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1Train the Academy 663 words Empty Train the Academy 663 words Mon Sep 02, 2013 11:13 pm



So this was a new experience for him. After all Abel had never set foot inside the academy. He had spent his life more of a traveling companion to a swordsman. Learning the path of bushido over all else. What supposed ninja arts he had learned he had done through observation. He had always been considered a prodigy of the sword and studies after all. He learned at a much faster pace then others where accustomed to so mostly he trained alone. He didn't mind though. After all he watched plenty of people get hurt at the hands of his master to know that his own blade was not meant to be raised against his friends. After all when he did draw his weapon it was time to pray. He snickered a little as he walked down the street following the directions he had been given. He wasn't late yet. So he didn't feel any need to rush. Little known to him he was so lost it was impossible for him to get to the academy on time. And as the time drew nearer and nearer he began to get nervous. What if he was to late? would he fail such a simple mission? Well that just would not do.

Finally he broke down and asked a shop keeper for directions to the Academy. He got a rather mocking look that made his eye twitch before given a general direction of "some where that way" before the shop keeper was far to busy to be bothered by a green haired idiot girl. Still Abel held his temper and moved up to the roof tops. It was a much faster method of travel then the streets and a better vantage point. From here he could almost see his goal and he still had a little time left. So he moved with a purpose towards the academy. Watching the monstrosity grow and grow until he was at the front gate looking around in awe. How many student's trained here? not that it mattered but he still swallowed hard. Before entering the front door. He went over to the front desk and bowed his head politely before asking which room he was to report to. He was directed towards a rather rowdy class of upper class-men near his own level already. Or so he was told by the receptionist. He highly doubted it himself. Near his level would of graduated a couple of years back.

Still he moves down the hall with some patience gathering himself up to look a little bit more responsible and adult. Even if he was wearing fairly slutty clothing. With a slight tug Abel pulled open the door into the class room before looking about. The teacher was hidden under his desk doing the crossword puzzle while the class room seemed to be divided into two war fronts. Kunai and Senbon was sinking into desks and jutsu where flying back and forth. it was a miracle no one had been hurt yet. The teacher himself seemed a coward. Abel however stepped forward grabbing the ruler off the desk and marching up to the middle of it. His wrist flicking up to block a Senbon aimed at him and deflect it into the roof.

Silence reigned over them all suddenly as this girl stood in the center of them. Abel looked around a moment before pointing to one boy on each side. Marking them by their confidence and how they stood at the back and still glared at each other. With a quick movement he slammed the ruler down splitting a desk in half like a sword strike. before speaking while pointing to each of the two in turn. "this ends now. If you two have issues settle it one on one. Don't drag others into this." and feeling like he had accomplished something he turned and strutted out. Had he taught them anything? well that was up to them to understand.

Exit thread.

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