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1Conglomerate Progression [Training] Empty Conglomerate Progression [Training] Mon Sep 30, 2013 7:01 am

Sabaku Genzai

Sabaku Genzai

Morning rose early through the cloud lit sky as time continued marching on it's endless campaign forwards, ignoring all others in it's wake. However, today was not an ordinary day. Today was the day that Set started to make a name for himself in the village. So far, Gen had been doing all the cutesy little missions for the kage, being legal and boring and clearly not having any fun whatsoever. Together, they had done one fun mission where they had just torn things to pieces, but then Gen had to go and ruin it by saving the dam and her foals. Apparently they had been adopted by this point, which just seemed to make the mission rather pointless. It was like going on a mission to burn a building down then painting a wall of it. It was pointless and against the directive of the mission, but oh well. At least Horus had got some cheap food out of it. Now, he was on a mission that was actually important. He was currently tracking down a small band of bandits that was staking out certain buildings in town. Now,in his defense, he had absolutely no problem with their behavior, they were having fun and living for themselves and that was something that he respected, but here was the rub. They were doing it independently. He was going to put an end to that - By the end of today, they would either be working for him or they would be crushed under his boot heel.

It was that very reason that he was currently walking up the underside of the cliff that led up to where they had made their encampment. It made sense why they would do it there, they were outside of the city so they would be harder to find and they were in an area that they would normally be able to see someone coming from. After all, there was only supposed to be one way, which was to come up a path that led directly to their camp. There were no trees or anything to hide in, so it would be very obvious for them what was going on. However, they clearly hadn't figured in the fact that they were standing on the edge of a cliff. Normally that wouldn't have made a lick of difference, since nobody would know that they were residing up their, but since they had already been found out due to Horus, this was the perfect way up. Besides, if they were to find him, he had a little surprise for them. See, he had been working on his bond with his little servant, and now he had seemed to master it. Today he had worked out how to get them truly linked, and this was going to give him some intel. Closing his eyes as he reached out for Horus, he concentrated his chakra to keep him on the cliff face and instead focused on seeing things through Horus' eyes.

Horus, as it turned out, was in the cloud layer. He was barely inside the clouds, inside enough to be able to avoid being seen, but so far outside that his vision was only partially obscured. Water droplets formed on his feathers, however, and it was slowly making it harder and harder to fly. Unlike smaller birds, he was not as susceptible to getting wet as they were, since his feathers were much, much larger and thus had to be affected by a lot more water than most others. It was why he was absolutely fine with flying through a storm, but was having a little bit of trouble now that he was in a cloud, which was pretty much a flying rain lake. Feeling a new presence in his mind, he laughed slightly.

"So, this is what it feels like to be Gen? I pity him a little bit now, you feel all slimy." He said, speaking as if the man couldn't hear every single word that he said. Unfortunately for him, he seemed to forget that along with vision he was able to get whatever he wanted, such as hearing.
"You know, Horus, I can still hear you? We're linked, so I have your senses. Every thing that you hear, I can hear. Since you can hear yourself, I'd advise not talking to me like that again. Now, make your final descent." He apparently nodded, as he turned his course, coming swiftly out of the cloud layer and over the camp as a whole. A loud, cacophonous cry went out over the camp as he called the people within their tents out to look at him. He would have looked like a giant hawk to them, without having to worry about the fact that he was currently being ridden by a silent and invisible passenger. In the corner of Horus' eye, Set could see himself, and so nudged Horus to move to the other side of the camp to put up his diversion. Otherwise, he would be drawing them closer to him, which would do the opposite of what this plan had been intended.

Flying over and landing on the path that they normally guarded, he cawed again... before flapping his wings. His wings were as gigantic as the rest of his body, and so it should be no great surprise that it could send out giant waves of wind from it's movements. Anyone who had been unlucky enough to still be in their tents when he flapped his wings were thrown backwards, the ropes connecting the tents to the pegs that were supposed to keep them in the ground were snapped by the wind force, and the tents, now without anything but weight to keep them down to the ground, were thrown off the edge of the cliff. That was now what they had intended to do, but it should show that they were serious about this little take-over plan of theirs. Now there was no doubting that they were going to follow it through, because if they didn't wipe them out or make them bend the knee then they would probably kill them now. This... had just been made even more difficult.

1039 words
375/375 Bird's Eye View (D) learned!
500/500 Bird's Eye View (C) learned!
164/375 Wind Blast in progress.

2Conglomerate Progression [Training] Empty Re: Conglomerate Progression [Training] Mon Sep 30, 2013 7:16 am

Sabaku Genzai

Sabaku Genzai

It was really a minor miracle that none of the tents had hit Set on the way down, they had passed around him like he was underneath a waterfall or something. He could, however, hear their screams as they plunged to their deaths. This camp was made up of maybe thirty bandits, and their little plan had killed maybe five of them. That was a sixth of their potential profits down the drain, but no matter - With the scum in this village, he was sure that he could find five replacements with no problem. Disconnecting his senses from that of Horus', he continued his path up the cliff face, before walking onto the surface of the cliff finally managing to stay upright. Standing sideways for that long had made the blood rush through his head and was now making him feel a little bit light-headed. Unfortunately, he did not have time to be weak, he had to continue being strong or else his weakness would be taken advantage of. That was what his father had always taught them, whether they liked it or not. Set had to thank Gen's father for teaching them that as well as for creating Set in the first place. Now, they had to move further into the camp.

Weaving through his hand signs, he summoned his earth clones, as they took up their formations around the camp, they tried to avoid being spotted. Fortunately for them. there were twenty five of the enemy and six of them. That gave them less than five people each to fight, which made their jobs a lot easier. They didn't even need to fight them if they could convince them that they were the rightful leaders of this group. One of the clones, posing as the real Gen, walked into the line of sight of the camp. If they were going to attack, then they wouldn't be able to do any more than destroy a clone. However, he was also real enough that he was going to be able to speak for him, Gen and Horus. There was no possible way that this could backfire, except for the fact that it still required them to fight five at a time, and now Set was having to join the rank of "clones", since someone needed to take the place of the copy that had gone out there to parlay.

"Who is the leader of this little group?" he asked to the bandits that were beginning to form up. They all looked hesitant to answer, not because of the fact that they were scared but more because they were trying to decide whether to bash him now or later. However, one of the more intelligent looking ones stood up and said.
"Your pet blew him off the cliff! But, if you must know, I'm the leader now." A few people looked like they weren't too happy about this guy declaring himself their leader, but he was going to make sure that they stayed unhappy. It was time to bring this little conversation to it's peak.

"Well, you saw how easily we tore through your camp. We weren't even trying to kill your friends, but we did anyway. Now, you can either follow their example and die like dogs, or you can accept me as your new leader." The new "leader" seemed unhappy that his power was being taken away so soon after actually getting it.
"And why exactly would we believe you? We're ready now." he said, which caused Set to chuckle mischievously, like a boy that had just heard their teacher swear.

"Well... Horus, show him what we do to people who disagree with us, will you? Show the others just how ready for us they are." Horus nodded, before flying up into the air. They looked at him strangely for a second, before the archers of the group began firing their arrows at him. As he began to his rapid downward descent the arrows just flew past him with his air resistance, forming a cone of fuuton energy as his body turned into one giant drill before piercing down on the head of the one who had dared to consider himself the leader. The man screamed in pain as he was pushed down into the earth, left in a hole that was 2 foot deep. He was definitely not tall enough to climb out, and Gen just smiled as he kicked the dropped weapon down into there, the gravity giving it extra force and impaling it into his shoulder as he cried out in pain.

"Still not ready to join me?" He asked, breaking the stunned silence. Within seconds, the entire camp was down on it's knee in front of him. Good, this was only the beginning though. There would be more... much more, by the time that he was done.

375/375 Wind Blast learned!
500/500 Spinning Drill learned!

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