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1Secretary [Suna - D] Empty Secretary [Suna - D] Wed Sep 04, 2013 3:40 pm



Really? Another mission? The kage was lucky that he needed ryo at the moment or he wouldn't be doing so many missions. It's not like he actually wanted to do them. Kenshin was sitting on the rooftop of a large building. This building was signinficant in the fact that it was the location of his mission for today. Apparently, he was to become the temporary secretary for this company. It sounded as if it would be easy, but knowing his luck he would have thirty people come in every few minutes. He sighed as he sat on the sandy roof with his hand twirling his emerald green hair. His eyes were glazed over from day dreaming about everything and nothing. His bow and arrows hung from his back like a historic archer. He was simply wasting time until he was supposed to report in for the 'mission'. It wasn't really a mission as much as it was busy work, but it would get him paid none the less. Though, if these D rank missions didn't start paying more, he would eventually have to do a C rank mission. That required A LOT more effort though, so he would try to avoid it as much as possible.

It was only six a.m. in the morning, proving that his nocturnal sleep paterns were not getting better with time. Most likely, they were getting worse, which didn't matter to him. He simply sat there and waited as time passed. He would need to be down there and at the desk in thirty minutes, but until then he would relax and try to enjoy the nature of Sunagakure. That might be easier to do if he had something to actually look at, but that was besides the point. He would rather be on a roof in a lazy state than be at the mission any earlier than he had to. The thought of him talking to people all day made him exhale in in exhaustion. Just thinking about it made him tired. He slowly got to his feet as he brushed off his clothes. He actually put on fresh clothes this morning, as it was required to look nice to succeed in the mission. That wasn't his forte, but it wasn't a big deal.

Kenshin walked to the edge of the roof and bounced off of the walls of various buildings until he landed on the ground. He looked around once looking forward and entering the building, pushing the doors as he opened them. The inside was dressed like a typical lobby. Dull flowers sat on the counter along with some papers. A chair sat behind the counter, which he assumed was his position. As he walked over to the counter, he saw that there were waiting chair and such for visitors, as well as magazines to keep them entertained. He approached the counter and glanced around for someone to attend to him. Wouldn't someone tell him what he was supposed to be doing here? After waiting a few minutes, making him exactly on time, someone walked up to him from a hall on the left side of the room. "You must be Kenshin. Just have a seat right in that chair. If someone walks in, just ask if you can help them. If they are wanting an appointment, simply write it down. The offices aren't open to walk ins today, so if they don't have an appointment, let them know that you are sorry for the inconvience, but can't let them through today. Anything else goes wrong and you can find me down that hall. Thanks for helping!" The woman spoke very fast and excited as she clumsily explained the job he was to do. It sounded easy enough for any idiot to do. Kenshin simply did as he was told and sat in the chair, leaning back and yawning as he got comfortable. The lady scurried off back to her hall and then it started. The wait.

Initially, Kenshin though that this was a busy office. However, it really wasn't. He went the first three and a half hours without seeing anyone walk in. The first person to walk in simply wanted an appointment and he simply wrote down the man's information. He would go all the way to lunch without another customer. He didn't particularly feel hungry though, so he sat there and waited instead. Not to mention he forgot his lunch. Another hour went by without a visitor. However, the next visitor to walk in was a memorable one. He looked un-kept and partially drunk. The smell of liquor radiated off him, making Kenshin's nose crinkle in disgust. He slurred a few words before getting out that he wanted to see someone. "I'm sorry the offices are closed to visitors today." Kenshin said not paying the man much attention. Ignoring people like this usually either made them angry or made them leave. Sometimes both. The man started to get aggravated and slurred more words this time, though Kenshin couldn't quite make them out. "I assure you that if I could let you through, I would." He said trying to make the man understand his predicament. The man simply slurred a few more words before stumbling out of the lobby and into the street.

The next few hours went by quickly as Kenshin waited on someone else to walk in. However, no one ever did. five p.m. rolled around and he saw that same lady walk in and grab the sheet of paper. "Thank you for your services. You have done a great job!" She said with an overly enthusiastic smile. Kenshin simply nodded in response and waved as he got up and left the building. He definitely didn't want to do that again.

Word Count: 984/600

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