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1Out For Ramen~ Empty Out For Ramen~ Sat Nov 02, 2013 3:11 pm


"Waiter, another bowl of miso ramen, please!" Reina called out.

She heard a slightly muffled reply before sighing to herself in content. She neatly placed her chopsticks atop her ramen bowl before setting it aside, right next to yet another porcelain bowl once filled with the same delicacy. While she was nowhere near a ramen fanatic, ramen was currently the only thing she could afford, what with her tight budget and low income.

Sure, there was also plenty of cheap seafood on the menu, what with seafood being quite abundant around Kiri's waters, but the thought of a plate of seafood even laid out in front of her was enough to make her feel like throwing up, so they were automatically left out of the running. That only left ramen. It didn't matter what ramen - pork, tonkotsu, or her upcoming miso. It was just ramen, ramen, all the way.

"Here you go," the waiter said, placing yet another porcelain bowl in front of her as she handed him the cash.

Reina looked at the swirl of noodles in front of her for a moment while waiting for the waiter to clear up the other ramen bowls. She sighed. No use getting picky. While it wasn't really food of her choice, it was food nonetheless. And she was starving, and a growing girl, so that made ramen good food.

"Ramen, enjoy your last moments of peace," she grinned, holding up her chopsticks.

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