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1The Hungry Flame [Training/No Kill/Closed] Empty The Hungry Flame [Training/No Kill/Closed] Mon Apr 29, 2013 12:15 am


It was night, and the moonlit sky shone black against the raging lava of the Tethys Grounds. Nagare approached slowly. He had planned to train here all day, and was finally prepared. He wanted to practice a sensory technique, so that he would be alert to enemies on his coming missions. He sat down, looking up at the stars above. How would he go about doing this? Horui, finally catching up, sat down next to him. "So this jutsu. How are we gonna learn a sensory ninjutsu without a sensei? We know NOTHING about sensory techniques."

"Simple. I did my research, Horui. Everything has a different heat, and once something stays in contact with something long enough, their heats balance and become equal. That means that the ground and most things in contact with it, like trees, have an equal temperature. But living things, and other warm things, never really balance out because they have additional self-manufactured heat. So I plan to release a very thin veil of katon-chakra that has a somewhat low temperature (for fire), so that it cannot be seen by the naked eye. Using this, temperatures within the space covered by this veil will easily be discerned from one another. By having an active connection with this chakra, I myself, as well as you, will be able to sense warm bodies or masses in contact with the chakra, making an effective tracker for heat signatures."

"Wow. You really thought this through more than I thought. Well, since you've got it figured out, let's get to it!"

Training Fire Release: Heat Mapping

Word Count: 273/850
(Quick Learner + Eizou Animation = 15% off Word Count)

Last edited by Nagare on Fri May 03, 2013 9:53 am; edited 1 time in total

Zetsume Zix

Zetsume Zix

Barking could be heard inside of his house on this bright day. Zetsume had managed to over sleep. There were tiny bite marks on his hand where the dog appeared to try and wake him up. Usually it worked but it seemed he has become dull to the pain and just slept through it. The night before he had been up all night with a worried mind and actually fell asleep by accident. After feeding Repede and taking him outside, he decided that he would go out today and see the town, maybe get some training in that he so desperately needed. He had just become a special jounin and he really needed to keep up his training to keep up to par with the others. He somehow felt weaker and hated this feeling in his heart. He had not had this feeling since his last friend had died before his eyes. The feeling of helplessness was overwhelming and he needed some fresh air. He decided not to take Repede with him because he did not think he would be gone all that long. He did however grab all of his equipment with him, which consisted of his bow and forty arrows. Twenty were iron tipped normal arrows, while the other twenty were rubber tipped. He like the rubber tipped because he could train with others without fear of actually causing lethal harm. His bow was a tool for killing and nothing more, though killing people he only meant to spar with was not his intention. After he did that he left after giving the small puppy a pat on the head goodbye.

He walked through the village with the merchants and common villagers. He stood out from the rest of him with his clothes and scar. Other people looked down on him sometimes which was annoying. He came from a rich and noble family before they died, they had no idea of the struggles he went through. The struggles and pain he had to endure each and every day just to live. It was getting dark at this time, and he was getting tired of the people in the streets with their looks.

After getting tired of their looks he decided he would walk to Tethy's Grounds. He had been here once before due to a bully issue, which was resolved rather quickly. It was one of the first missions he had ever done, though he still could remember the old man shaking his hand like he was a hero. He never really thought of himself as a hero, but more as someone who was just trying to make an impression on the world. When he arrived at the Tethy's Grounds, he noticed two people standing rather off in the distance. This peeked his interest as he began to walk over to them. It was dark and he could not really make out the two people. They looked to be shinobi but something was clearly off and he could not tell what it was. Zetsume walked up with an awkward smile and looked at the two not sure on which one to talk to so he addressed both of them.

"Hello, my name is Zix, Zetsume. I am a special jounin for this fine village. May I ask what you two are doing out here at this late of hour.



A man named approached, stating his name (Zetsume Zix) and asking what Horui and Naga were doing. Nagare removed his glasses and put them in his pocket as he said, "I'm Nagare and this is Horui. I'm a member of the Souseiji clan, and he's my clone. He's more like a twin to me, though. Anyway, we were about to start some training."

While Nagare was talking, Horui made a Monkey hand seal and began releasing Katon chakra, spreading it in all directions. It moved past Zetsume, and the two could feel his heat keenly. He had a warm aura. As the field of chakra spread a longer distance, down over the side of the Tethys Ground, and into a street of the village, a few other night goers could be sensed, as well as a dog. Based on the amount of heat, one seemed to be a tall man, and the other was a child or young woman. The dog was small, but gave off a high temperature. Horui figured it was ill. Nagare felt the field of chakra, and read Horui's thoughts. "Well, Zetsume, it looks like Horui has started the training ahead of me, but feel free to join us if you like. I find it is always much easier to train when there are more people to train with." He smiled one more time at Zetsume before turning to Horui. He thought, "Let's try using it in sync at adjacent radii. That way, the field of heat mapping will be furthered, and maybe even amplified. Even though I doubt many more people will be out at this hour."

Horui, who was focused on his chakra control, thought back a simple, "Let's do it."

Training Fire Release: Heat Mapping

Word Count: 579/850

Zetsume Zix

Zetsume Zix

One is a clone?, he thought to himself while looking at the two. He would have figured them to be twins of some sort, but clones seemed odd. The one speaking was named Nagare while the other was Horui. One was speaking while the other one seemed to be using some sort of jutsu that needed some time to activate due to the amount of hand signs. Zetsume took alarm to this and instantly drew his bow and arrow aimed at the one using the jutsu. He did not like when people just randomly started to use hand signs near him without warning. It could mean that they were preparing to attack him. Shit how could I let my guard down so easily!, he thought to himself while aiming down the sights of his bow. He was about to shoot but then the one named Nagare spoke again "Well, Zetsume, it looks like Horui has started the training ahead of me, but feel free to join us if you like. I find it is always much easier to train when there are more people to train with.".

Zetsume lowered his bow as he realized that they were simply training. If he did not say something, Zetsume was sure to shoot them both where they stood. Though the activation of the jutsu still worried Zetsume, he had no idea what had happened. He gave a puzzled look at Nagare before speaking again in a cold calm voice.

"If you are training, could I know what kind of training you are trying to do? With any luck I could help, plus I was planning on training also.", he said to Nagare. He never did look at Horui, after all to Zetsume he was just a clone of the real one and nothing more. He never did show respect towards the clone, and did not know if he should. Since his only way to come into being is because of the shinobi who used it. Without the shinobi he would have never been born so to speak. He looked at Nagare expecting an approval for the training.




"If you are training, could I know what kind of training you are trying to do? With any luck I could help, plus I was planning on training also."
, said Zetsume, whose voice was cold and firm. Usually, Naga would have spoken the same way, but today he was feeling nice.
"Just a simple sensory ninjutsu, for now. We need to figure out how to track down enemies on missions, so I'm inventing a new Katon-based technique for it. As for joining us, of course you can. What do you plan on training?"

Horui shot Zetsume a look, but Zetsume kept his attention focused on Nagare. Horui expected this. Those who did notice him did not usually treat him as a human being. Yes, he was an extension of Naga, but that should've been a reason to respect him, as far as he saw it. But he was used to this discrimination, and went back to focusing the technique. He had released enough chakra to cover around 70 or so meters, and Nagare was releasing his chakra as well while speaking to the man. Their fields were connected on one edge, forming one large field covering about 150 meters of the area. He could sense owls, racoons, and humans, from the ones on the street to those in the bar opposite. The lava resonated a massive heat signature nearby, but overcoming it and sensing the weaker ones added to the challenge of training. It had only been a half an hour or so, but the two identical beings had mastered yet another technique, one that would be a great help to them in the future. Finally, they both released the jutsu, moving on to their next technique to train.

Training Fire Release: Heat Mapping

Word Count: 877/850
Jutsu Training Complete

Zetsume Zix

Zetsume Zix

"If you are training a sensory jutsu I could help. Since as you said it is Katon-Based, or a heat signature. Have you determined how fast you sense something even when moving fast. I myself have a Katon jutsu which allows me to form arrows of fire. I could shoot these and you could determine exactly how fast they were moving and where they landed. Just a theory of course. I myself have been developing a new type of jutsu. Though that will be shown in due time. Shall we begin?"

Zetsume addressed the one named Nagare. He noticed the sinister looks from the clone but never really addressed him properly. Though he had his reasons. One because he was a clone nothing more than a shadow of the real one. Two because he wanted to see the extent of this clone's emotions. Lastly, to try and pick a fight. Zetsume had been bored from sitting around all day and needed some form of training. He gave a stern look at the genin to show that he really wanted to train. After he gave the look he drew back one Fire Arrow from his five in stock and let it fly behind the genin's head to see the extent of their sensory capabilities. He had only shot it one hundred meters away. Something simple, it left a small burning ash spot in the ground that still had a heat signature.

"Without turning around could you tell me how far I shot this arrow?, once again he kept his eyes focused on Nagare intentionally not addressing the clone with the same amount of respect.



"100 meters or so. And I notice that you won't look at Horui. He's not taking it very nicely. He's much nicer than I am, but I'm not the one you're picking a fight with. I can read his emotions clearly, and it's mainly anger he's feeling. And I can also tell you that I think this jutsu has been trained just enough, thank you, but I could still use some training for my overall ninjutsu. You see, Horui and I are Kuchiyose specialists. I see the best solution here would be to have a 3 way spar. Now, I very well couldn't fight my own reflection, we are evenly matched in every way, so it would have to be 2 against 1. I don't see this as a problem though, as you said Special Jounin, correct? You are a full two ranks ahead of us. So a quick spar, and we both get a good amount of training in. Deal?"

He outstretched his hand to Zetsume in an offer for a handshake, sealing the spar. Horui looked with excitement, mostly because of the opportunity to blow this Zetsume guy to bits, but Naga hushed the flood of thoughts through Horui's mind, because it was giving them both a headache.

Zetsume Zix

Zetsume Zix

Zetsume jumped back a couple of feet when he outstretched his hand. He never liked handshakes because it could be used as an opportunity for a surprise attack. The personal space was needed, it was a slight mental factor he gained from being a Kyujutsu user. He never got in close to anyone ever unless he trusts that person with his life. This man was not going to get a handshake anytime soon. Maybe it was also the noble blood in him telling him not to shake someone's hand until they have earned the respect. Though something did seem to be working towards his advantage, the fact that the clone was actually getting emotionally mad.

Maybe I can force him to attack me madly. This would reduce his mental thinking if he just runs at me like a mad bull., Zetsume thought to himself looking at Nagare from a distance. He decided he would speak now, though the fact he made a mockery of his rank he should just attack now. Zetsume quickly banished those thoughts of being a coward and spoke calmly and coldly.

"The numbers do not bother me from how many attack me. I have plenty of area attacks I could choose from. Sorry but the noble blood in me is warning me from shaking your hand. A simple nod of acceptance will suffice as agreement towards this spar. Since you are of lower rank than I, I will let you do the first move. Try not to get yourself killed."

With that he nodded toward Nagare, keeping his eyes coldly fixed on him while keeping that clone of his in his peripheral vision. He could not let that one sneak behind him. He still had four shots left in his Fire Arrow jutsu, and planned on using them the moment the genin attacks.

This should be interesting. was his last thoughts on the matter.



"Now, I don't like being nice, trust me. So since you don't seem like the nice kind, I don't see why I should put any effort into trying to be." The forced smile fell from his face, and his crimson eyes were a stark blood-red against the pure blue of Zetsume's. I don't expect much to come of this fight but training. The precise way he stands, the look in his eyes, he doesn't seem too much like he expects to lose. Honestly, I don't expect to win. This is training, and the man directly in front of me is a Sp. Jounin. I have a chance to test my abilities. he thought, and Horui listened angrily.

This guy...I'll burn him to the ground.

Shutup, Horui, he's obviously trying to psyche you out. Don't fall for it, you're better than that. We do this carefully and we do this effectively. Now, use a fireball.

Horui followed the command the very second it was issued in his mind, and the hand seals flew between his fingers, taking half a second, and a giant ball of flame exploded forth from his lungs, headed directly at Zetsume. Nagare ran back toward Horui and turned around him, sprinting to the left, his eyes set on Zetsume as he waited for the fireball's impact.

Used Jutsu:

Ninjutsu Training Rank C > B
Word Count: 250/1,900
(Eizou Animation - 5% off Elemental Training)

Zetsume Zix

Zetsume Zix

What Nagare said was true, he really was not nice on the inside. It could have been due to the horrible things he has done and seen throughout his life. It has made him numb to the pain, numb to his emotions, and numb to everyone's emotions. Zetsume quickly turned his nice gesture into a cold demeaning stare. It had been awhile since Zetsume had a challenge and could feel his blood boiling with excitement. He still had four shots within his Fire Arrows left. Before he could use them he saw the one named Horui start hand signs, which was always a bad sign in the shinobi world. He was fast with his hand combinations, though he did attack without Nagare giving the signal.

Are they speaking mentally? Or is there some other way they communicate., Was his thought as a fire ball came hurling towards him. Zetsume had no choice but to try and break the sphere in half leaving an open room for his body to squeeze in between. With that thought, he shot all four of his Fire Arrows at the fire ball, with quick speed and accurate aiming. All of them hit the same spot and indeed did break on the fourth shot and broke off into two hemispheres. The shots were made at the center of the fireball, above the center, below the center, and the last at the center again all keeping perfect vertical alignment to break the sphere in half. Zetsume turned sideways and watched as the hemispheres narrowly passed on both sides of him. He was happy that it was a katon jutsu that he used and that Zetsume had fire arrows already stocked and ready. The two jutsus were of the same element. If he would have had wind arrows it would have only amplified the attack and would surely have hit him.

Zetsume shot a cold stare before speaking, "I must say, a jutsu of that caliber is quite impressive for a fake.", once again he taunted the clone. He had to, something in him just made him want to do it. Not even he could figure out exactly why, maybe it was because a mere clone was trying to act human and he wanted to show how inhuman he really was. Though deep down he never did know why he had to banter him.

"Prepare yourself.", he snapped quickly at them while he drew back an arrow and shot it. When the arrow shot Zetsume activated 100 arrow illusion on Horui. The shot would make the clone think that were was more arrows than there were. Even though they were nothing but illusions and only the real arrow could hurt him which was aimed at Horui's left leg. Zetsume hoped that they could speak mentally, while one could see the illusion and the other could not it could cause slight confusion between the two while the arrow would make its mark.

(OOC: adding fire arrow chakra cost in this post even though it was used a bit ago, forgot to deduct)


chakra= 230/250:


Horui saw a series of arrows split the fireball in half, and Zetsume's next arrow was aimed precisely, as to where Horui wasn't sure, but definitely not anything vital. Suddenly, many additional arrows appeared out of the blue. Horui took a moment to think as they approached quickly. Nagare had not seen Zetsume aiming the arrow because one of the halves of the fireball was blocking his view, but now he saw the 100 arrows and sprinted into action. He ran forward, preparing to block the barrage of arrows and save Horui. Don't. I saw him, and he only shot one arrow. The rest appeared all of a sudden. I'm not too sure, maybe a ninjutsu or genjutsu of sorts.

Upon hearing this thought, Naga stopped in his tracks and made a hand seal while he yelled, "Release!".

The arrows nearing him disappeared immediately, but at this point it was too late to dodge the real one, and it lodged into Naga's thigh. Naga fell to his knees, and pulled the arrow out with a cry of pain. Horui heard the cry and turned for a moment, but didn't stop and instead sprinted directly at Zetsume, and was approaching the man fast with hurried steps. Nagare struggled back to his feet, and pulled the summoning scroll from his hip. Horui was directly in Naga's line of sight, almost 5 meters away from Zetsume, so Nagare took this opportunity and spattered blood from his thumb across the scrolls black inscriptions, and Takeshi emerged flying high overhead. Nagare figured that he would be sufficient back-up at the moment, so he put the scroll back in its perch on his hip.

Nagare's Chakra: 60/75:

Training Ninjutsu C-Rank to B-Rank

Word Count: 544/1,900

Last edited by Nagare on Wed May 01, 2013 9:59 am; edited 1 time in total

Zetsume Zix

Zetsume Zix

He could see them release the genjutsu which slightly irritated Zetsume, he hated when people canceled his jutsus in any way, it made him feel weak and pathetic. Zetsume's arrow somehow managed to hit Nagare. He had intentionally aimed at the clone's leg yet, he could see Nagare pulling it out of his. There was much pain is his cries while he was pulling it out. Missing without missing, does not get much better than that. A small smile formed on his lips as the situation seemed favorable towards him. Though that smile quickly turned back into the cold stare he was used to giving people as he saw Horui charging at him. This was the moment he had been waiting for since he taunted the clone into attacking him. He needed him to get in close so this jutsu would become more effective. Zetsume loved to use this jutsu because it proved to him the power of the Kyodara clan. Horui was running at amazing speeds toward him, due to the running path of Horui he could not tell what Nagare was planning behind him.What is he doing, Zetsume thought but it did not matter, he had to worry about the one currently charging at him. Zetsume decided he would use his clan's strongest jutsu. He did not want to use it on Nagare for it would kill him, yet if he shot it at the clone, he would not feel as bad. Zetsume drew his Shi No Yoake (Dawn Of Death) arrow into his bow. Horui was only five meters away, which was great distance for the alternative way to shoot this arrow. Zetsume let the arrow fly, but as it left his bow it spread into one hundred different arrows. Roughly fifteen were in directly lining with Horui, the rest just spread into different directions, this made dodging this jutsu very hard because it covered such a large area. As the shot was made a small thought came to his head, "I am sorry Horui"

Chakra 210/250:



The bowman released another arrow jutsu, but this time, Horui didn't have much time to react. He stopped in his tracks, the projectiles heading directly at him, when Takeshi flew down from high altitude until he was level with Horui and in the path of the arrows, and released a large gust of wind. The gust deflected the arrows easily, and it also caught Takeshi in it's sweep and sent him speeding toward Zetsume. When he was close enough, he scratched Zetsume and used the remaining momentum from the gust to return a high place in the air. He began circling in the sky again, waiting for his next attack.

Horui, now only 3 meters away, charged his fist with Raiton chakra quickly, and released a shockwave that electrocuted and knocked Zetsume to the ground. Nagare got a few meters closer, but a sufficient 30 meter or so distance away from Zetsume just as a buffer zone to guarantee his safety. He prepared a hand seal and looked up at Takeshi, waiting for a proper time to strike. Takeshi nodded, and the two of them dashed forward, getting nearer and nearer. Before reaching Zetsume's figure, which was still disoriented on the ground, Nagare jumped into the air, and Takeshi flew overhead and blasted down an expanding blade of wind using Wind Release: Vacuum Wave. By the time it reached Zetsume from the air, it was 10 meters wide, and hard to escape from. With that, Takeshi (who was depleted of chakra) faded away for a rest until he was next summoned. Just to guarantee that some damage would be done, Nagare turned his Fire Release: Great Fireball into a flamethrower and lit the vacuum blade aflame, and the burning mass was growing ever nearer to Zetsume.

Nagare's Chakra: 45/75:

Takeshi's Chakra: 0/30:

Horui's Chakra: 45/75:

Training Ninjutsu C-Rank to B-Rank

Word Count: 843/1,900

Zetsume Zix

Zetsume Zix

Zetsume saw his arrows fly off into random directions due to some bat looking thing. He realized that Nagare summoned something out of his sight while he was aiming at Horui, which seemed like a great tactical move. The bat made quick work of his arrows, which only made Zetsume slightly hate that little bat. What made it worst was that the little fellow flew down and scratched Zetsume's cheek. He furiously swatted at the assailant but never did manage to hit it. He called the bat many horrible names before he saw that Horui was using some kind of jutsu. Shit this is bad he thought as Horui hit the ground and sent a shock wave that flew towards Zetsume, knocking him down. When he hit the ground he knew he would have to get out of the way for anything else. A down ninja is a dead ninja. He had never used this jutsu before but had been practicing with it for quite some time. He used False Image the moment he hit the ground, the image laid on the ground looking disoriented and confused while Zetsume took this chance to hide in the back. If Nagare would have had the sensory jutsu he used earlier on, this would have been improbable.

Zetsume watched as the bat flapped its wings to create Wind Release: Vacuum Wave. Though what really made it all the more interesting was the fact that Nagare jumped into the air and ignited the wind with his fire. Making the fire even more potent and deadly. Zetsume watched from afar as his False Image was set ablaze by this great combo. It was Zetsume's speed and reaction time that got him out of that. If he did not think quick like he did, he could have been burned to a crisp. Though he managed to get out of that spiraling vortex of flames his legs still hurt from the shock wave but he did not have the chance to look at the burns as he was more focused on Nagare.

Zetsume took this chance while Nagare was in the air to use Raiya (Thunder Arrows). While they were focused on the image that was about to evaporate he took his shot while Nagare was in mid air. He let the arrow sing through the air at Nagare's right shoulder, after this shot was made he was revealed on his true position. He awaited to see if his arrow had made its mark.

Chakra (170/250):



The burst of blazing winds impacted the ground with a crack. A moment later, it exploded into a rampaging vortex of red flames, tainting the area and leaving it blackened and tough. Zetsume burned in the flames, and slowly died away. But it wasn't the real Zetsume, it was only a genjutsu or something, as expected. The vortex was large enough to burn the real Zetsume's leg. It wasn't a large burn; but it was enough. Naga began to breathe heavily from the extreme exhaustion he was feeling. His stamina wasn't the best, and the unrestricted use of chakra was taking its toll on his body. He couldn't just keep using ninjutsu; he was running out of chakra, fast. In this distraction, a lightning fast arrow imbued with electricity rocketed its way through the sky and hit Naga, directly in the shoulder. He yelled in pain and fell, landing hard on his back. A numbing sensation spread throughout his body as he immobilized.

Horui made a hand seal, and Takeshi was gone within seconds. Growing tired and seeing Nagare paralyzed on the ground sent his train of thought into warp speed. Naga, can you hear me? he thought.

Yes, of course. I just can't move.

I'm calling off this fight. We've got plenty of training in for now. We're both hurt, so we should rest up and heal. This guy's too good for use, and it's no use trying to overpower him with low level jutsu. We can always have a rematch later.

Wow, that isn't like you. I thought you didn't like that guy. Usually, that would be enough to keep you from quitting.

Not quitting, rescheduling. I don't think you realize that this guy could destroy us. Look. He's got a few burns and scratches, but he looks like he's still kicking and ready to go. We're a mess. This decision is made.

Horui raised a hand, signaling to Zetsume. He crossed his arms in and "X" shape. He mouthed the words, "We're done", hoping to get the message across. Damn muteness.

Training Ninjutsu C > B

Word Count: 1,230/1,900

Training is to be continued in another thread.

Zetsume Zix

Zetsume Zix

Zetsume watched as his arrow pierced through the shoulder of the genin as he came crashing down to the ground, his body in paralysis due to his jutsu. He had just came up with it, and never really tested it that well in battle yet. It proved to be favorable in situations like this. He reached back to draw the last arrow from the jutsu intending to his Horui with it. He knew in the shinobi world people were not defeated so easily, and letting your guard down could mean the difference between life or death. Right before he made the shot though Horui seemed to be trying to communicate with him. Horui made an X shaped symbol with his hand and mouthed "We're done". With that said Zetsume released the jutsu, and strapped his bow back onto his back. This fight left his legs feeling a burning sensation, along with slight fatigue. He managed to not used even half of his chakra and was only breaking a sweat. Zetsume whipped the sweat from his forehead and walked over to the genin who was laying on the ground.

When he made it to him he let out his hand as a simple gesture of good faith. All and all he was happy for this training exercise and needed it more than the genin could know. Though Zetsume was clearly stronger than him, he did manage to make Zetsume worry a couple of times throughout their battle which made him admire these two. They worked well with each other and that would be their biggest key in life. Zetsume reached a hand down to help Nagare up off of the ground. He gave a subtle nod of approval towards Horui, which Zetsume thought he would take it offensive but he really meant the nod as a sign of his reality. He saw this clone as a simple clone at the start but now that time has passed he could see how human the clone really was. It even looked like Horui had more emotions than Zetsume, but it was the cold world that made him the way he is today, and nothing would change that fact. With that he looked at the two with a smile and both hands out expecting a shake from both of them now.

"I really enjoyed this battle between us. Sometime in the future if you ever want a rematch I am more than willing to comply and spar with you again. Though much time has passed and I must depart towards my house. Something there is waiting for me to return. I wish both you and Horui the best of luck. Also please tend to those wounds, I am sorry if I hurt you to bad, I will pay for the medical expenses if needed. Anyways i got to go, Ciao., with that being said and done, Zetsume left toward his house to see his puppy Repede. He looked back on the fight and was lucky that the genin was not stronger at the time because it could have turned ugly. He did not see this victory as a true victory, beating people of lower rank left a bitter taste in his mouth. He hoped that one day they could fight as equals and share battle style ideas. Zetsume looked as this as not gaining one new friend but two, each with their own ways. He smile as he went home.



Zetsume now seemed very happy, as if the battle had shown him who Horui and Nagare really were. He shook Horui's hand and said, "I really enjoyed this battle between us. Sometime in the future if you ever want a rematch I am more than willing to comply and spar with you again. Though much time has passed and I must depart towards my house. Something there is waiting for me to return. I wish both you and Horui the best of luck. Also please tend to those wounds, I am sorry if I hurt you to bad, I will pay for the medical expenses if needed. Anyways i got to go, Ciao." before turning and leaving. Horui couldn't help but smile at the contrast between the man's mood after battle and his mood before. Nagare was still immobile, but he would've smiled as well if he could've. Horui lifted Naga up onto his shoulder, and carried him back home.

[Exit, Thread Closed]

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