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1Skiving Students [Suna D-Rank Mission] Empty Skiving Students [Suna D-Rank Mission] Wed Oct 02, 2013 3:49 pm



Toraika was walking from the Mission Board after receiving the mission to find a boy who was skipping class at the Academy. She walked with her hands behind her back and her head looking to the sky humming peacefully towards the Academy itself. This situation vexed her not only because a student wasn't enjoying their time in the Academy but that she knew who the student was. She visited the Academy at least once a day every day. She even played with this boy every day once classes got out which went to prove that he always returned by the end of the day. She sighed thinking about the boy. All the possibilities and what was possibly going through his head to want to not go to class. He was always so kind and playful. She had never ever had any idea he was skipping class nor that he was unhappy in any way with being at the Academy. 

She had finally arrived at the Academy and she sat on the front steps of the school crossing her arms in her lap. She looked around the courtyard for any sign of the boy. It was just a normal day in Suna. The silence of the wind blowing the sand up and around her. As she looked forward she saw a small girl around the same age as the boy she was looking for. She did not recognize the girl but before she could stand and approach the girl, a boy ran to the girl and took her hand running away with her. It took only a few more moments for Toraika to realize that that was the boy she was looking for. 

Toraika immediately stood and went running in the direction the two young children had. She had finally caught up to them as they sat on two swings in the playground. She hid behind a nearby tree trying to overhear their conversation. "Hana, I told you I was going to be late today! I also told you to never go look for me at the Academy! I will get caught and not get to play with you!" Toraika recognized this voice as the boy's, Roku. "I know... but I was tired of just sitting here... Roku-kun... Why do you miss class. You will never get to be a strong shinobi if you keep playing with me everyday instead of going to your lessons..." Toraika could tell that that was the girl, Hana's voice. "I don't need a lesson to be a strong Shinobi. I just need brute strength! And I train every day at home with my Dad!" The boy replied to the girl. "That doesn't sound like enough Roku-kun..." The girl said in response to what the boy had told her. That's when Toraika thought it would be a good time to show herself. She smiled to herself and was instantly behind the boy. She then grabbed him and held him in her arms gently, running to the large fountain by the playground. It was about 3 feet deep and sparkling blue. She focused her chakra to her feet and threw the boy up high into the air, buying her enough time to weave a sign. She jumped up and caught the boy in mid-air and then landed in the middle of the fountain but was standing on the water like it was nothing. "T-toraika?!?! What are you doing here?! P-put me down!" Roku begged which made Toraika giggle. "As you wish!" She replied and dropped him in the water causing him to make a big splash. he boy stood up in the water looking up to Toraika amazed. "This is a Ninjutsu. You won't ever learn anything like this without going to class, and this is just the beginning. It gets so much more fun from this point on!" Toraika explained to him. "I just... want to play with Hana... She belongs to a clan that doesn't let their girls go to school or play very often... So every day she sneaks out of her house and I skip the Academy to play..." He explained looking a bit ashamed. Toraika smiled and picked him up out of the water. "I understand. But you are going to have to obey the rules. Both of you." She said motioning to Hana on the swing. "Most of the time anyway." She winked at him. "Return to class today but promise me you will not frequently skip the Academy. Your mother is worried and your senseis are angry." Toraika bargained. "Okay! Deal!" The boy smiled hugging her. She then walked off of the fountain and set him beside Hana. "Toraika-chan is super cool! I want to be a Shinobi and use Ninjutsu like her! I am going to class today but we can play another day okay!" He said hugging Hana tightly and running back to the Academy. Toraika watched him until he entered the doors. She then looked down at Hana. She seemed a bit relieved but upset as well. "Don't worry, he will play with you another time, but for now I will play with you, if you like." Toraika offered holding down her hand for Hana to take which she did happily and led her to the swings. Toraika played with the girl most of the day until the girl needed to head home. 

As Toraika walked back to the Mission Board to report her mission a success she smiled at how happy the girl and boy were together. She missed her childhood before losing her father and having all of the responsibility she did now but she was even more excited about her future goals becoming a reality. So far she was close to becoming a Chunin. It would only be a matter of time before her dream of becoming a Sanin of the Sand was a reality.

996/600 Words

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