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Mission In Progress:

Jutsu in Training:

Seeing as though it was still night time, he had no time to lose. Waking up in the same abandoned building (to which he had gotten used too ever so quickly), he could feel the heavy weight of his eyes as he tried to move them, blink them in a rapid pace to wake himself up from this slumber he hasn't had in such a long period of time. It had been a long time since he had full sleep, with being on the run and everything. Bingo books stating his name was everywhere, but each village other than Kiri on his head was of a mere low price. Which was good enough for him to lay low for now. Two mattresses was enough to suit his needs of a bed as he yawned a silent yawn when the shinobi had woke up, rubbing his index finger around the slit closed gash on his chin as to what Gin had given him years before this. A smirk came across his face as he remembered that glorious tie of a battle. Such a forest reduced to ashes because of those two in their prime. Now in the olds, what was he now? Was he still an elite or a weakling? Was he still as strong as he was before? Such questions had lingered in his head for long periods of time with little to no answers. As the sun had finally risen from the depths of the Underworld, the shinobi had stretched for awhile before getting up, rubbing his eye with his right hand because of irritation. Making his way to the bathroom, his exotic eyes of black sclera and red pupils had darted from his direction and around the hallway of the abandoned room, to which they had come back to him walking to the bathroom.

Hearing and seeing the water run was glorious to him, as he had hoped and prayed that this abandoned still had at least water in the house. He wasn't paying for the bill. A nightly stay this was for him at the moment. He then averted back to washing his face with his bare hands and would look at himself in the mirror and just stare at him for a short period of time before leaving the bathroom. His quirk was looking around more, seeing as though when he was younger, that was not his original thing. Now, it was forced upon him because of his rank and bounty. A sigh had escaped his mouth as he had put on his original clothes in the manner: A simple, black-colored, muscle T shirt with short sleeves, covered by a white, leather combat vest that had reached to his abdomen, a red cloak of his that was wrapped around his neck, covering such an area with a hood attached, hiding his face from the world that comes with a tail on the front, trailing down to the individual's chest. His bottoms were of simple ninja trousers, having a light grey in color, and japanese ninja tabi that were white in color. A simple white and red attire to him with just a black shirt would suit him right. He had let his long, vibrant, white hair trail his cloak's tail, only stopped 2 feet short of the tail's length.

Was he forgetting something? Ah, his inventory. The shinobi's inventory was of three swords in all: two rapiers and one katana. He had searched his floor of the weapons, only to see them still in the room where he had took his nap in. Lying on the ground near the window were his swords still in their sheath. That was good. He had placed his two rapier sheath on his lower back, with one on top of the other. His Rapier's names were Kano and Bento, one superior then the other in terms of craftsmanship and cutting precision and power, and both favored speed over anything. Now, the katana of his was something that had remained by his side for such a long time. The Katana's name was none other than Naiya, a katana made of diamond alloy, a special gift given to him by Gin in regards to a trade between Soul Cutter and Naiya. Now that he had thought about it, giving away Soul Cutter was a bad idea. The other swords... not so much. Anyway, he had placed Naiya's sheath on his right hip as it dangled a bit. He had no other inventory with his as his place was clean. It was now time for him to leave this place, and hopefully never come back to it again.

There was a unknown scroll that was on his bed when he was about, unknown of the whereabouts of the scroll, the male had simply walked into his room and had picked it up. The scroll was light as usual, something rather common to the shinobi, but what was not common was the text inside the scroll. Holding the scroll by both ends, he opened it. Looking at the text written in kanji, he had read it clearly, it was a jutsu. One of the six new jutsu that was presented to him. He had only interest in one so far. The other five will have to wait for another time. The name of the jutsu was called Burning Edge, and from what he had read, it was a supplementary jutsu, to which it would cause burning effects and damage over time with a weapon by coating Boil Release chakra onto a blade or something. Particularly useful since the unknown shinobi had three swords of his own, two of which were rapiers. He gave a simple nod from his head as closed the scroll and put it in his pocket for safe keeping. It was now time to leave the house. It was night time in Konohagakure – somewhat peaceful to the male at that. Only thing wrong about this situation is that he literally had to sneak out at night time to do the things he wanted to do which was a drag to him at the most. As the shadow-like individual leaped from roof to roof, one subtle conversation had caught his attention. One shinobi were conversating, but yet the individual could not make out the words of what the were saying to whatever or whoever he was conversating with. So, to eavesdrop on their conversation, the male, who's name was indeed Jurou Osada, the one that most thought was dead nine years ago but apparently was still alive, had jumped from the roof top to the nearby bushes close to the shinobi. His eyes peaked through the rustled leaves of the bush as he heard the man speak. He had also seen that the shinobi had his right hand touching something that had resembled a headset of some sort that was attached to his right ear. He must've been talking to his partner about the mission.

We have urgent news of three missing ninjas trying to infiltrate the village. I had heard that it was two male and a female. I could not get the details on them.

Hmm... Interesting.

So it seemed that three missing ninjas are infiltrating Konohagakure at this time. What Jurou needed to know was the location and the timing of when the three shinobi will attack. Then he had seen that the shinobi had leaped onto the rooftop and went south, which was the direction toward the gates. Good. That means that it will be his time to leave as well. With a sudden burst of force from the ground as he kicked it, he propelled himself to the air and onward to landing on the rooftop, trailing the shinobi with light footsteps so that the shinobi could near his movement. He had also heard the shinobi say that the reward will be extra if all three were to be brought back alive. This was going to be more exciting then anything at this point.

W O R D C O U N T ➪ 1352 / 1500 (Mission)
0/2000 (Jutsu}



{ Situation }
Three shinobi killing off Konohagakure shinobi.

He could get a perfect visual of the three nukenin that were killing off those that was coming to them. The descriptions about them was right in the slightest, without two being a male and one being a female. Their height distinguished them between short and tall, and their appearance was that of regular shinobi. One was tall and somewhat well dressed, to what it had appeared to be in a suit. The tall one's eyes had seem to be dull and calculative, something that even Jurou would notice in a leader, showing little to no emotions in the slightest of situations. He had seem very calm as well, someone similar to Jurou to which he had respected for his opponents. It had seemed that the so called leader of the group was good with explosives of some sort, to which it might pose to Jurou a problem if he tried to get up close., and personal, seeing as though long range ninjutsu was keeping most of his opponents at bay, which was something Jurou did not like. He had known that this nuisance was going to be a problem, might as well eliminate him first.

The other shinobi that caught his attention was the middle height shinobi, the chubby one of the group, and also the group member that caused the shinobi the most problems with his distraction and deception, to which he would trap them in a genjutsu, or so he heard from the other shinobi that was up on the rooftop near him, fighting the three. His Ninjutsu along with the element of Water Release (as he could see with the multiple bubbles) that he mainly attacked his enemies and traps them, putting them into a genjutsu. A tactical fighter at that and gets the advantage when his enemies are trapped and attacks them with illusionary techniques. Skeptical indeed but still a formidable foe for Jurou to put into custody. His Wind Release is exceptional as well, due to his wind blades with good cutting precision. Such a element would be beneficial to Jurou, but alas that would have to wait as the shinobi had set his eyes on the kunoichi next to the chubby shinobi.

The kunoichi by far was the support system of the group, as seen with her Medical Ninjutsu to act as the healer of the group, keeping her teammates alive and well and when down, finishes off her opponents just to come to their aid and the heal them some more. Being the shortest of the group, her hair was almost the same color as Jurou's hair, but hers being more white and his silver, although his hair was still longer then her hair. Her tight clothing had shown her curves and womanly stature in her body, to which she would make some men crawl at their feet for her and she would not notice, or panic if she did notice. Her combination of both Raiton and Taijutsu proved that she was indeed a major threat, numbing her opponents and somewhat paralyzing them for a good amount of time before they were able to move again, giving the team the upper advantage to strike while the enemy is not moving.

He could see that the team was young in age, but almost rivaled in combat and in strategies when together, possibly better then any other team that the shinobi had bested in his time of young age with his old team. This team would surely bring him back memories, but now was not the time for sentimental memories of the old, he had a mission to complete, and bringing this three in would help him achieve his goal of becoming perfect.

{ Detail }
Three strong shinobi against you.

The assault had stopped. It was a quiet. Feint breathing and panting in and out. Of course, the three shinobi was tired and needed some time to rest. Nothing like a small relaxation before commencing their next assault so far.

“Whew... I'm beat. That was how many shinobi we killed? I kinda lost count after five when they all came at us at the same time.” The female shinobi said to her teammates as she had her hands on her knees, deeply breathing.

Her eyes had motioned to both her teammates, particularly at her leader. She was the medic of the group, keeping the team alive with her Medical Ninjutsu and Lightning Release together, also with her Taijutsu and Medical Ninjutsu. Since being a taijutsu user, she had knowledge of the human body and where to attack to lethally kill her opponents, and medical ninjutsu just in case if she was to ever use Acupuncture to heal her opponents or close their wounds. She was lethal with Lightning Release, being that it was her affinity element.

“I had lost count as well. I was too busy trying to protect you two while trapping them in my genjutsu. Exciting wasn't it Yogua?” The chubby one had said. He had looked around and had seen that the one name Yogua was not there. It was strange to the chubby one at that, but he did feel another presence there. A presence that had not been killed by his hand, Yogua's hand, or the girl's hand neither. No, it was someone stronger, almost as strong as him. Fortunately for the team, they all had headsets, so communication was vital to them. The girl had the same feeling, as she too got up from her position and looked at the same direction. They both heard a voice on the headset as the one name Yogua had said to them both.

Get ready.

Slowly but surely, the other two had gotten into their battle ready positions as the smoke cleared form the rapid explosions from earlier. Came from the smoke was none other then the figure that was waiting for them. The one person that melted existence with his presence. The one that had turned the atmosphere into a living acid wasteland that killed others where they stand. The shadow-like individual walked through the smoke, his physical appearance was seen by the naked eye. The two had looked at him as the third came as well, not phased at the individual for making his entrance. Studying all three of them, his eyes had scanned the three with exceptional detail, although it could've been better. Something that he needed to work with he had to go back to training.

“Who are you?” The girl questioned. His odd yet exotic eyes had looked at her, to which his sudden gaze had frightened her quickly. Her body cringed with fear. He'll save her for last.

“What are you doing here and what do you want with us?” The chubby one questioned as well. There was a small hint of fear from this one, but he tried not to show it, to which the mysterious individual did not care about. His main enemy was there leader.

Yogua, the silent one, had not said a single word from his mouth when the individual had come about to see what he was going up against. He had already both his rapiers – Kano and Bento – out and ready for the battle to come, Naiya was held in her sheathe, comfortable waiting to go in for the kill sooner or later. A slight look at the three and he would've thought that they were fatigued, but their endurance was impressive. A slight chuckle had come from his mouth that only he could hear, his attitude was that of a callous and calculative persona as well. His eyes, odd but exotic design, black sclera with red pupils as dots forming a grid, had locked on the three. He did not feel the need to answer to such petty little questions as both the male ninjas did a tch sound.

Forest. Now.” Yogua had said as that was the signal to leave as the three ninja fled. A slight sigh had been commenced by Jurou has he had two Boil Release clones being summoned from behind him as the three Jurou's trailed the three ninja.

~Advanced Cat and Mouse. Let the games begin.~ The original Jurou in the middle had thought to himself

Jutsu used:

⇨ Jurou = 385/400 (C-rank jutsu)
346/400 (First Clone | 10%)
311/400 (Second Clone | 10%)

First Clone = 39/360
Second Clone = 37/360

{ Complication }
The three target their next assault on you.

The chase began. It was a three-on-three showdown. The three shinobi versus Jurou times 3. The two clones had split to go seek out the other two in the forest, while the original Jurou had set his sights on the leader, Yogua. The setting was dark still, perfect for catching the prey. Jurou had walked along the straight path of the grass to find the boy, only to have step on a trigger point that had caused an explosion, to which he had gotten out of at enough time. He had wondered where in the hell did that explosive come from, but then it had hit his mind that the boy was the explosive user and that he did take him some time to plant this, which was why it had took him some time to show up to his teammates.~Clever boy he is. This might be more fun then I thought.~ The mysterious shinobi thought to himself as he then set his sights on the trees and began to leap from branch to branch to find the boy. To his surprise, he had seen the boy running while planting the explosives with his hands, seeing as his hands were his assault starters. He was not going to get away this time.

The original Jurou had trouble even getting close to the ninja because of the ninja's long range tactics. If it was not explosives then what it was traps that had led to explosives. Not only was Jurou getting tired of this game, but what of the others finding out they were fighting just clones and had wanted to regroup after so? It was time to end this once and for all. Utilizing his speed to it's true potential, he had moved at a speed of 20 meters per second, to which the ninja Yogua could not even keep up with. It was only just a mere split second when Jurou was zipping in different directions, to which Yogua's reaction timing could not keep. As Jurou got closer, Yogua had tried to blast an explosive blast in mid range, but had fallen to prey to Jurou's immense speed before the blast could even be released, to which led him knocked out cold by the S-rank missing nin's butt of the hilt. Well, that was one down finally. Now he had waited for the other two to arrive.

~I expect 3 minutes from these clones. We do have a mission to complete...~ Jurou's thoughts exactly as he waited. His long, silver hair and blew to the breeze of the wind that was blowing east, to which his long hair from his hood was flaring east as well as the wind passed him.

The first clone had set his sights on the girl, the support system of the group. She must've been the easiest prey to catch, seeing as though her shy demeanor had made her vulnerable, which was enough to get this mission done and out of the way. The clone had an uneasy feeling as to where the girl would hide herself, only to hear cackling lightning from behind him as the girl had went for a jab to the back of the clone's neck. The clone had then ducked and with a swift motion, he threw a right kick while spinning in a 360° motion as the roundhouse kick connected with the girl's ribcage. The force of the kick had propelled the girl to some trees, connecting to them and knocking them down as she fell to the grass. Grass stains along with cuts on her face was seen as she was terrified of the clone's strength being at such a high rank, not even knowing that the clone was not the real person. The clone had kept its kicking stance and lowered his leg, lunging towards the girl with both rapiers at his disposal. He would try to end this quickly. If not, then the original could take the three on with no trouble at all. The girl had stood up quickly, grabbing your dual kunai to try and block the clone's attempt to strike. The girl had imbued her dual kunai with Lightning Release chakra and had continued her assault on the clone as the clone blocked each of her attack, yet the Lightning Release chakra had made the clone feel numb and could bearly keep hold of his rapier on his right hand, letting the blade drop on the floor.

“My name is Amare, the Lightning Medic. I shall see to it that you are disposed of.” There was a hint of fear in her voice, but a sound of determination and strong will was in there as well. The clone could not move his right arm for some time, but at least his left arm could still move for him to strike. The plan was simple: tire her out and commit suicide, dispersing into a cloud of acid vapor mist. He could just hold out for a few minutes longer. He had dashed forward to commence with her as she did the same. Her chakra scalpels against his one rapier blade, to which her scalpels had won her the fight, and the first clone had dispersed into a cloud of mist, making her cough and burning her eyes with irritation. Covering her eyes and mouth, she had swiped the mist cloud to vanish and she plugged her nose and held her breath and dared to not open her eyes. As soon as the mist was gone, she gasped for air and started panting. This was nothing like the real thing.

“It was a clone? So where's the real one? Wait...” She had gasped has she sensed something wrong. The others were in trouble as well.

“Yogua! Terekai!” She said the names of her allies as she fled to the closest one she could find.

The second clone had his sights on the other boy, the chubby one that. The boy was fast, but not faster then Jurou's clone. With the boy being slow, he was easy to keep up with and catch at the meantime. It was dark still, so fighting him and keeping him at bay would be beneficial. The clone was left at a standstill of trees blocking any path except the path up north. As soon as the clone had made for the path, he had felt a chakra signature above and looked upward. Unknown to what was coming at him, the clone was late on reaction timing, and had almost caught a kunai strike to the head, but clashed his two rapiers to block the kunai as the chubby boy had leaped away from the impact. Sweat was dripping down his face, for he had not exercised enough for this kind of lifestyle of being a criminal. He figured since he was on the wanted poster, might as well play the role. He had gotten his bubble-utilized pipe out of his back as he pointed it at the clone, blowing into it as water release bubbles, or Soap Bubble Ninjutsu, had come out of the pipe as the boy had ulitised such a weapon into his fighting style, making him versatile like Yogua. He had blown the bubbles toward the clone as the bubbles speed were rapid, going at B-rank speed of 10 meters per second, which was somewhat impressive for the clone. His reaction timing was a bit off, but he had jumped away from the attack in just enough time.

“My name is Terekai, and I am going to defeat you mystery man.” The chubby boy had said. His voice was serious and somewhat determined that he can beat the clone. The clone had only sighed and looked at the boy before he had dashed to him. The clone had to be careful at all times, but the trick was merely simple: tire the boy and girl out and let themselves be destroyed, if they don't go acting crazy from being too far away from their original master. Before the clone had know it, Terekai had disappeared to only reappear behind the clone and had trapped the clone in a bubble. But it was no ordinary bubble. The bubble inside was full of Terekai's water release chakra, to which he had casted a genjutsu of the clone drowning and no one to save him, to which the clone had dispersed into a cloud of mist. Terekai walked close to the bubble and popped it, only catching the mist in his eyes. It had made him cough as his eyes was burning  with irritation. Covering his eyes and mouth, he had swiped the mist cloud to vanish and he plugged his nose and held his breath and dared to not open his eyes. As soon as the mist was gone, he gasped for air and started panting. This was nothing like the real thing.

“Damn, a clone then? That means...” Before he had finished his sentence, he disappeared from his position. He knew it to be true: his friends were in grave danger.

{ Objective }
You must bring these three into custody while learning a new technique.

The two other ninja had then grouped together back to the centre of the forest, only to find their leader knocked unconscious behind the mysterious individual who was captivated in a sphere of Boil Release chakra by a clone that he had created only a few minutes ago. Now it was those two against him in a two-on-one game of keep them away from their leader. His hood showed no facial features – for only a black hole was looking at the two ninja, to which such a sight had creeped out Amare as she was thinking in her head that was someone really there or was just a manifestation of pure darkness. Terekai was not fazed by the sight, but deep down inside, he was somewhat scared from the site he had seen now then earlier. It had looked like there was nothing there at all.

“What have you done with our leader? Speak now!” Terekai had yelled. His voice was full of anger and hatred for the mysterious individual, which it had made Amare even more frightened for she had never seen this side of Terekai before. They had both thought that their leader was dead. Only the mysterious individual known as Jurou knew the truth of what he had done to Yogua.

“You will pay for this! We will kill you!” Terekai had yelled once more. His rage had worsened, his anger flaring more and more. Amare had only felt more terrified then ever. Tears strolled down her eyes as she looked at Terekai as she saw the same. He was terrified as well.

“Talk you demon! Talk!!” Terekai screamed once more. Jurou had not feel even a little bit of sorrow for this team. He did not feel symphony as his odd eyes had looked at them through the darkness of his hood. He had wanted to tell them but alas he would just bring them into custody.

Concentrating his Boil Release Chakra onto the blade of both rapiers, both blades of the weapons had acquired a faint white glow on the sword as seeping acid mist of chakra was released from the sword. He had forgotten about this technique but soon would be master it during this battle.

Jutsu used:

{ Chakra used }
311 – 25 = 286 | 400 (A-rank jutsu)
257 | 400 (Boil Release third clone)

As soon as he had seen what happened Terekai had charged for Jurou, only to be struck by the butt of the blade and was knocked unconscious as well due to his stupidity without thinking straight. Now it was up to Amare to handle things. She did not like the violence or the killing or the bloodshed. She had wanted it all to end. All of those innocent lives running after them. Slaughtered. Gone without a home or family. It had sickened Amare to her stomach. With all of the thoughts and even the sight of dead bodies and blood, and even the experience of it all, she had lost control of her mind and had fainted on the spot.

With that, Jurou's clone had released the Boil Release-chakra like bubble and walked to go pick up the other boy and the girl. Jurou and his clone had tied the team together with Jurou taking them to the Administration Building during the night time and had disappeared without a trace. He went back to the abandoned house and gotten into the bed that was left there as he slept. Today...

...was a very long day.

{ Word count: 3519 + 1352 = 4871 }
4871 - 1500 (Mission) = 3371
3371 - 2000 (A-rank Jutsu) =1371
Training Perception { E0-D1 }

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