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1Bored and Hungry [Open | No Kill] Empty Bored and Hungry [Open | No Kill] Thu Oct 03, 2013 6:49 pm



Aiza approached the establishment with a blank expression and a pang in his stomach. He hadn't eaten since that morning, and it was now 4 PM. Not good, not good. He had lost himself in meaningless activities, like reading. Well, he didn't think reading wasn't completely meaningless, but there were better ways to spend his time. The idea came into his mind to go to Ichiraku Ramen, so he took a shower and got dressed. Now, he wasn't wearing normal clothes, that was too boring. He put on his ANBU armor and mask, instead. The armor was a dark grey, covering a majority of his body, while the mask had a blue design across the lower left section resembling waves and a bubble design on the right eye. He liked it. A lot.

So there Aiza was, completely not showing off at all, casually walking to Ichiraku in his ANBU armor and mask. He arrived at Ichiraku within minutes, and sat at the booth. A man approached, asking what he would like. Aiza used the mask's vocal function to change his voice to that of a much bigger man, with a deep and elegant tone, as he replied, "I'll have whatever is good, as long as it's ramen." The man nodded and went off into the small kitchen behind him, while Aiza waited with a smile.

Equipped Items:

OOC: Anyone may join this thread, I'm bored as hell and want to RP ;~;

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