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1Nukenin Sightings (B-rank, Repeatable)  Empty Nukenin Sightings (B-rank, Repeatable) Wed Sep 04, 2013 9:45 am



Ukiyo was resting in her tree one day, observing a caterpillar munching on a leaf, when she noticed birds scattering in the distance. Ukiyo lifted her head and sat up straight, smelling the air and keeping still in an attempt to hear something. That was far too many for a bear. I don't know of any larger creatures around here... Hm. Ukiyo stood up and stretched her arms/legs out, squealing as she did so. She scratched her head, rustling her dirty hair a bit as specs of dirt fell out. Ukiyo strained her eyes once more in an attempt to see what lay ahead, but alas could not. She began jumping through the branches towards her target, excited at what it may be. Maybe it's a new animal! Or the stream branched off! Ukiyo's smile was ecstatic as she gained in speed, approaching the target area quickly. Before reaching it, however, she heard the brutal cry of a deer from the same location. Ukiyo winced, and her expression quickly became serious. She crouched down and used her hands in conjunction with her feet to improve her speed. Shinobi. Ukiyo clenched her teeth at the thought of some hot-headed shinobi coming into Her woods and terrorizing its inhabitants. As she approached, she could see through cracks in the brush a shinobi in an opening of trees. Ukiyo continued on her path, heading directly towards a tree near the opening.




As Ukiyo ran into the tree in front of her, she melded her body with the bark on the tree, seamlessly merging with it. She was gone in an instant, and traveled down the tree into the ground as she cast her jutsu. Soon Ukiyo would be in the earth directly beneath the shinobi's feet, and her hand would surface. She placed her hand at ground level, that is, just enough to let her skin take the place of the dirt. She layed several seeds on the bottom of the shinobi's feet, then assessed her strategy. I haven't even see his abilities yet, I shouldn't get ahead of myself. Interrogation comes first. Ukiyo activated another jutsu, strapping several thin vines to the bottom of the shinobi's feet without his knowledge. Once they were attached, she began rapidly moving beneath the ground back towards the tree, causing the shinobi to fall on his back as he slid towards the trunk. The shinobi let out a yell, What the fuck is- As she made it to the tree, Ukiyo sharply turned up its trunk and to the top, carrying the shinobi with her. He hit several branches along the way, but was able to avoid the majority of them. At the peak, Ukiyo let her face emerge from the trunk while keeping her body still hidden, hanging the shinobi before her by his feet with her vines. Who are you and what are you doing in my woods? She asked with a cold, stern expression. Her eyes stared deeply into his, attempting to discover his motives before he uttered a word. The shinobi, who just a minute ago seemed terrified, was suddenly at ease. He let out a loud burst of laughter at the girl as he hung, swaying back and forth now with the force of his voice. Saliva speckled Ukiyo's face, and while she didn't mind this all that much, she did mind the laughing. How..obnoxious. It was more than that, though. Her ears were hurting, ringing. She felt as though someone was slowly shoving a long metal rod into her ears and pushing past her eardrums into her skull. It was absurdly painful.  Ukiyo retreated back into the tree while continuing to hold him up by the feet. For some reason, though, she could still hear him. The laughter echoed in her ears and bounced around her brain, stinging her to the point of submission. She couldn't move, and soon lost control of her vines. Her prisoner fell to his freedom, catching himself on a branch beneath where he had been hanging. What the hell is this? I usually can't hear anything under hear... Ukiyo struggled for several minutes to gain control of herself, but couldn't. Whatever was happening, it was beyond her control. The shinobi outside the tree pulled out a large metal cylinder he had on his back and made several hand signs after resting it against the tree. Bubble barrage! Suddenly, an intense stream of bubbles began firing out of the tube, directly into the trunk of the tree. Each one chipped away several layers of it, until eventually they made it halfway through. The tree tipped over with Ukiyo still inside and smashed against several other trees on its way down. Ukiyo felt the impact and wanted to escape, but still couldn't move. What's he doing? Did he just cut down the tree? Did he just... Ukiyo, in intense pain and anguish, began being consumed by rage. She wanted to scream out in disgust, but still couldn't. I won't forgive you for that! Ukiyo relaxed as much as her body would let her, then slowly lost consciousness as her plants took over control of her body.



Last edited by Ukiyo on Wed Sep 04, 2013 8:44 pm; edited 1 time in total



As Ukiyo drifted off, grass began to grow all along the outside of the tree. She quickly emerged from the bark, grass now surrounding her in every direction up to 30m. The ringing was gone, and the expression on her face was completely absent. It was as if she wasn't awake anymore, as if she was merely an empty shell that moved out of instinct. Her mouth opened slightly. "You." Her voice was dull, monotone. She looked up at the shinobi slightly in the distance. He redirected his attention towards Ukiyo, slightly surprised. His look of confusion was suddenly wiped away as he began bursting out laughing again. He laughed for a few seconds, then peaked open one of his eyes towards Ukiyo, only to see her staring him down still. It looks like she's figured out my Genjutsu. No matter. She's still far too far away. The shinobi dropped to one knee as he re-positioned the tube in Ukiyo's direction. As he began to make hand seals, Ukiyo made a hand seal with her right hand still in place, and suddenly three chutes of bamboo emerged. One emerged from the bottom of each of her opponent's feet, jetting his toes upwards and tipping him off the branch, and one emerged from her elbow and grew up the side of her arm. Ukiyo sprang forward, her grass following her as she swiftly approached where the shinobi would be landing. At the last second, however, the shinobi made a hand sign and a bubble fired out of his tube, turning him around in the air. He then made another hand sign and a jet stream of bubbles shot towards Ukiyo. Ukiyo put up her arm with the bamboo to block, but the jutsu broke through and covered her arm in 3 inch deep cuts. Ukiyo, however, was prepared. She had kept her other hand flat from the moment she emerged from the ground, and was now about to reveal why. As she took the attack, Ukiyo surged chakra into her hand, springing forth a tree from the grass below the shinobi. The tree pushed him up 30m into the air as he coughed up blood from the force of its trunk.


Chakra: 120/200:

Last edited by Ukiyo on Wed Sep 04, 2013 2:57 pm; edited 1 time in total



As Ukiyo recovered from the attack, so did the shinobi. He stood atop the tree now, directing his tube towards Ukiyo once more. Ukiyo didn't waste any time either, proceeding to run up the tree as quickly as possible. As she made her way up, the man made a long stream of hand seals and cocked his head back, shouting out while laughing maniacally AHAHAHA TAKE THIS YOU BITCH!!! Suddenly, a massive 10m wide bubble shot out the tube at an incredible speed. It was spewing water out of it in every direction, and it appeared to have compressed wind swirling around its center. Ukiyo didn't so much as flinch as she made two hand signs and ran directly towards the giant bubble. As it made contact with her, she disappeared in a poof of smoke, leaving a branch behind to get obliterated by the blast. Ukiyo appeared on the other side of the trunk, still running up towards the canopy of it. Grass covered the trunk as she ran up it, only not appearing in spots she planted her feet. As she planted them, grass would spring up push her feet, giving her a tiny speed boost. As she made it to the top, the shinobi was laughing hysterically, sure that he had just killed her. Without a word, Ukiyo made a hand sign and two vines sprouted from around the man's feet. They grew up rapidly, entangling him while he was distracted. Huh- Before he had time to think, Ukiyo was behind him with her hand reaching around the front of his throat. Die. With that, Ukiyo concentrated her chakra into her fingers, breaking his neck. As his limp body fell to the ground, Ukiyo sat down on the canopy. She folded her legs and brought her hands together, then meditated until she regained consciousness.



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