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1Secretary [D-rank] Empty Secretary [D-rank] Mon Feb 15, 2016 8:47 am

Otsuka Aria

Otsuka Aria

Mission name: Secretary [Repeatable]
Mission rank: D
Objective: Work as the secretary to a big business, force away the unwanted people
Location: Sunagakure
Reward: 60 Ryo
Mission description: Our secretary quit recently due to family complications, we need someone to fill their spot.  
Mission details: 600 words minimum, don't start a fight. There will  be a few nuisances coming during the day, so try not to get too annoyed.

This was where Aria belonged. Behind a desk, sifting through piles of paperwork…

Aria had always been good with matters that were better off left finished in the office, just like signing off on paperwork, managing people’s schedules, and making sure that everything was in place. It was a gift that complemented her schoolgirl-slash-nerd outfit, which people believed stereotypically ended up working one of these jobs. Aria herself knew it wasn’t true. For one thing, she wore this outfit because she liked it, and for another thing, she herself knew several nerdy guys and girls who in their own rights had already started up semi-successful businesses around Sunagakure, with the only last part of the formula being sustainability to their businesses, which they were handling even as she worked on paperwork.

The public relations part of being a secretary though, she couldn’t handle. She didn’t mind directing people into her temporary boss’ office right behind her, but she didn’t really like the idea of people screaming at her whenever she turned them away or told them to return at a later date. It wasn’t as if she was the one who refused to let them in to see the boss. She was just following instructions. Sometimes, she didn’t even like the instructions, but as an employee of the company, she couldn’t exactly say no to her boss, now, could she?

Forgetting the horrendous public relations department, though, working as a secretary was the dream.

It almost made Aria question why she wanted to be a shinobi. She could make plenty of money as the temporary secretary here, working for a big successful business that paid more than enough for its employees. She even had the skills for it in abundance, since she had already finished managing all of his meetings for the day, adding in new ones whenever she received a call from some big business magnate who wanted to get involved in a partnership with this company while removing those that were cancelled, both times informing her boss just right after. He had always told her that it was good enough, and while it didn’t seem like much, he seemed very pleased whenever he signed off from his end of the line, so Aria took that as a win.

But, Aria then remembered. She had wanted to be a ninja because it was what her guardian was. The ninja who had saved her from dying in a desert, before selflessly taking her in as her own and raising her, even supporting her dreams to be a ninja… It was almost tear-worthy how the woman had fought on Aria’s side for as long as she knew her, never stepping down whenever there was someone who was against Aria. The only time she had been against Aria was when it was only her against Aria, with no one else to interfere, and these times were normally when the young Otsuka herself didn’t want to do any of the house chores that she had already been designated. These lashings were especially verbal and sometimes physical (though neither meant the other any actual harm) whenever Aria was caught red-handed in her room reading some of the many novels that she tried to finish.

It was to repay her guardian that she had taken all of these missions, and she would be damned if she didn’t become a ninja. Her guardian herself hadn’t been exactly encouraging for her to go the ninja lifestyle, but her lack of discouragement had been enough encouragement on its own for Aria to push through the last few months in the Academy and finally become a Sunagakure ninja. It was also the only reason that she sat here today, working for the large corporation in Sunagakure as part of a D-ranked mission to help feed their hungry stomachs.

Of course, most of their hungry nights were fed by her guardian, who even after retiring from the ninja forces still made more money as a cashier in some supermarket than Aria did as a ninja.

[Thread exit]

Words: 694 out of 694


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