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1Naruto World war Empty Naruto World war Sat Aug 31, 2013 3:40 pm



Naruto World war Nwwn

Naruto World war Nwwplot

Long ago, in an age long past, there was a world that was stuck in an age of endless war. In this world, bloodshed was a common site on the streets of villages. Battlefields were everywhere imaginable, even in innocent homes. This age of war and bloodshed lasted for many years, until a priest appeared. He began instructing the people on the ways of peace and on the truth about chakra. He travelled the world for years, spreading his ideas and religion, The Shinobi Sect, which eventually became known as ninjutsu. It was during this time in the Age of Learning, that the priest fought the most powerful demon in the shinobi world. He had been able to seal the demon inside of him but because the demon was so powerful, the priest knew the seal he had used would break upon his death. So he used an ability to split the demon into nine parts.

It is here that this world splits apart from our own. Where in our world, the Sage fathered two children and named the younger his successor, in this world, he father three children. The older was the embodiment of the priest, whereas the younger two only wished to have power. It wasn’t until the priest was on his death bed and the three children were adults, that the two power hungry ones hatched a plan to kill their father and their older brother. They waited until their brother was visiting their father in his room before they set the building on fire and killed the both of them. The two sisters, then wreaked havoc upon the world. They launched the world into chaos several times until they killed each other in a dispute. Upon their death the second Age of War was proclaimed over by a prophet and declared that it was now the Age of Rebuilding and Prosperity.

Naruto World war Aaahq

Chapter 1: Age of Prosperity

The many villages that had been damaged from the constant wars for forty years, quickly began rebuild bother their villages and their military forces in case someone tried to attack them in their time of repair. No attacks came. Soon the leaders of the villages had to slowly start downgrading their military forces until they had enough to go on missions and to guard the villages. This lasted for years. Two hundred years to be exact. The only threat the villages had were the bijuu and the threat of their jinchuuriki losing control and destroying their villages. They counteracted this by building special rooms in their temples that would make it impossible for the Bijuu to escape. This practice lasted as long as the age lasted, though it slowly went into disuse as the Jinchuuriki learned to control their bijuu.

Soon a prophet announced that the Age of Prosperity was coming to a close and that the Age of World War was coming. The villages, hearing this, began to hastily recruit and bring their armies to full force in case they were attacked.

Naruto World war Ageofwar

Chapter 2: The Age of World War

The age came into fruition on a cold winter’s night when war erupted between the four main villages. The first war in this age was indeed a world war. The shinobi from these four villages declared their allies. Soragakure and Fubukigakure declared themselves allies and they declared war on the alliance of Buranchigakure and Tanimuragakure. This war lasted for thirty years before the kages declared an armistice between their villages and began to rebuild. This relative peace lasted for ten years before Fubukigakure attacked Tanimuragakure after a woman was kidnapped by a criminal from Tanimuragakure. The woman turned out to be the Fubukikage’s daughter. Soragakure and Buranchigakure joined sides with Tanimuragakure against the unprovoked attacked and after two years of valiant fighting, the war was ended with the defeat of Fubukigakure. With relative peace again, the villages began rebuilding again. This peace lasted for sixty years before the third war erupted.

Buranchigakure, wanting to expand their territory, attacked one of the minor countries that bordered it and quickly took it under its control. This rapid attack and conquer tactic, soon had most neighboring countries under its control. Soragakure, also wanting to expand its territory, signed a treaty in secret with Buranchigakure, and began attacking neighboring countries. Fubukigakure, still weak from their loss sixty years ago declared them neutral in the fight unless their people were attacked. Tanimuragakure, larger than both Buranchigakure and Soragakure, declared war on them and attacked. At first Tanimuragakure had the upper hand in the war and freed several minor countries from their control but it would not last. With the combined force Tanimuragakure was soon pushed back across their borders and was about to surrender when Fubukigakure entered the war on their side, using the power of their jinchuuriki as well as that of their shinobi. With the great power shown by the Jinchuuriki, Soragakure and Buranchigakure were pushed back and they surrendered, ending the Third World War.

That was seven years ago and the Age of World War is still in its early stages. This is not the beginning of the Age of World War but nor is it its ending.

A rather new group has appeared as well, eight shady figures only known as the 8 Tsukiakari. Their goal is unknown but they are lead by a rather shady - but powerful figure - as they carry out their plans. Not much is known of their goals or what they wish to achive, but some whisper in the darkness that it has something to do with the ten tailed beast, some say they want to wipe all the villages out and remake the world in their own image, others say they want to destroy the world itself and rein over it as the new Gods.... While not much is known about them, it is said that each member represents a meaning or symbol, similar to that of the "Snake God" Yamata no Oroch: Soul, Ghost, Evil, Devil, Monstrous, Kill, The Afterworld and Death. one thing is for certain....they are very secretive and VERY powerful, their Leader will stop at nothing to fulfill her plans.

What We Need

Members willing to get along with staff and follow the rules

What We Have:
We have a custom plot, custom villages, custom Bijuu. This was done to make sure one village didn't get flooded because of everyone liking that one village or everyone trying to get the strongest Bijuu. We also have a staff that has over 18 years of combined RPing experience and over 6 years of combined staff experience. They are very knowledgeable about the subject of Naruto and on what should be allowed and what shouldn't be.
Naruto World war Af8

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