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1Naruto RPG: Shinobi World Evolution Empty Naruto RPG: Shinobi World Evolution Fri Jun 14, 2013 8:28 am


Hi, I'm Seia-Chan, aka Jun Uchiha. I'm here to advertise a brand new RPG in the Naruto world, Naruto RPG: Shinobi World Evolution!

We have been officially open for about 5 days and have 27 users and counting. Staff positions are available for mods and global mods. Also, Tsuchikage is open, as well as ALL ranks and ALL clans. We are a custom time-line occuring 500 years after the end of the Naruto story. Come join the fun, and play as a Shinobi or a Civilian. First 50 New Members get a bonus of 50 XP for free and 3 free Jutsu, with one of those being a rank above their ninja rank.

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