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1Merchant Escort [C-Rank] Empty Merchant Escort [C-Rank] Sun Oct 06, 2013 7:33 pm



Ryuzame finally steps through the room door into the completely empty hall, this was really normal for him by normal. His family already pass on so he was use to the loneliness however he was not going to let himself starve so of course he was going to do some mission to no matter what type it is; he shuts the house door as he spins the key and remove it, you can hear the locking sound from the door. He looks up as the bright sunny day light shines on him, "Food" , he said: It was ramen time whereas he jumps on his neighbour’s roof, skipping house to house until he arrives at the shop.

“Hey - Hey old man.”

He smiles taking his sit where the waiter carries his normal morning ramen; clapping his hands together thanking god from the food before he digs in. Within two minutes, he finishes the ramen and already cleans the bowl. He dashes out of the shop at a high rate speed, he was not playing around; skipping tree to tree and roof to roof until he finally arrives to the Administration Building. “Finally..”, he comments meanwhile he enters the building.

He was going over the mission board however; the assistants stop and call him. He releases a gentle sigh though he was walking over to her; he stares at her as she gives him information about a mission but he needs to wait his partner at the day before he can even deploy with the person. The true is that he does now know who he is going to Escort so it would be good to wait and see his temporary partner and who they might be.

Word count:

2Merchant Escort [C-Rank] Empty Re: Merchant Escort [C-Rank] Sun Oct 06, 2013 8:43 pm

Keigo Uchiha

Keigo Uchiha

Keigo walked through the village toward the administrative building to report for a mission. "Another mission another chance to get paid." Keigo stretched his arms in the air like he usually did before reporting to a mission. "I hope the mission will be an easy one don't really feel like going into combat" Keigo continued to walk and soon saw the building within sight. Keigo entered the building looking around for someone to inform him about his mission. "At least they could have someone ready to inform me about the mission" Keigo looked around a bit more looking for someone to talk to about the mission he was supposed to report to. Keigo kept walking around looking for someone who could help him, but soon Keigo was approached by a woman who worked in the building. She apologized for not coming to inform him sooner and she pointed him to the area where he was supposed to meet his partner who would inform him on the mission.

Keigo walked toward the area where his partner was waiting. "A partner so I guess that means this will be a long mission." Keigo made it to the area where he was supposed to meet his partner. He began looking around to notice a boy with a green jacket and black hair appearing to be waiting for someone. "I guess that's my partner for the mission." Keigo approached the boy with a greeting, " I suspect your my partner for today's mission, my name is Keigo Uchiha nice to meet you." Keigo waited for a response from the boy wondering what type of personality he would be faced with and hoped he was a person that he could get along with so the mission could be completed with no problems hindering them.

Word Count:

3Merchant Escort [C-Rank] Empty Re: Merchant Escort [C-Rank] Tue Oct 08, 2013 2:22 am



The lad sighs, the waiting was getting to him until he had a male’s voice approaching him, this was odd but it seems he much be his partner for the mission. He smiles whereas he opens his mouth and say, “Took you long enough. Yeah I am your partner for this mission.”, in a joke like tone he focus on the man’s image to get a decent look on him just for the moment: Brown eyes, blue hair, navy blue and yellow collared jacket with the Uchiha Symbol. That was all he needs to know at the time.

“I’m Ryuzame.”

He said as the assistance gave him the full mission detail for him to read and that’s not all, the lenght of the walking pace is going to kill him since he does not like traveling around too much and the fact that he would be doing nothing fun. 'Just talking isn't fun to him at all.

Mission description: Simple escort mission; the advanced teams have cleared the way and finished half the trip for you. All you need do is escort them the last day and a half walk to the village, where you will pass them off to another group. The route you will travel is well policed, but the merchants would rather be safe than sorry, hence the hiring of a protectorate team.

Mission details
: Not really anything to worry about here, at worst some wild animals in the way.

“Really…That’s it?”

The boy sighs heavily, this seems like a baby sit mission but whatever, it do understand why they would want that kind a protection but it is still unnecessary though he may not know how to fight off wild animals so he could do this mission even if it wouldn’t be exciting, “Alrighty partner, we have work to do~”. This should be an interesting mission. He allows his partner to take the lead.

Word count:

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