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1Nursery Helper [Suna D-Rank Mission] Empty Nursery Helper [Suna D-Rank Mission] Thu Sep 12, 2013 6:43 pm



Toraika was always known to spend lots of time in the Suna Hospital. She loved to spend time with the sick and see the newborn babies on the other side of the window. She loved children. They were one of her weaknesses actually.

Toraika walked into the hospital like she normally did on pretty frequent occasions. As soon as she did, she was rushed by a few of the nurses she was familiar with. "Toraika!! Please! We need your assistance!" One of the higher ranked nurses squealed out pulling Toraika along behind her as she ran down the halls towards the Maternity Wing of the hospital. The closer she got the louder the cries of newborn babies grew. She could already tell where this was going. She smiled sympathetically at all the nurses frantically running around the room to each of the babies. "We need a break Toraika! There was a huge baby boom this morning and we have been more than busy all morning long! Please just take over for a bit! I can even get it cleared as a mission! Anything!" The woman begged gripping onto Toraika's vest tightly. She looked into her eyes and they showed pure exhaustion. Toraika could tell that she was going to go completely crazy if she didn't help. "I would love to. Leave it to me! I will get everything under control here, so don't worry even a little!" She smiled her kind compassionate smile and the nurse hugged her tightly then went running into the nursery telling the other nurses that Toraika would help. At that moment, they all ran out of the nursery at once like the place was on fire, leaving all the babies alone with her crying loudly. Toraika giggled at the nurses and stepped into the nursery picking up the baby who cried the loudest gently. She rocked the baby boy back and forth while patting its back and singing a Suna lullaby to it softly. Little by little the baby halted its cries and slowly closed its eyelids, falling into a deep slumber. She smiled and gently laid the baby back down into its little crib. She then moved to the next crying baby checking to see why it was crying in the first place then understood as she smelled a very distinct odor. She laughed cutely as she reached for the diapers under the crib and the wipes. She took a deep breath and held it as she removed the dirty diaper, cleaned the baby's bottom and powdered it, and replaced it with a clean diaper. She then saw the baby giggle and reach up to her, feeling a lot better. She smiled kissing the babies forehead and gave it a pacifier. By now, most of the babies had cried themselves out and only a couple more had dirty diapers causing them to cry. She easily changed the dirty diapers leaving only a couple more babies crying. She went to one and noticed it wasn't dirty but it was hungry so she measured out some formula for a bottle, mixed it with warm water. She picked up the baby and sat down rocking it in her arms and feeding it. The baby stopped crying almost immediately and drank almost all of the formula until it fell asleep as well. She laid the baby down and saw that there was only one whimpering little angel left. This baby was very distinct. It had big blue eyes despite it being newborn and yellow hair growing from its fuzzy little head. She smiled picking it up into her arms and holding it close to her heart. She could tell it wasn't smelly and then went to give it formula but the baby turned its head from the bottle each and every time. She frowned not knowing what to do for a moment before she realized it wanted attention. She giggled and rocked it in her arms, singing to it, and talking to it in the language only infants understand, until it was content and smiling. She handed it a pacifier and laid it down watching it drift slowly to sleep.

Now the nursery was completely silent and Toraika laughed lightly at all the trouble the nurses went through and it only took her a few moments to get the babies under control. She sat at the rocking chair in the room watching the babies until the nurses returned at the end of the day. They looked around amazed as she smiled at them, waved goodbye, and walked out silently and gracefully as if this did not hinder her at all. The nurse who had begged for her help stopped her once she got outside the nursery. "How was this so easy?!" She squealed. "Let's just say I speak baby." Toraika replied, and winked receiving the mission form from the nurse and heading to the Kazekage office to get her reward. Part of her didn't even want it because the mission was so fun, but she knew she needed it.


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