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1Recovering[Open] Empty Recovering[Open] Thu Aug 22, 2013 2:46 pm



Owydelu was all destroyed after his last mission. He had to fight with a madman, a powerful ninja that didn't care about the others. He was just killing everybody in his sight. As far as Owydelu saw, he was using the Iwagakure's Blood Release, the ability to control the blood in his body. But, maybe it could've been possible to control others' blood too, when reaching a powerful state, where you are able to freely manipulate your blood with no effort at all. He still couldn't believe he was alive after all that. The doctor now got out of the room. Owydelu was all alone. He could've given anything to see a friend of his, or maybe, to see someone that could make him feel happy. His recovery was something that he never did before. Also, he was alive because of his friends, because he believed that they'll give him strenght, because he wanted to see them again and not to perish in a desert. He was looking at the things around. The room was pretty confortable, but his wound were still hurting so, he might've not found this as a good place to stay.

2Recovering[Open] Empty Re: Recovering[Open] Thu Aug 22, 2013 4:16 pm



Noboru moved down the hall. Slightly taller then most the staff and patients it wasn't a difficult feat to walk in a straight line down the hall. People had a tendency of moving out of his path. His long knee length red coat floated behind him from his brisk pace. His red tinted sunglasses seemed to hide the glow of his yellow eyes in the dimly lit shadows of the hospital. It wasn't unbearably warm in there but to him it felt cold. His boots made tapping noises against the marble floors as he approached a specific room. His red gloved hand raising to knock before entering. He could at least pretend to be polite after all. It was interesting to him that during the exams a Kanoha Jounin would be getting injured within the Borders of Suna. Not that he really cared for the mans life one way or another but some one of higher ranking dying on foreign soil or in this case sand had a tendency to bring about an international incident. It was his job to investigate what happened.

As he entered his red coat seemed to flare around him. He moved into the room just in front of the door and closed it quietly before bowing his head in greeting. Not to far mind but enough to be civil. Before raising his head and rising to his full height. He was thin but something of how he held himself implied experience. Nor was he young. His early thirties perhaps. He had not brought his tools with him beyond the front desk. After all the goal here was not to engage an injured Senju in combat within a Suna hospital. That would cost him dearly if it happened. And he wasn't entirely sure how he would safely engage the wood techniques anyway. Still as he moved to the bed he lifted the chart and began to skim over it as he spoke. His voice calm and flat.

"Senju-San I presume? I don't see many of your clan often. You may call me Mr. Chikamatsu. I will be in charge of the investigation into your accident within the borders. You had an accomplice with you as well correct? Kozuki-San was it? Hopefully I will be able to speak with him as well."

Noboru set down the chart and casually reached into his inner chest pocket of his coat before pulling out a tiny note pad and pen attached. Clicking the pen with his thumb. He wasn't entirely unarmed after all. A pen in his hands was deadlier then a Kunai. But no need to frighten the man with informing him he was being questioned by an Anbu...and one of the most powerful people in Suna. His yellow eyes lifted to make eye contact with the man before speaking again.

" the report says there was a lot of blood at the scene. You must feel lucky to be alive."

3Recovering[Open] Empty Re: Recovering[Open] Fri Aug 23, 2013 4:02 am



Owydelu was all destroyed during that fight. He was necver this exhausted. His arms, his legs, his torso is all hurt so much. Still, he didn't ever trough he'll end up here, in a hospital ,in the Hidden Sand Village. Owydelu was happy that he made it out. Kozuki was a powerful ninja for sure and Owydelu, for a moment, was about to give up on fighting and to acceot the death. Suddely, someone came in the room. He was a man that was at least 10 years older than Owydelu. He had long, black, straight hair that was falling on his back like a waterfall on the mountain rocks. Who was him? Noone knew. He just popped in and he started analyzing Owydelu. Some might take it as a rude action, some may not. Owydelu wasn't in the mood of judging people by their actions so he had just to observe how the things were going and who was this new character that appeared in his face, at the hospital. The chances were too minimal to be someone very important, because Owydelu would've recognized him.

He started speaking after finishing reading Owydelu's physical traits: "Senju-San I presume? I don't see many of your clan often. You may call me Mr. Chikamatsu. I will be in charge of the investigation into your accident within the borders. You had an accomplice with you as well correct? Kozuki-San was it? Hopefully I will be able to speak with him as well......the report says there was a lot of blood at the scene. You must feel lucky to be alive."

"Call me Owydelu, I'm one of the Jounin in the Hidden Leaf Village! I came here because I was send on a mission, to hunt Kozuki, the Missing Ninja from Sunagakure! When travelling to Sunagakure I was ambushed by him! I was injured in an attack and there weren't too many solutions to fight him! He had the strenght and speed of a Sannin, something that I can't match for now! I let him strike me one more time, with both of his weapons, to get closer to him and to use my Short Range Jutsu to get him! I hope it worked, where is he now? Is he dead or alive? Is he captured?"

Word Count:

4Recovering[Open] Empty Re: Recovering[Open] Fri Aug 23, 2013 4:59 pm



Noboru listened to the mans excited reaction with a quiet patience. After all getting this kind of information so freely was rarely so simple. Often people where reluctant to share information with other villages. In his own Opinion Noboru figured that was why so much had been lost to the missing nin so far. Still he begins to pat his pockets as if searching for something with his right hand while his left hand held the pen and notepad. He wanted to see the mans reaction to such rude behavior. After all the man was in no position to do anything reckless. He had already admitted that he could not keep up with Sannin level of speed. Which meant that Noboru was faster then Owydelu in his normal condition yet alone injured. Finally he found his half empty pack of smokes and popped one into his mouth before responding to the question asked by popping another cig halfway out. Holding it out to the man.


regardless of the answer or any protests or the rules against smoking in the hospital he would find a chair a couple of feet away and light up. With Trilby gone Noboru was second only to Gin herself in all honesty. It gave him a sort of rude and careless pride. Still he watched the man in silence as he puffed on his smoke before writing down some details on the note pad. He honestly didn't know the status of the missing nin. Either they had felt in unimportant to inform him of such things or the man escaped without anyone catching wind of it. He would have to hunt down that information and deal with it accordingly. It was his job as ANBU after all. He finishes his notes in silence before flicking the ass off his smoke into the trash. And then speaking.

"Alright then Owydelu-San. Calm yourself. No need to reopen your wounds. You said he is a missing nin from here and you....A Konoha nin where hunting him in Suna. Is there some sort of personal reason? You also managed to judge his strength and speed....can you describe his techniques, Elements and weaponry perhaps?"

5Recovering[Open] Empty Re: Recovering[Open] Sun Aug 25, 2013 2:58 pm



Mr. Chikimatsu started smoking while saying:
"Alright then Owydelu-San. Calm yourself. No need to reopen your wounds. You said he is a missing nin from here and you....A Konoha nin where hunting him in Suna. Is there some sort of personal reason? You also managed to judge his strength and speed....can you describe his techniques, Elements and weaponry perhaps?"

Owydelu listened to Mr. Chikamatsu's question and he started to answer them, in order:

"Well, to tell you exactly, I was here on a mission! Konohagure got a request from Sunagakure saying that all the ninjas that were able to do this mission were on others! I want send from Konohagure to take care of this "Kozuki"! He was a member of the Igarashi Clan, as far as I know! I knew that it belonged to Iwagakure, from Tsuchi no Kuni! He was using a powerful S-Ranked Katana and, in combination with one of his Jutsus "Blood Scythe", he was performing a powerful attack called the "X Cut", where he was cutting your torso in an "X" form, as its name says! I had no personal intentions of hunting this man, but, I was to go to Sunagakure first and take some more information regarding this suspicious Missing-Nin, but, when I was travelling, he ambushed me in the desert! About his techniques....well, he was using only Blood-based techniques!"
Owydelu suddenly laid down, while expressing how deep the wounds were and how they hurt, while trying to move was completely impossible at this moment.

Word Count:

Last edited by Owydelu on Sun Sep 08, 2013 6:04 am; edited 1 time in total

6Recovering[Open] Empty Re: Recovering[Open] Sun Sep 01, 2013 6:37 am



Noboru watched the man for a time. A man of considerable reputation. Considered one of the strongest currently within Konoha. Or so the man's file said. And yet here he lay as vulnerable as a new born under his thumb. He could end the man and say they where investigating what happened. His smoke burned away ever so slowly as he contemplated this. The pen in his hand scribbling notes as he thought about how to go about it. A jab to the neck perhaps. The pillow to strangle him. An overdose on the medication. Or perhaps the wrong medication.

Yellow eyes looked over the rims of red glasses a moment as Owy spoke. The information was being transferred into his notes rapidly but he made no sounds of comfort to the man. He had been defeated by one man. Was Konoha really so weak? Or perhaps he was over thinking things and the missing nin was the one with the power. They seemed to come across such power easily enough. Regardless this was troubling enough. His smoke finally went out before he tossed the butt into the trash as he stood up. Slightly bowing his head.

"Well then Senju San. I will be taking my leave. Thank you for your cooperation." and with a flared twirl of red coat he was gone.

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