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1Hungry? YES SIR! [Open, No Kill] Empty Hungry? YES SIR! [Open, No Kill] Thu Dec 06, 2012 8:43 pm



Starving? That was an understatement for Ashi and Akai as the pair walked up to Ichiraku's. They'd spent the morning running around, racing each other through the village, the forest, and so on and so forth.

Ashi sat herself on one of the many stools, glancing sideways as she watched Akai attempt to climb on the one next to her. The overly large pure white dog was just far too big for it, and after a few failed attempts just took to sitting next to her on the ground. "These stools just aren't meant for you, Akai."

Without further aidue Ashi placed her order - a bowl of pork ramen - and took the time around, trying to spot any familiar faces as she pulled her rainbow colored hair back in a messy bun to keep it out of her face and eyes.

2Hungry? YES SIR! [Open, No Kill] Empty Re: Hungry? YES SIR! [Open, No Kill] Thu Dec 06, 2012 9:13 pm




Kenny had been wandering around aimlessly, having just encountered a rather gruesome encounter with a flying eye from a dead fishy...not something that usually stirs up the appetite but who cares? Kenny had been shopping for some lovely beef and pork for a stew which he was gonna be eating at home that day but oooh no! The man doesn't give a free steak unless you buy another one. Hardly free I'm sure, plus Kenny was carrying two big katana's on his back...he'd never had to carry anything. Why would he? He has ninjutsu and fuuinjutsu, unless he bought a scroll that's the size of him, he seen no reason to carry something like this...Oh dear god the pain.

Having staggered, tripped and face planted his way up the street from the little light show that Raijin had put on for the whole of Konoha to see, surely to stir some form of shit up with the kage, Kenny crawled into the Ichiraku hut...grabbing on to a wasn't a was furry? Such soft and fluffy fur! Wait...Kenny had felt this fur before...or at least thought he had. Looking up from his pitiful state, Kenny noticed it was the dog Akai, Ashi sitting next to it...He remembered her from when they met at the bath hous with the kage...and from when the Kiri ninja came into the village and how Kenny wanted to put that Otto ninja into the ground...good thing Ashi showed up mind you.

Shooting to his legs, face now red from the memory of having to cover his dangly doodles, Kenny smiled awkwardly and walked to his seat, fighting the urge to pet the damned dog...seriously, what was it that made Kenny want to pet the thing so much?
Turning his gaze back to the man, he raised his hand and index finger up, signalling for 'One' order of his usual...the special...always good, and always 400 ryo...damn it to hell.
"Long time no see." He blurted out, taking a sip of water from the little cups that were neatly sat in a line before them.

3Hungry? YES SIR! [Open, No Kill] Empty Re: Hungry? YES SIR! [Open, No Kill] Thu Dec 06, 2012 9:45 pm



Akai, upon feeling herself being touched, turned slightly to look at Kenta. The dog tilted her head, ears raising in her curiosity, and a soft questioning sounding whine coming from her.

'Who was...', Ashi half turned, her thoughts trailing off as she took in the appearance of the one who had spoken, and got Akai's attention. A friendly smile spread across her face and she nodded a bit. "Indeed. Kenta, right?" Easy enough to remember seeing as it was the same as her favorite cousin/best friends.

Akai looked from Ashi to Kenta and back again before standing her overly large form and walking the few steps to Kenta. She sat back down, looking up at him with her bright clear blue eyes. Her mouth opened slightly, another whine escaping her. The dog of course wanted petted, and wasn't about to say no given she lightly put a paw up and on his leg before retracting it to the ground below, almost as if she were poking him.

Ashi couldn't help but chuckle and shake her head. She turned slightly in her chair, picking up the small cup of water. "I'd pet her before she tries sitting on your lap... ", she chuckled a bit more before sipping the water, keeping her gaze on her ninken and Kenta.

4Hungry? YES SIR! [Open, No Kill] Empty Re: Hungry? YES SIR! [Open, No Kill] Sat Dec 08, 2012 7:53 am



He nodded to Ashi before taking another sip of water, the fact that she still remembered him was astounding alone never mind the strange resemblance with her cousin. having the same name and golden eyes and whatnot. Oh well, maybe her memory serves her better than Kenny had thought previously. That's what you get for being a twat Kenny.

Before he drank the rest of the remaining, disturbingly warm water, He found himself interrupted by a small whine. The dog? Finding his eyes slowly, lazily drift to his left, he noticed the dog paw at him...the hell did the dog want exactly? Kenny had been wanting to pet, that's absurd, no way could the dog read him so easily...or maybe it wanted petted regardless! Aha! Now is my chance! Placing the small cup down, the world around him seemed to slow as his hand slowly went out to pet the dog...Oh dear god, the fur! The silky smooth fur! Just as Kenny's hand was about to reach the dogs head, his order was placed down before him with a small clank as the ceramic plate lay there with the special order...hmm!! The chicken, beef, pork and...and...carrot? Why the fudge was there a carrot in the special? The special was a meat feast, not a veggie feast...? Ruined...Tears would stroll down his face like a river as he flailed for a moment.

as he sat there, flailing and crying like a little bitch, Kenny felt the weight of god knows what, climb upon him, finding it difficult to keep balance and the sudden shock of something lunging at him, him and the brown fluffy cloud that was the dog, fell back off the chair and thud against the ground. The fur...oh dear god the smoothness and the silkiness and the...the...lack of oxygen getting to Kenny as he lay there with a damned dog lying on his face! This was her plan! Ashi planned on exterminating Kenny by...DEATH BY SUFFOCATION!! OH GOD! The dog is the evil mastermind! Oh no, oh no, oh no! I don't wanna die like this! Kenny lay there, frantically flailing his arms in legs as a small muffled scream could be heard within the hut.
"HEEEEEEEEERPUH!!!!!" He screamed, voice muffled as the slightly confused yet happy dog lay there on his face.

5Hungry? YES SIR! [Open, No Kill] Empty Re: Hungry? YES SIR! [Open, No Kill] Sat Dec 08, 2012 8:44 am



Amused could only describe her expression as she watched Kenta's reaction over his food. She tilted her head slightly in curiosity. Then something caught her attention and her gaze snapped to Akai.

'I did warn him,' she thought as she watched Akai beginning to try the climb onto Kenta's lap. She rose an eyebrow, head tilting in the opposite direction in her curiosity as she watched. 'Well, damn...', came her mental musings as she watched the pair topple over. She couldn't help but chuckle as Akai attempted to sit on Kenta's face. "Akai, come on, get off him. Before you kill him." She added beneath her breath, "Overgrown puppy, I swear..."

Akai turned her attention to Ashi but didn't move, a whine escaping the dog despite Kenta trying to scream beneath her. It was then that a saving grace happened; food was placed in front of Ashi and another bowl set on the counter for Akai. Akai was off Kenta in an instant, pausing long enough to try and lick his face before wandering her overly large self over to Ashi. Ashi placed Akai's bowl down in front of her, glad the distraction came just in time before turning her attention to Kenta.

"You alright? She's a bit... forward, when she wants petted, and sometimes I think she forgets she's not a puppy anymore." Genuine concern showed on her face, and unlike Akai who was pigging out on her own bowl, Ashi hadn't touched hers, yet, keeping her focus on Kenta for the moment.

6Hungry? YES SIR! [Open, No Kill] Empty Re: Hungry? YES SIR! [Open, No Kill] Sat Dec 08, 2012 9:40 am



Life fading...going...going and...ARGH! Kenny shot up in rush, the wind just coming back to him as he gasped hard, air needing in lungs as he panted frantically. Oh the sweet smell that is polluted air! Ahhhh! Kenny gasped continually as he eyed the dog, now lathering Kenny's face with it's tongue. How dare it kiss me after trying to kill me!? Kenny shot to his feet, flames exiting from his nose and ears as his white eyes had red veins all around! GAH!

Having calmed down a smidge, he flew to his chair and edged away slowly from the murderous dog as he looked at Ashi. She seemed concerned and the dog still thought it was a did still look like one so...meh.
Kenny shrugged at the question, removing his hat and fixing one of his bangs.
"I'm alright thanks, she's lively to say the least." He sighed, looking at the dog with a quizzical look as it stuffed it's face and he cracked open the chopsticks, rolling them together before placing them in the ramen juices; stopping and looking back up to Ashi.
"Where'v you been anyway? You just kinda vanished from the face of the planet." He said calmly as he placed his hat on table before picking out the carrot bit and flicking it to the wall, bouncing off and landing straight on his eye...great...

7Hungry? YES SIR! [Open, No Kill] Empty Re: Hungry? YES SIR! [Open, No Kill] Sat Dec 08, 2012 9:53 am



She reached down, scratching at the top of Akai's head for a moment as the dog stuffed her face. "She's slowly coming out of that habit... just still does it to people she likes."

"Oh um..." She scratched the back of her head for a moment, turning in her seat to face her food. "Just have had a lot going on is all. Trying to help out when I can and such since the exams were going on, then training... some other stuff." Annnd avoiding. Yup, she was straight up avoiding answering that question completely. Her glance around indicating she wasn't going to say more around the people nearby.

She glanced down at Akai, seeing she was almost done with her bowl, and decided to start stuffing her own face. Though, her way of eating was not nearly as messy, or loud, as Akai's eating habits were. She broke her chopsticks apart, eating her pork ramen, her face taking on a look of pure bliss after the first bite. "Mmm, so good.", she said before shoving a second bite into her mouth.

8Hungry? YES SIR! [Open, No Kill] Empty Re: Hungry? YES SIR! [Open, No Kill] Mon Dec 10, 2012 6:45 pm



D-rank was clear that Ashi was trying to do her best to avoid the question at hand but...why? Why avoid the question? Something embarrassing happen to her or maybe something a lot more...sinister? Nah, now you're being a potato Kenny. What could she do sinister that her cousin, the Hokage, not raise shit about? Kenny shook his head and shrugged to his thoughts, dismissing them all at once and coming back to planet earth.

Kenny smirked and looked down at his food, snapping apart the chopsticks, rolling them against each other before placing them in his hands, positioning them to work as he slipped them into the bowl and pulling some ramen from it. looked so god damn good! Hopefully the dog didn't try and kill him this time. Slurping back the noodles and juices...oh the taste! The slightly bitter yet zangy taste left a wonderous sensation soar through his tastebuds...Kenny squirmed in his seat as he smiled, the food sliding down his throat and into his stomach.

"I take it you've gotten stronger then since we last met?" He said abruptly, just seconds after swallowing yet another handful of noodles. His golden eyes lazily turning to the left as she and the dog just making it into his peripheral vision.

9Hungry? YES SIR! [Open, No Kill] Empty Re: Hungry? YES SIR! [Open, No Kill] Mon Dec 10, 2012 7:00 pm



The darker thoughts were wiped from her mind at the next question. In fact, a rather huge grin spread across her face and she chuckled. "You mean 'Are you still falling randomly into the male section of the bath house?'" She couldn't help but laugh and shake her head. "Akai and I have improved a lot on our running and balance since then. Along with pre planning like Kenta told me about when we fell into that water."

She took another bite of her ramen, head tilting slightly as she fondly remembered that funny little incident. Yeah, she'd definitely screwed up that day when she fell into the wrong area. Though, if she remembered correctly it was mostly Akai's fault since her ninken had tackled her through the opening on the roof. "I'm just glad it was just you and my cousin in there, instead of a whole bunch of random guys. I don't think I would have lived that down had that been the case." Another bite of ramen, chew chew, and a swallow.

She looked down at Akai's mostly empty bowl and after a moment of catching the attention of the waitress put in another order for her ninken. Akai always ate more then her... and Ashi didn't want to see Kenny being mauled over his food if Akai was in fact as hungry as she thought her ninken was. "What about you?", Ashi asked as she turned her gaze back on to Kenny, eyebrow raising in curiosity.

10Hungry? YES SIR! [Open, No Kill] Empty Re: Hungry? YES SIR! [Open, No Kill] Mon Dec 10, 2012 7:07 pm



Did she just over hear her best friend correctly? She fell into the male bath house and there were people actually in there? Imagine that, Ashi was more rebellious then Amaya originally thought. Go figure. Guess you learned something new about people each day.

With a gentle self push she removed herself from the pole she had been leaning against for the past few minutes. She had been hanging back in the shadows more as to not interupt then to actually be spying on her best friend. She had no reason to, after all; spy that is. Her arms had been folded over her chest, but she felt the need to 'sneak attack' the Inuzuka while she was, for once, distracted. She walked up behind her stealthy enough and then reached forward, sliding her cool pale hands over Ashi's eyes. "Guess who, you rebellious pervert?" her voice was purely joking of course, as the playful gleam in her eyes showed.

She didn't keep her hands there for but a second before she leaned herself forward so that her chest was resting against Ashi's back, arms encircling her friend in a backwards hug. "So, what's this I hear you fell into the wrong place at the wrong time, eh? Secrets, Ashi, secrets..." She grinned, her reddish gaze finally turning to Kenny. "Hello, there. I'm Amaya, by the way. Amaya Uchiha." There, she greeted him. She didn't want to come off as rude after all. She just hadn't been Ashi in a few days, and was rather missing her friend.

11Hungry? YES SIR! [Open, No Kill] Empty Re: Hungry? YES SIR! [Open, No Kill] Mon Dec 10, 2012 7:21 pm



Kenny's whole life stopped, his heart disagreeing with his every bodily function other than the basics...she remembers...the bath house incident!? OH GOD WHY!? Why did this have to happen? Why did the world and fate have to be so cruel?! Inside Kenny's mind right now was the whole of civilization, collapsing while Kenny sat in the middle, eyes blank while face shrunken. The world in flames with people running and screaming and for some reason a man crying over cabbages...strange being.

Meanwhile, in Konoha; Kenny sat there, looking deep into bowl of ramen with eyes of panic, face blank and body shaking slightly...damn as we know it has ended. That you woman. The again, her words did have some truth...was probably best that it was only Kenny and the Kage... He turned his head and let out a nervous laugh, scratching the back of his head.
"Yeah, I suppose so eh?" Nervousness in his voice as he turned back to his food. Damn you woman...damn you to hell!

Kenny looked up to the ceiling...he was getting stronger...just not as fast as he had hoped mind you...which was a real shame. Kenny had been learning more and more jutsu, Raiton to B-Rank and his Ninjutsu to B-rank too...Yeah, he was getting stronger but at a slow pace.
"Yeah, my Raiton and Ninjutsu is at least B-Rank now...seeing as though I'm learning more and more jutsu...slowly." He sighed, slurping down another handful of ramen as another woman joined the scene...oh well...the more the merrier then...why not?

It was Amaya...he'd remembered her from a couple of years back, her snow white hair and red eyes is what made him remember her most. She was an albino, right? He shrugged and turned his golden gaze to her red eyes. Nodding he gestured for her to take a seat.
"Charmed. Kenta is the name." He said bluntly. It was obvious these two had a history so...maybe it was best to leave these two girls to have some girl time?

12Hungry? YES SIR! [Open, No Kill] Empty Re: Hungry? YES SIR! [Open, No Kill] Mon Dec 10, 2012 7:34 pm



Ashi tilted her head slightly more as she listened to Kenny explain what all he'd been up to. That made her think of her own training and how she really needed to put foot to ass. She'd just been so busy recently... "Oh yeah? That's sweet. I haven't been doing much actual training.. I mean, I learned a new jutsu and everything." She paused, rubbing her shoulder in remembrance of that. "But, I've been off doing missions like crazy, so I haven't had much time to get anything else done."

'Oh God, no.. Amaya's in a mood.', was the thought that crossed her mind first when Amaya bound up behind her and covered her eyes. Her scent along had given the nin away, that and the smell of hospital. The second thought was something along the lines of, 'She must've just got off duty.' while she tried not to wrinkle her nose at the smell. Amaya's natural scent was pure heaven, as the girl smelled like rose petals and chocolate to her overly hyper senses. The hospital smell? Something she'd rather avoid, for forever. However, after Amaya continued on with her sentence the third thought was, 'Please, something just murder me right now...'

Ashi's face was pure red, embarrassed as she was. Her dark colored eyes were all full of the "Please, save me" type plea that came with Amaya's sentence. "Thanks Amaya.. now I sort've want to crawl in a hole for the next year till everyone around forgets you said that...", she groaned.

To Kenny she simply whispered, "Pleeaaase don't leave me alone with her.. She's crazy.", playful but true, and also showing that she didn't want Kenny to take off just because Amaya had arrived.

13Hungry? YES SIR! [Open, No Kill] Empty Re: Hungry? YES SIR! [Open, No Kill] Mon Dec 10, 2012 7:42 pm



Amaya pulled back slightly from Ashi, grinning. "Aww, no fun. Don't be like that." To add playful insult to injury she gave Ashi a big kiss on the cheek and then hugged her again, all before standing fully again and releasing her. "I wouldn't pick on you if I didn't like you." Following that she reached down, giving Akai a great big scratch behind the ears before standing up straight again. She placed the finger tip of her right hand pointer finger to her lip, looking between Ashi and Kenny repeatedly, as if thinking? Or maybe plotting?

A big grin swept across her face and she moved herself over, positioning herself on the other side of Kenny. She leaned forward on the counter after placing herself on the stool, letting her elbow lean on the smooth surface. With the side of her head in her hand she sat, rather sideways, so she could face the other two. "Yes, don't leave... I might corrupt her if there isn't a good soul here to save her from my twisted ways.", she said jokingly, a playful grin on her face.

14Hungry? YES SIR! [Open, No Kill] Empty Re: Hungry? YES SIR! [Open, No Kill] Sat Dec 15, 2012 11:42 am



A glance towards the sky and she jumped back up off of the stool she had put herself on. "Actually, I hate to pop in and then run, but I have to get going. I almost forgot something else I had to do." She practically bounced herself over to Ashi, deciding to be bold and that whole PDA thing and placing a light kiss on her cheek before turning to Kenny with a grin. However, she wouldn't embarrass him that way and simply gave a friendly and overly energetic wave. "Sorry to show up and run. Nice meeting you. Maybe I'll see you around sometime!"

Following that hurried sentence she took off, jumping herself up onto the roof after a moment of running, and then going from roof to roof, taking off to go hurry herself to where ever it was she needed to be.

-Exiting the thread, don't want too many open- :3

15Hungry? YES SIR! [Open, No Kill] Empty Re: Hungry? YES SIR! [Open, No Kill] Fri Dec 21, 2012 6:25 pm



Kenny sighed as he watched the two girls squirm around each other. They two honestly didn't seem to have the most successful of relationships, it was clear but Kenny really had no place between the two and Ashi was asking him to stay? Oh god...what did he get himself into this time? If it's not being owned by your own clones, it's being put in an awkward position. Joy.

But all that was about to come to an end when the girl had stated her leaving and hastily retreated off into the village...rather strange to just come in and go yes but who knows, maybe she did have more important things to do other than staying and chatting away in an awkward atmosphere. Kenny's gaze returned to Ashi as he shrugged to her.

"Looks like you have nothing to worry about then, doesn't it?"

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