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1Bill Collection [Suna - D] Empty Bill Collection [Suna - D] Wed Sep 04, 2013 10:11 pm



Another day, another bothersome mission. Kenshin's deep green eyes rolled as he thought of the tasks he had to do as a Genin. Today was a great example of the tedious missions he was required to do. The bright sun burned down on his back as he walked down the streets of Sunagakure. His hair blew around in the gentle breeze that was rare in Suna. It was actually a nice day, which is hard to say for a village located in a desert. It didn't exactly have the best scenery, just a lot of sand. He chuckled as he thought to himself and walked towards his first destination for the day. Apparently, he was to collect bills from from some business owners that were over due on their rent. Times like this made him wonder why he had to be the guy to go and take ryo from hard working people, but he couldn't help it. It was his temporary job and he needed the ryo. He walked at a pretty slow pace, as he wasn't really in a hurry. He had the whole day to hit three stores, so it's not like time was a big factor in this mission.

About thirty minutes passed and Kenshin started to approach the first building. As he approached it, he noticed that it was a restaurant of sorts. As he grew closer, he could smell the fragrance of the food. He smelled noddles and spices. From what he could gather, it was probably a noodle shop of some sort, which was fine. He was pretty fond of pasta in general, so visiting a noodle shop wouldn't be outside of his usual routine. As he arrived at the entrance, he walked through without missing a beat. He entered the establishment with a sigh as he saw that it was kind of dead. The poor owner probably didn't have much ryo in the first place, but he couldn't let things like that stop him.

He walked up to the counter and found a man standing behind it washing dishes. "May I speak to the owner?" Kenshin asked with a smile as he awaited the man's response. Apparently, he was talking to the owner, or so the man said. "I'm here to collect a debt that you owe to the village." Kenshin politely said as he awaited the man's response. An awkward pause filled the room before the man started making excuses. kenshin simply exhaled as he waited for the man to stop. It was silly for him to resist, he would loose his business if he didn't pay. "Look, if you pay me, I will come by and eat here once a week. I was looking for a good restaurant anyway." He said with a fake smile, hoping to convince the man. He immediately agree for some odd reason and grabbed his wallet. He pulled out the appropriate amount and handed it to the Suna genin. "Thanks." Kenshin said to the man as he turned and headed out the door. One down, two too go.

The next location was close by, so it didn't take long to get there. This place was a weapons shop, specializing in basic ninja tools. As Kenshin entered through the threshold, he could see kunai, various types of shuriken, and many other ninja tools all around the place. He smiles as he liked the place. He may get some arrows here in the future. The woman behind the counter immediately greeted him, causing Kenshin to walk up to her. "May I speak to the owner?" He asked with a smile. Once again, she was the owner. Odd to have a woman own a weapons shop, but it didn't matter. "I'm here to collect a debt that you owe." He said awkwardly as he awaited the excuses to start rolling. However, this woman had other plans in mind. She offered to give him ten kunai to walk away and ignore his duties. "I'm afraid I can't do that. However, I will buy the rest of the arrows I get from here if you give me the money." He offered with a hopeful expression. He was just ready for this to be over. She agreed and pulled out a jar from behind the counter and pulled out the appropriate amount. Kenshin accepted it and bowed, leaving with haste. One more to go.

The last building was not that close, but it was only a twenty minute walk. He immediately headed that way, increasing the pace he was using. He moved at impressive speeds for him, the motivation to get this done was a strong one. He ended up arriving at the last target five minutes earlier than expected. He walked in the place with a push of the doors and immediately walked up to the counter. "I need to speak to the owner please." He said to the young boy behind the counter. He hadn't even taken the time to see what kind of place it was, but it didn't matter. A older man walked out and asked was it was that was needed of him. Despite his conscious, Kenshin continued with his mission. "I'm here to collect a debt that you owe to the village." He stated, hoping not to feel the man's wrath. The man simply agreed and handed him the money, surprising him more than anything. "Thanks!" He said walking out the door and counting the ryo. It was all there. "Time to head out. Mission complete."

Word Count: 941/600

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