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1Masanori vs Kichirou Empty Masanori vs Kichirou Wed Aug 28, 2013 12:52 pm


Masanori dropped into the arena, his reinforced steel sandles crunching as they hit a few Makibishi on the way down. Thankfully, his armour was designed specifically to defend against them, so they bore him no ill will. He had landed next to a windmill shuriken, which he tore out of the ground where it had been lodged with a sharp pull. They had done a wonderful job of recreating a battlefield environment. As a man who had seen his fair share of combat, he knew this atmosphere all too well. What troubled him wasn't the environment, it was the projectile launchers in the walls. It would be an awkward wild card, to be sure. Spinning the windmill shuriken around casually in his left hand, Masanori stood waiting for his enemy to enter the arena. Some konoha kid, apparently. The name meant nothing to him. Granted neither did the last one, who put up no fucking fight whatsoever. It would be interesting to see how his opponent reacted to fighting him, actually. He'd apparently become a bit of a legend in the tournament for how fast he'd won his last match. It was over within 20 seconds of it starting, after all.

"You ready, Genbu?" Masanori whispered to his turtle, who he could feel squirming in his chest. This was a good day for them; it was the first time since the tournament started that Masanori and his turtle could fight as one, and god were they going to abuse that fact.


Last edited by Masanori on Thu Aug 29, 2013 3:06 am; edited 1 time in total

2Masanori vs Kichirou Empty Re: Masanori vs Kichirou Wed Aug 28, 2013 1:46 pm


Post #1
Never bet against the house. For they stack the deck in their favor.

Another day. Another fight. Another chance to gamble his life away. Kichirou couldn't help but to smirk at such a possibility, his hand running along the corridors as he made his way towards the arena. The man didn't have no resignation in believing he would win it all, for that wasn't the reason he joined the exams. Unlike the rest of these low-lives being a shinobi wasn't that important to the dark haired man. No, he's perfectly fine living a normal civilian life, without having to deal with the scum that's shinobi. Away from those who find themselves superior to the rest just because they can wield chakra and fought to protect the average person. Not like they did it on their own accord, they basically were slaves to a man who's own a power trip. Like a cheap whore to be used and abused by their pimp and his/her clients, only to be put down when no longer needed. Yes, that's actually what shinobi are. And Kichirou pity those who couldn't see it.

The green eyed man's musing was cut short, feet having stepped out of the southern entrance, fifty meters way down winded of the northern entrance, the metallic slab shutting behind him. Almost automatically his right hand picked up the windmill shuriken stuck in the ground, a simple tug loosed the weapon, it now gripped loosely in his left hand. At the same time slipping something in between the fold of the windmill, it having been prepped beforehand and slipped up his sleeve for conviences.

Such an interesting battle field. Simply put it was a war-zone, like someone came up with the brilliant idea to drop a nuke in the arena. No type of shelter or higher ground was as far as he could tell anyway. The landscape being mostly rocky, making traction important but relatively flat. He also noted that there were makibishi scattered and probably hidden within the ground. Luckily Kichirou didn't wear sandles like normal shinobi, preferring boots. The gambler also noted the indention of hidden chambers along the walls, as well as holes were only god knows what might come out of them.

Worry about that later

Finally his eyes locked onto his opponent standing, fifty meters away from in. Kichirou didn't bother in going to his opponent, no instead he waited patiently for the man to clear the distance between the pair – right hand brushing against his pants, feeling something loosen, foot playing in the dirt, absentmindedly.

Combat Data:


3Masanori vs Kichirou Empty Re: Masanori vs Kichirou Thu Aug 29, 2013 10:41 am


As Kichirou has been banned, I move on.

4Masanori vs Kichirou Empty Re: Masanori vs Kichirou Sun Sep 01, 2013 5:21 am

Strafe Aisu

Strafe Aisu

Since Joshua is no longer at Saga, Kichirou moves on!

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