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1Nursery Helper [Uchiha Akiko] Empty Nursery Helper [Uchiha Akiko] Wed Apr 24, 2013 10:53 am


Sunagakure, today the beast roared with voices of hundreds of female voices each caught in the throes of birth pains. She had mothered thousands of offspring over the millennia, each one built not only to survive in her dangerous home but destined for greatness if they only reached up and claimed it. One such child, albeit an adopted one, reached for the greatness she offered to all through small services to better Sunagakure. Silently, the young Genin known as Uchiha Akiko made her way to Sunagakure’s source of agony, where the echoes of labor pains spilled out to the skies.

From dog sitting to babysitting, Akiko swore she must have the WORST luck with assignments, yet she did not refuse it. If Suna needed her aid in the hospital where she spent most of her time at as a child, she would gladly serve. Even as Akiko entered the waiting room, grasping the admittance slip she had obtained from the Jounin who assigned her this job she was greeted with smiles from many nurses that she knew on a first name basis.

“Hello Akiko, here to see the doctor?” The Nurse behind the counter asked the young Genin.

“Not today, I have been sent to help.” Akiko responded with a small, forced polite smile.

“Ah, official shinobi business, eh Akiko?” The nurse asked with a sly wink.

“Something like that…” Akiko muttered as she looked around the familiar sights while she waited for the Nurse to emerge from behind the counter.

“Well, follow me then!” The Nurse said as she rose from her desk.

The nurse guided Akiko through the twisting corridors of the Hospital and down into the depths of its belly, to a place Akiko never had visited. It was here that the “magic” occurred which was the furthest thing from magic in Akiko’s eyes, hundreds of screams echoed throughout the halls. Akiko flinched as the screams seemed to build as she passed by rooms as if the children could sense she dreaded every moment in the ward.

“Just remember Akiko, they can smell your fear!”[b] The Nurse joked as she touched her nose.

The joke certainly didn’t settle the twisting in Akiko’s stomach, pure chaos swirled in the air of the Infancy Ward, and Akiko hated chaos. Even as the nurse turned to walk away chuckling under her breath, another signaled for her to aid them in some chore or activity. Akiko sighed quietly, wondering what she had done to deserve such a fate as she walked at a brisk pace towards the nurse.

[b]“Are you the help we requested?”
The Nurse asked as Akiko approached.

“Is she an idiot?” Akiko wondered as she grew closer.

“Yes, I was sent to assist with the workload.” Akiko responded as she reached the young nurse.

“THANK THE KAZEKAGE!” The Nurse exclaimed with a sigh of relief. “Listen, we will need you to watch over a single child…think you can handle that?” The Nurse asked as she began to walk into a foul smelling room with a diaper.

Akiko flinched as she followed the Nurse and the stench of fresh infant defecation pierced her nostrils.

“I suppose…” Akiko muttered in disgust.

“Excellent, this bundle of joy is yours for the day!” The Nurse exclaimed as she waved her hand over the small, screeching child.

“Yeah, seems real joyous…” Akiko thought as she stared down at the newborns red swollen eyes.

Suddenly, the diaper smashed in Akiko’s chest as the Nurse quickly abandoned Akiko to her fate. Akiko stared down at the small child and couldn’t help but wonder, how do people find these disgusting poop machines cute? Either Akiko quickly busied herself with changing the young boy, not bothering to wipe his ass with a wet wipe; instead she used a dry paper towel.

Over the course Akiko would make several other parenting mistakes, between holding the child over the toilet whenever he vomited, mixing his formula with too much water, and allowing him to play with the baby powder. However, a quick bath took care of this as Akiko’s shift drew to a close, no one would know the child had received less than average care. Though this was not entirely Akiko’s fault as she never had to babysit or watch over a child before in her life. When Akiko filed her final report she would be sure to request NEVER to receive Infancy Ward duty again.

[Word Count: 738/600]

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