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Uchiha Izanami

Uchiha Izanami



He stood there in the black shadows a man that had a pale white skin, a skin that felt ever so cold, his eyes would glow red, this is the man that has been haunting his dreams, this man was the one torturing Izanami on a daily basis it seemed to be a complete opposite of himself.

" are you silent........Izanami" an ever so dark tone that would ring in Izanami's head nonstop.


*startle, heavy breathing"

Izanami just woke up from the nightmare he  was having,his vision was hazy,his body was sweating like crazy, he wiped his brow, he went to the toilet for a small shower after washing his face.

Was that the curse of the Uchiha, that voice and that hideous form of himself, it only spread pain and sadness all around it, in his nightmare all living beings rotted wherever this dark imitation, Izanami was furious and scared, how could the curse dare flow in him.

Izanami left his apartment, going out for another mission. The mission he took was to guard the builders while they finish their crap.

Darkness within

Izanami had a cranky mode surprisingly, no matter how sad or pissed off he used to be he would put it in the back of his head but not this time it seems. Izanami was sick of himself was he falling to the curse of the Uchiha already?.

Izanami went to the builders to talk with them and gather whatever info he could use for this mission.

Izanami: May i ask for any info on the group attacking you guys.

Jin(builder): Well not much is known about them except that they wear brown and black colored cloaks, oh and they also a seem to be tall.

Izanami: Have they attacked you before?

Jin(builder): Yes, a couple of times.

Izanami: Very well, thank you for your assistance.

Jin(Builder): very well then, if you'd excuse me now Izanami i have work to get done, take care of yourself.

He had a pleasant aura around him, it warmed Izanami's dying heart, he was nice and kept a smile on his face which was good, Izanami was already feeling gloomy it would've been much worse if the working atmosphere was just as gloomy.

Izanami went to the defense fort where he was

supposed to be, he started thinking whats a shinobi and whats an Uchiha?.

An Uchiha, A Shinobi

"Self-sacrifice… A nameless shinobi who protects peace within its shadow… That is a true shinobi"

These were the words of a great shinobi an Uchiha that  was framed a traitor when his mission was to act as a traitor would, he held an unrivaled amount of loyalty to his village he was a true Uchiha, a true-


Izanami had heard the sound of a thud at night which interrupted his speech to himself, Izanami went outside to check as he saw a group of tall hooded men wearing brown cloaks, it was time to get starting.

The power of the Uchiha

Izanami ran until he stopped infront of the Seven masked men, seven versus one, seemed fair enough if that boy was a skilled shinobi and it seemed unfair if he was an Uchiha, Izanami knew this still wasn't going to be easy "Sharingan" he said with a sharp tone as his eyes were opened after closing, his painful memory would flash as he opened his eyes.There was no need for words they have come to destroy, and Izanami came to eradicate.

Izanami ran to the seven men as they surrounded him from all angels, they then attacked him from each side, such fools, such fools they are, underestimating the sharingan was their biggest mistake, Izanami was not where they all thought he was, he was behind them he yelled "Fire Style: Great Fireball Jutsu 火遁・豪火球の術 ~ Katon: Gōkakyū no Jutsu" as he unleashed a large fireball as if it was mere roar, the fireball advanced  towards them like a raging bull, destroying the idiots but Izanami waited not he unleashed two more lightning style techniques, " Raiton: Inazuma o jikkō~まとっ:稲妻を実行, Raiton: Kaminari no Kara~まとっ:雷のから".

Complete destruction, they knew what it truly means and from an Uchiha, Izanami tied them up and left them for the builder to handle the rest, he was thanked  as he bid his goodbyes, it was time to go home for a small rest, of course after he reports that is.

The Darkness

"Hehehe..... its nice to see you use my power my cursed uchi-"

"Will you shut up for a little, i have a few words for you, my resolve today was weakening because of the visions you show me and because of the nightmares you showed me, but i am confident of my power, i'll protect everyone and i will not lose sight of who i am, i am Izanami Uchiha the one that will show the world that uchihas........ are not as bad as they think."

"You little ignoran-"

"shut up,  for now,  am sick of you, from now on i decide who i truly am and what path I'll walk,  and just so you know..its not a path of darkness, its a path of light and kindness and justice, that i shall walk, and that's final. "

Izanami opened his eyes, ignoring  the annoying other self of his, his resolve has grown stronger, Izanami has defeated his fears and pains.

A Firm Resolve

Uchiha Izanami, with pain, hatred, love, and friendship, the boy will  break through never ending limits, surviving both mentally and physically, his resolve only grows stronger as he overcomes obstacles that hinder his way to a righteous path,his resolve shall stay exactly the same as the way he stands, firm and tall with pride and courage, love and hatred, war and piece, Izanami's heart wont ever give in" for the sake of those that i hold dear, for the ones i cherish and love, I'll never give in".

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