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1Nuke-nin sightings B-rank no kill Empty Nuke-nin sightings B-rank no kill Wed Oct 09, 2013 1:12 pm




Tsuneo once again set out for another mission,this time he was taking care of some nuke-nin,two day ago a bunch of nuke-nin were sighted near the village in the dense forest,Tsuneo has been tasked with handling them,he is to either bring them back or kill them,he was informed that he would receive and extra reward if he were to bring them back,his first target was Yogua a 21years old man, Tall, lean, and lengthy. His eyes are dull and is calculative, and supposedly he's always very well dressed suit.
He seems to be Very calm and sure of his abilities both mental and physical. He is usually in the forest planting explosives for an attack. 
Anything about his goals was kept simple his goal is the Destruction of the hidden leaf for killing his parents,only true power is capable of exacting,sadly he has it not,and shall fall prey to his predator,Tsuneo.
Supposedly he fears Nothing,and He is numbed,fearless type,seemed like a perfect target,Tsuneo had gotten sick of the wimps surrounding him,perhaps he'd pose a challenge,Tsuneo couldn't help but wonder. 
Details about his fighting were also listed,Tsuneo would use this info smartly for sure,he Fights with A rank explosive style,a C rank Taijutsuiest, and has a sweet A rank Ninjutsu.
Tsuneo had loved his statics,he truly seemed like an entertaining fella,this yugoa.

Tsuneo's statics were a bit lower but never the less,his strategies along side his power,were always superior to whoever stood before him,and unlike Yugoa,Tsuneo had fears,fearing that he would kill him and earn less money,and most of all he fears dying before having his revenge.

Fate,Tsuneo was disgusted with it,in Tsuneo's place who wouldn't,each time he'd get up,he'd do so just to get struck down again,an eye for an eye an so it is With Tsuneo,backing down was never a choice to Tsuneo,nor will it be one now,but this time he had to avenge his family,and his tortured soul,dying in a mission or so,meant only that Tsuneo was a weakling that couldn't overcome the curse that has been placed on him.

Tsuneo cleared his thoughts,it was time for him to start acting and stop reading and thinking,it was time to take action supposedly someone knew him,and that he is recruiting,he went to check the person who started,the idiotic rumor,and was informed that he plants explosive all around the dense forest,perhaps he might be seen near that area,and so Tsuneo began taking action,he had already wasted much time but no more,although he wanted to kill him,but bringing him back gives an extra reward,Tsuneo had thought of advising him,but what is he to say,he hated the leaf too,he sensed feint similarity  between the man and himself,Tsuneo would only wonder what might occur between the two of them.

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Last edited by Uzumaki Tsuneō on Sat Oct 12, 2013 11:51 am; edited 2 times in total

2Nuke-nin sightings B-rank no kill Empty Re: Nuke-nin sightings B-rank no kill Fri Oct 11, 2013 3:10 pm




Tsuneo didn't know what would he say once he stood before him,what words would heal an avenger,what can an unhealed,wounded,scarred avenger say to another avenger,Tsuneo made revenge the purpose of his living,he would never die  or rest in piece unless he severed the head of that demonic fiend,and to destroy a demon,one must become a demon,Tsuneo didn't accept his weak feelings,which were love,fear and the list goes on,he built his current personality based on hatred,pain,rage,and blood lust,he had abandoned everything about his past self to become darkness,and that he did,Tsuneo would never see a more pleasuring scene in his head ,the scene of him severing the vermin's head brought total ecstasy to his wounded,hateful heart.

Yugoa & Tsuneo

they had alot in common,revenge,hatred,pain,and  the enemy,Tsuneo though,had two different targets,and konoha was  one of those two,Tsuneo had dedicated every second of his life for the sake of growing stronger,he had wished nothing but true power,power to become the strongest and destroy all thos that stand in his path,Tsuneo chose a path of strife,a path none would choose,Tsuneo knew the danger that the road he took had,still,he wavered not,instead he took it as a challenge,and chose to overcome,he walked alone,he lived alone,and he will die alone,that's the price,Tsuneo will pay for treading this path of strife,he thought about what might he lose on the way,but he thought even if his head was to be severed,he will remain,until he destroyed all,Tsuneo wanted nothing to do with others,he wished to remain alone,why come be with me now when you were never there when i most needed you,is what he thought to himself,and that is how he rejected all those that approached him.

he started taking action,it was about time,Tsuneo waited until the dark night devoured the weak light,the night glowed red in Tsuneo's eyes,this is going to prove to be a bloody night,Tsuneo smirked staring deep into the lonesome moon,"its time"Tsuneo spoke as he started running to his target outside the village in the dense forest,he was like a thunder pleading the clouds to strike the wretched earth,his rage,his hatred,they are his weapons,his power,Tsuneo's excitement to demolish his target.Tsuneo was always entertained by fights,and luckily this time it seemed to be a worthy and an entertaining mission,Tsuneo couldn't help but wonder,how will defeat his opponent,not how will the fight turn out,because deep down,Tsuneo had no doubt that he would destroy his target,Tsuneo was truly aching to kill,but he had to hold himself back or he would lose the extra payment.

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3Nuke-nin sightings B-rank no kill Empty Re: Nuke-nin sightings B-rank no kill Sat Oct 12, 2013 11:50 am




It was about time,Tsuneo ran rushing from the village to the dense forest,he finally started moving,Tsuneo remained cautious for he was facing an explosives user,Tsuneo while walking in the forest used some of his Raiton techniques to deactivate mines and explosives,after minutes passed by,Tsuneo was in too deep in the forest,it was ever so dark,it was pitch black,nothing can be seen and nothing can be felt or heard,the silence was a killer,it was perfect just as Tsuneo preferred it to be. 

Later on as Tsuneo was walking in the pitch black darkness,he could clearly  sense movements and he could also hear a sound in the bushes,Tsuneo was not sure but just in case he chose to jump from his spot randomly,his target may use the darkness to trick Tsuneo,but no,luckily Tsuneo managed to dodge an explosion that was released from where he had been standing,if he kept standing still in his place,he knew he probably would've been blown  to smithereens,luckily he didn't.

Tsuneo stretched his arm to where he heard the sound of movements in the bushes with his open palm,as a chain pierced through the wind in its way,wrapping around his target,binding him,Tsuneo was fully prepared,he placed a seal on the shirt under his coat,the seal contained a katon d-rank ninjutsu,Tsuneo spoke saying"FuuinJutsu!:Ninjutsu bakudan no fuuin:Katon:kasai no bakudan",the ninjutsu hit the target alright but the target was still standing on two feet after taking such a direct blow from Tsuneo,still the Uzumaki waited not,soon after he began generating an incredible amount of lightning chakra,chakra that began forming in the shape of a shadow windmill in his right palm,while holding his right arm with his left one,Tsuneo let go as he threw the lightning shadow windmill at the target which was about four meters away,the ninjutsu advanced in a devastating speed,as it landed it pierced two centimeters deep in the targets chest,Tsuneo continued his chain of attacks by punching him in the abdomen ,later on Tsuneo wrapped four chains around the man as he dragged him back,good enough,Tsuneo didn't want to talk to him,he knew not what to say to the man,Tsuneo handed him to the police department and left for his payment.

another day,a confusing emotion,Tsuneo went back to his apartment after getting paid,he never felt this way but he felt terrible,well it never really mattered the world was always cruel it wont change for one person or two or even a hundred,in-fact it will never change,unless,unless its rebuilt and rid of all the scum that tread this rotten earth,Tsuneo grew tired of thinking he couldn't see any good in anything he sought to think of,was Tsuneo the only one to see how rotten this world is,he couldn't help but wonder every time he saw people laughing and smiling carelessly.

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