duty towards the village the Kitahara had that in money. Money, unfortunately, was more valued than either duty or practicality when the village became this big faceless corporation. Ayakashi was making her move to try and bring it back to the old way, by doing controversial things like killing all the prisoners within the Kirigakure prison system, but it was not going to be the same for a very long time no matter how radically she acted. She could control people's actions to some degree but she couldn't do it perfectly nor could she control people's thoughts, which might very well be a blessing according to what some people had said about her.

However, the way she reacted was completely different from what he expected, not a cruel little burst of spite before leaving but rather a simple hello. So, perhaps she didn't hate the family as much as he had expected. He was glad she couldn't read his thoughts, she might have gotten offended. However, there was something cold in her tone of voice, corrupting the niceness in his own tone into silent, frosty hostility. So, he decided to do something that was either going to help... or it was going to get him killed rather brutally. So quickly that she might not even have time to react, he moved forwards and put his arms around her, pulling her into a hug. They were almost complete strangers, but they were family so surely this was appropriate.

"What I want... I want to talk to you, I want to get to know you." he said, as honestly as he could. That was, after all, the truth; Even if there were different reasons for why he wanted to get to know her, the fact remained that he wanted to get to know her. Sugarcoating his words like this was one of the easiest ways for him to be able to make an impact on this girl. Positive or negative, at least it would invoke some sort of reaction.

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