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1Track the Thief [Suna - C] Empty Track the Thief [Suna - C] Wed Sep 04, 2013 10:56 pm



Well, he did ask for better missions. However, he didn't really expect to be chasing a criminal through the desert for some cash. Kenshin smiled as he walked out of the Administration Building and looked around. Apparently, the thief was older and wasn't that fast. He didn't really have to rush to catch up with him. He just needed to track him correctly. Luckily, Kenshin knew a bit about hunting and such from his days of training with his bow and arrows. "Well, lets get started." He sighed as he turned and moved at full speed towards the village gates. Apparently, he slipped by the guards because they were not aware of the thief being old. They probably would have went after him, but someone has to be on guard. The village has been attacked more than once, so guards were required at all times. Kenshin continued to move and an incredible pace, weaving from rooftop to rooftop. After running a few minutes, he eventually ended up at the village gates. He smiled towards the guards and waved his hand. "I'm going to get the old man and bring the money back. Be back in a few hours." He said with a forced smile as he darted off through the long corridor that composed the gates of Sunagakure. He didn't really want to bring any harm to the man considering the intelligence he had been given, but he may end up having too. As soon has he exited the village, Kenshin stopped. It was time to start tracking.

He looked down to see what was left of a footprint. It was a boot of some sort, which is what the man was wearing from the description given. The tracks led directly ahead for now, and so Kenshin took off. He went ahead and grabbed his bow and took an arrow from the quiver as well. You never know what you can find in this desert, that was the only thing that was certain. While the tracks weren't exactly fresh, he was fortunate in the fact that a sandstorm had not eliminated them all together. He smiled as he continued to follow the tracks with intent. This may be the easiest mission he had done yet, and it was a C Rank mission. The ryo would be nice too, but he would focus on that later.

After an hour of tracking, he finally saw a change in the course of the tracks. Apparently, the man knew the desert quite well, as the tracks moved towards one of the few Oasis in the desert. He sighed as he thought of the distance between him and that oasis. It was at least another hours run, not to mention that the old man had quite a head start on him. Regardless, he was too far in this now to simply quit. He shrugged his shoulders and changed course with the prints, leaving fresh prints behind as he ran off into the distance. While he was running for what seemed to be a LONG time, Kenshin thought of many things. First was a few ideas for jutsu and such. While he may not particularly like training, he did enjoy his bow and arrow. If he learned a few new tricks with it, he might actually become a formidable foe. Maybe even enough to become Chunnin. Not that it was an actual goal of his, but whatever happened was out of his hands concerning promotions.

A good hour passed and Kenshin finally started nearing the oasis. The little specs of green and the sound of fresh water rustling filled his senses as he spotted his destination. He increased his pace, hoping to catch the man off guard. After he got within a twenty meter range of the oasis, he immediately started looking around to see where the man was. He saw a backpack in the distance, assuming it to be his targets. He launched forward with a smile as he thought of actually getting to spend a little time out there in the oasis one day, though he doubted it would happen any time soon. Kenshin finally reached green land for the first time in a long time. He immediately remembered his purpose and started to search for the man. He was not loud when he moved, so hopefully the elderly man who lacked ninja training would not be able to sense him. He hid behind what seemed to be a uniquely colored bush as he continued to search. After a few minutes of searching, he saw the man gathering his things on the other side of the oasis, about forty meters from where he was. The previous equipment must have been left here.

Kenshin immediately drew and arrow and dashed forward. He got within a 10 meter radius and the man finally noticed him. He jump and gave a loud gasp once he saw Kenshin. His face turned white and he had a look of fear. "I'm going to need you to hand that ryo over." The genin said calmly as he watched the targets every movement with his well trained eyes. They were far from a Doujutsu, but he had always had keen eyesight, which was probably the reason why he was so good with a bow. Regardless, the man stood there for a minute like a deer caught in headlights. Eventually, he said something. "I need this to pay a debt I owe. If I don't, they will kill me!" The man pleaded as the sack full of ryo sat beside him. Kenshin's eyebrow raised in curiousity as he heard the mans response. "If there is someone bothering you, you could have told the Kage. We can protect you. It is our job." Kenshin explained to the man, trying to reason with him. Shooting him with an arrow was the last resort. "So, why don't you come with me personally to talk to the Kage. I will get this sorted out for you." He invited the man. He didn't expect the man to turn so easily, but it never hurt to try.

"I won't be arrested?" The man asked with a tone of disbelief. "No." Kenshin lied to the man's face. He really didn't care one way or the other. The man committed a crime, so it was none of his business whether the man was sent to jail over it. The man hesitated a moment before giving up. "Okay. It's not like I could fight you anyway." He stated before throwing the bag to Kenshin. Kenshin put the arrow back in the quiver and picked it up. "After you." He said as the man walked by him. The walk back was a long and awkward one. However, it was worth it. The reward would be well worth it.

Word Count: 1151/1000

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