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1Discover the Pervert [Kirigakure - D] Empty Discover the Pervert [Kirigakure - D] Sun Mar 09, 2014 6:12 pm

Tako Hōzuki

Tako Hōzuki

Mission: Discover the Pervert (Repeatable):

It was a Sunday evening, and Dovy was staring at a mirror with his hand covering his chin, pondering on what kind of look to go for. It was for his mission, actually. Not quite an exciting one, but it payed good money. What else was a Genin expected to do as a solo mission? It wasn't uncommon. Regardless, Dovy knew to stay humble even if he did crave adventure. Dovy only hoped that after this mission, he could finally afford a new blade to slice with. But for this mission, he wouldn't need any weapons, just stealth and maybe some solid acting skills. He couldn't remember what it was exactly--maybe something about going undercover? Oh gosh, what was it again? Dovy reached in his back pocket to read out loud in his read the mission:

"A store owner has requested help in finding out why - in only one of his three stores - newly hired employees are quitting within a couple days. Go undercover as a new employee, find and report the problem."

Sounded easy enough, maybe it was just bad maintenance with rats and cockroaches or something. Perhaps if Dovy helped solve the case, he could even get his own complimentary store discounts! Feeling exited, Dovy used his Transformation Jutsu to pick out the best appearance for an undercover worker. First off, he couldn't go in there looking like the 10 year old boy that he is, so he started by appearing like an 18 year old young adult. However, there was still something missing. "I might as well make me muscles even stronger!" he thought to himself. If he was going to enjoy pretending to be an adult, he might as well amplify every feature he wanted to, right? The only thing missing now was a rich, low, smooth voice. Hot dog! He was looking good. Dovy couldn't wait until the day he became a man. Being in this transformation gave him a lot of confidence, and he was prepared to take on his mission.

The next day, Dovy left his house as the 18 year old transformation of himself, and he went down to the store where he would spend his Monday working at. His attire was clean, but not too professional, and under his shirt he wore a small wire. It would be used to record everything happening around him to observe afterwards in case he missed it. Dovy entered the store, keeping his cool, and walked up to the cash register. "Hi! I'm Taku, I'm the new hire." he said politely. "Ohhhh, Hello young man. My name's Juroku, the store manager here. It's a pleasure to meet you..." he said politely. Dovy was surprised as to how nice this gentleman was. What great customer service he must give!

"You'll be working as our cashier! I wish I could get you in the stock room with those strong muscles of yours... mmm. But for now, you'll be here on the register. Now don't slack off or I'll have to smack that tight lil' tush of yours!" He said to Dovy. Not gonna' lie, the lad was a bit creeped out. This manager was extremely flamboyant with his suggestive statement. Dovy felt a little suspicious, but he continued to work through the day until his lunch break.

During his break as he ate his sandwich, he met two other employees: one boy, one girl. He felt as if it were the perfect time to interview them. While secretly adjusting his hidden microphone, he began to ask them both some questions. "So... Do you guys see anything weird about Mr. Juriko? I mean, he makes me feel a bit uncomfortable at times." he asked. The two both looked at each other with a face that didn't seem very surprised. "Yeahh... He's just like that. A freaking pervert. He really open about his sexuality and keeps talking about how he would love to take us out and he always drops this sexual innuendo around us.. It got so bad that 3 people quitted last week. I mean, the only reason we're here is because we really need the money." They said in a flat tone, almost disappointed. "Thank you for letting me know that." Dovy responded. It appears that he found the problem. All that he needed now was the evidence.

Dovy returned to his work and waited for the store manager to return. "MMmm, hey buddy. How's the cash register going?" He asked in a creepy tone. Dovy immediately knew what to do. He turned around and looked him in the eye. "How would you like to take me out on a date, big boy?" He asked. It gave him a disgusting taste in his mouth as he talked to the creepy 35 year old man. "Ohhh, yes sir. You don't even know the naughty things that I would do to you... Lets just make sure to keep it between you and me. Hmmm?" He responded, but Dovy couldn't take it anymore. He laughed out loud at how comic the conversation sounded. "Okay... thats all I needed to hear." He said right before poofing back into his normal state. "I just needed to record you saying that to prove you guilty. I'll be showing this to your boss!" Juriko was silent as his mouth dropped, and like a little baby, he fainted and fell backwards. Confused, Dovy simply walked out of the store and continued on to give the recording to store owner and close the case.

~~Mission Complete!~~

WC: [916/600]

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