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Ukiyo was walking along a path in the forest, admiring the leaves on branches along the sides and stretched across the walkway. She rubbed the leathery leaves with her rough finger tips and nodded. They're in good health, even with the recent drought. Good! Great! Ukiyo giggled and closed her eyes, her smile perky and enthusiastic. As she continued walking alongside the brush, she heard a deep rumbling sound coming from the West. The ground seemed to shake a little, and Ukiyo knew there was trouble. Hm? Ukiyo looked over in the direction of the sound and saw smoke coming up from some trees in the distance. She paused for a moment, afraid to chase down fire, but quickly shook this thought when she realized it was in her woods. Ukiyo began running in its direction as fast as possible, jumping up to the trees so she could traverse the branches. As she was running, she saw scores of animals below her running in the opposite direction. Some were making panicked noises while some were fully focused on escaping. Birds flew off into the sky ahead from the direction of the smoke as well, screeching to signal the threat. Ukiyo nodded at the sound of the birds, So it's that bad, huh? She went a few levels higher in the branches for caution as she approached the source of the commotion. When she was close, Ukiyo slowed down slightly to scout out a possible vantage point to assess the situation from. She found one on the branch of a tree that had substantial cover via leaves from closely-packed foliage. Once in position, she squinted in an attempt to see what was on the ground level. She saw a tall, robust man standing in a small crater. The crater was composed entirely of dirt, and it was obvious by his surroundings that there was originally grass there. Fucker. Several trees had been knocked down around him, and there were small flames on some of the brush. Ukiyo ground her teeth at first, but then relaxed her muscles as a grin curled up her cheeks. He's next?




The man lifted a hand towards a tree, and light began to gather in his palm. Ukiyo knew he was rearing up for another attack, and wasn't about to let him pull it off. She dashed out of the brush across to another tree branch. She would go directly overhead the man as she threw out a hand towards him to plant her seeds. The man clearly wasn't a push over however, and heard Ukiyo making a massive amount of noise when she left her position. He swung his hand upwards towards her, then let out a explosive blast of energy. Luckily Ukiyo was already in motion and was clear of any danger with time to spare, but she couldn't say the same for her seeds. She caught herself on a branch and quickly spun around as she swung to a lower one. Ukiyo tipped over the edge of the branch and pushed off with her legs, propelling her towards her opponent while making several hand signs. When she was within arm's reach, the man put up his hand and grabbed hold of her face. Tsk. An explosion erupted from the man's hand, obliterating Ukiyo's substitute. She was standing behind him and let out several hits to his legs, back, and arms. On her last hit she grasped his arm and squeezed tightly, snapping his bone. The man swung his other arm around, aiming for Ukiyo's head. Not bad girly. I have to say your grasp is a lot stronger than your strikes though. The man was completely un-phased by her strikes, and while his arm hung limp in the air, he didn't seem to troubled by it. Ukiyo jumped back as he swung at her into a back hand spring. As she stood back up from it, the man was already charging. I can't allow you to live. As he threw out a punch, Ukiyo began to step back, then disappeared. The man began to look around, but before he had a chance, Ukiyo chopped his neck from either side with her hands from behind him, then hopped back several meters again. I was going to say the same to you. She said, giggling.


Chakra: 175/200:



The man mumbled something under his breath, disgruntled. He turned around and rubbed his neck. You're pretty agile. It's a good thing you're too weak to be a serious threat. The man lifted his hand above his head, light pouring into it. He then proceeded to slam it down to the ground in Ukiyo's direction. Before it made contact, however Ukiyo made a hand sign and began running forward. Several chutes of bamboo began sprouting; one from the man's arm he was swinging downward, and two from one of his legs. The result was the man was swept off his feet and his hand flew across his chest. As Ukiyo approached him, she dove forward and pushed her hand out, facing it towards his hand with the light in it. A tree grew out from her hand and began crushing the man beneath it, while at the same time triggering his jutsu that let out an explosion directly on top of him. Ukiyo jetted up 30m and stood at the top of her tree, balancing as it began to top over. He's done. Ukiyo smiled and looked out over the forest, admiring the view. Suddenly she heard a loud roaring sound from below her, as well as a quickly approaching cracking sound. Ukiyo jumped off her tree as an explosion shot out from the bark, the force of which threw her into another tree's trunk. Before she made impact, Ukiyo allowed her body to merge with the bark and absorb her into it. The tree fell over in four directions, having been cracked down the center two different ways. The man stood up beneath it, pushing branches and other debris off him. He wiped off the dirt from his suit and looked around. Looks like she didn't make it. The man began walking back into the woods when Ukiyo rose up from the ground behind him in silence. She tapped him on the shoulder as she made a hand sign. The man leaped forward, diving away from her. Aw come on, that's no fun. Suddenly, Ukiyo was covered in thorns and running full speed towards the man. She dove forward, catching herself on her hands, then sprang up as she tiled forwards so as to kick in the direction of his chest.



Last edited by Ukiyo on Wed Sep 04, 2013 8:44 pm; edited 1 time in total



The man held out his hand and caught both her feet with them, thorns stabbing into his palm as he did so. No running this time girly. Ukiyo tilted her head to see his arm, then saw light gathering towards his hand. His grip was solid; even with the thorns digging deeper and deeper into his hand he didn't let him. He was determined to do something about her agility. Not good. Drips of water began covering Ukiyo's body, soaking her clothes. She twisted her body slightly, then twisted in the other direction while letting her arms spin outward. Water began spraying against the man violently, which only got worse once he released her feet. Ukiyo continued spinning around on her hands and walking towards the man, pushing him back against a tree. Right as he was about to let out his explosive attack once more, Ukiyo ducked down and got closer to him, then sprang up and tilted his hand towards the sky. A grand explosion shot directly upward, hitting absolutely nothing. Ukiyo then used the opportunity to wrap her arms around the man's legs and her legs around his neck. The thorns on Ukiyo dug into the his skin and left long tears in his flesh. He yelled out in pain as every inch of his body the girl was touching became a bloody mess. Making a seal with one of her hands, four vines grew out from the man's back and restrained all of his limbs. Ukiyo released the man and he fell over, entangled in the vines. How'd these even get on me? When did you? God damn it... Ukiyo retracted the thorns into her body, then looked at her clothes. Most of the thorns were able to slip through the slits with ease, but there were still some tears in her shirt. Guess I'll have to fix this again. She sighed as she looked up at the sky; the beautiful blue staring back down on her as she covered her eyes from the light. Ukiyo knelt down before her defeated opponent. She was smiling cheerfully, giggling as she closed her eyes. Now, what to do with you... Ukiyo ran her finger along the side of one of the vines, gathering blood at the end of it. She stared into Sora's eyes, then focused on her finger held out in front of her. Ukiyo paused for a moment, then stuck her finger in her mouth. It always tastes so different.



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