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1Bill Collection[D-Repeatable] Empty Bill Collection[D-Repeatable] Sat Sep 07, 2013 3:31 am



Another day, another mission. This time it would be to go out to the business district and deal with a few people who didn't want to pay the upkeep for their shops. They didn't understand that without their Ryo, the Sunagakure no Sato would not be able to function properly. So it fell upon the Uchiha Genin to work his way out there to deal with it. As usual, he was to be his country's lapdog and find out a way to make them pay without being violent. Why could he never be violent? The way Syekren saw it, if the missions he took would allow him to be violent more often, they would be solved quicker, and everything would be much easier than it was now. Too bad the Kage had to restrict him at times. He would get over it though. He always did, no matter what he got over it. He was nearing the business district now and pulled the mission scroll from his pocket, quietly looking over it. One was a bar owner, one was a sweet bun shop lady. Probably the same one he had helped with the Jerboa infestation. And the last one was a comic store owner. He chuckled a bit, and nodded, making his way first to the bar, thinking of how he would get the ryo out of these people without being violent or starting a fight. As he approached the doors and stepped inside, he noticed behind the counter was a motherly looking woman of about thirty-six. She had a full bust, was slightly overweight and seemed to wear a bright smile upon her lips. Well, this would be either too easy, or way harder than it seemed. Either way, the money was needed from her.

The genin silently approached her and smiled softly. "I'm sorry but you owe back money for the upkeep of your shop." She looked silently at Syekren for a second, then smiled, handing him a bag of ryo. He looked down surprised for a moment, then exited. Easier than I thought. He arrived shortly after in the sweet bun shop, the lady behind this counter attempting to offer him a few sweet buns as he walked in. He politely refused."You owe money for the Upkeep of your shop ma'am." She looked at him, opening her kimono a bit to show more cleavage."Isn't there another way I can pay..Handsome?" He shook his head quietly and pointed to the singed sand and parts of glass outside her shop on the ground, reminding her of the jerboa infestation. She nodded and quietly gave him his ryo. 'Sweet.' He thought to himself. 'Now just the comic book store and I can turn this in and go home!' He then made his way silently to the other side of the district, approaching the comic book store. Standing outside was the owner, hanging up a 'closed' sign. It was the end of the work day already? Wow how time flies. He then silently tapped on the man's shoulder."You owe money for the upkeep of your shop." The man wore a katana on his side and rested his hand upon the hilt."Let's not worry about that, wouldn't want you to get hurt, kid." Syekren looked around to ensure no one was looking and no one was then looked back to the man. They were a foot from each other and Syekren quietly ignited his fists in a threatening manner. "I won't be the one getting hurt." The man then fearfully pushed the coin bag at syekren, who released his jutsu, taking it and watching the poor sod run all the way home. The genin shook his head quietly, going to turn in his missions.


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