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1Fill In Waiter [D-Rank Suna Mission] Empty Fill In Waiter [D-Rank Suna Mission] Thu Sep 12, 2013 7:41 pm



Toraika was excited to get to work in the most popular restaurant in Suna. She was assigned to help out the manager and the very few waiters and waitresses that happened to actually be there. There was a huge sickness that had just broke out that was not too serious but took a few days to be able to recover completely. She happily skipped the entire way there because loved eating there but since it was more expensive than most restaurants, she only ate here on special occasions. It was always very formal and professional.

Toraika walked into the restaurant and saw the men running around in tuxes while the women were running around in one of the most humiliating outfits she had ever seen. The women's uniform consisted of white tights, a sleeveless black leotard with a white puff ball at the butt as a tail, and matching black bunny ears that were connected to a headband. Finally, the shoes were black high heels that looked extremely uncomfortable. She swallowed hard hoping she wouldn't have to wear such a thing. She walked to the back and spoke to the manager that had apparently asked for the help. He was old and his hair was the purest shade of white. He looked in a rush and immediately shoved a small box into her arms then ushered her into a bathroom quickly, closing the door behind her. She was a bit confused but understood once she opened the box. She whimpered and blushed a bright red at the same time as she pulled out the skimpy little Bunny Outfit. She slowly changed into the uniform and tiptoed back into the man's office with her normal clothes in the box replacing the uniform. "Uhmm... I-I finished... What shall I do now?" She asked getting used to the outfit more and more in every second but still a bit embarrassed. She was never one to show her body off in any way, this purely because she was uncomfortable with it. "You look delightful! Now go assist the customers in anything they like! And remember, the customer is always right!" With that the man had ushered her into the dining room. She watched as two women came into the restaurant together. She ran to them and smiled happily. "Hi! Let me take you to a table for two!" She giggled picking up two menus from the front desk and walked to a nice window table. She set down the menus and pushed in their chairs after they sat down. She let them look at the menus as she went to the kitchen and was handed two waters for the both of them. She brought them back out and took the women's orders, running them back to the kitchen. She sighed watching a shady man in his mid-thirties walk into the restaurant. She walked to him and happily took him to a single table handing him a water she had brought from the kitchen. "May I take your order sir?" She asked sweetly. The man replied with a smirk. "Ya, I would like to see you dance up there with the other girls!" He then laughed creepily giving her chills. She was about to refuse when she remembered that the manager had told her that the customer was always right. She sighed and smiled at the man. "As you wish sir..." She then walked to the stage ignoring the creepy looks she received by the man. She watched the dance a few moments and realised it was pretty repetitive and was able to pick it up fairly quickly. It was cute and girly. She giggled beginning to have fun with the entertainment and danced in sync with the other girls. When the dance was over she went back to the creepy man. He looked her up and down the handed her some Ryo. "There's your tip cutie." He winked which gave her shivers again. But even so, she politely thanked him and left his table.

The rest of the evening went fairly quickly and there was no more creepy men. She walked to the manager's office and sat down in one of his chairs, removing the heels. Just as she thought, they were extremely uncomfortable. They left blisters on her feet but they didn't hurt very badly. She smiled at the manager and got his consent for the mission being a success. He thanked her but she thanked him back. She took her clothes and changed back in the bathroom returning the Bunny Outfit as she walked out. Overall she had a lot of fun with the waitress girls that day!


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