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1securing assets Empty securing assets Sun Aug 25, 2013 1:21 pm



Just as Dunki was preparing to leave he had some second thoughts it was his first solo mission he was slightly nervous that if he messed up there was no chuunin to save him and haunted Dunki didnt really believe that but still so many people saying it was maybe there is people waitnig there or maybe it actually is haunted and how in the hell do they think i can fight a ghost its not possible. but then he looked in his wallet and he 60 ryo left and that could not by anything needed to save up for that new sword he needed to be able to put his training to use and to the moment he had no other weapons except his jutsu an honestly that was not much come to think of it.
So by the time he finished getting ready he started on his way to the door left his house and started walking. the weather today was good, well good for the mist village there was a light rain, but there was always a light rain but he was used to this the gills kind of gave that away.
he fastened his headband around his neck and started thinking how to get the ore he was assigned to get he could not just bust in gun blazing there could be others he didnt like others if he found anyone he would have to fight them and that didnt bode well so him no weapons little jutsu and he hadnt slept in two days either his nerves have been upon him like crazy he could not take this he just wanted to get it done. so he broke off into a light jog and decided it was better to go quicker then slower.
most of the way he had jogged so within a hour he was at the outside gate and stood ready for his first assignment.
he had been running all day and by nightfall he had managed to arrive at the water where the island is in. even though he knew he could swom it or walk it because of his gills he didnt want to risk it and it was night time so it seemed wise to rest for the night and make camp.
He caught two trout in the water while waiting for his campfire to start he had never ben good with fire but he ate the fish raw and went to bed beside the small fire.
trough out the night he heard the howling of wolves and the scuffling of paws through the woods bu nothing too close for comfort luckily.
he woke u at the crack of dawn by the shining sun hitting him in the face he yawned himself awake.
and as soon as he was awake he jumped into the water towards the old haunted mine and the swimming went fine for he didnt need to take any breaths he got to the island in 10 minutes and jumped onto land and then right in front of him was an old broken down rickety mine rocks crumbled all over and pick lying everywhere but no ore to be seen in the front so he ventured inwards to the mine the moment he stepped foot into the shaft the air got chilly cold and clammy (Funny must be because of the sun) he thought just before he heard the words (get out) from behind him.
he spun around and there was nothing but air he thought hat he must be freaking himself out
(just relax) he thought to himself.
over the next two hours he descended into the mine the temperature kept dropping and dropping
and then he tarted seeing ore and some bones, human bones black and gnawed at and the skulls were grinning at him with eyes as red as coals but he held true and kept descending.
after what seemed like days of walking he cam to a pile of ore and decided that it would be enough for his mission  at this point he decided that he could take 10 kilograms for there was enough ore in this on pile. as he started piling it in his bag he started hearing voices no more then whispers but then they started to getting louder and louder the more he filled up his back pack he stopped at 9 kilograms and started running towards the exit as fast as he could the exit was not getting any closer it seemed hours and hours had gone by till he finally got to the exit and as he emerged out of the exit he fell to his knees he did not want to have anything to do with ghosts no more and decided that it was best to get home as soon as possible. so he walked into the water and took a deep breath of water clearing his lungs of air he then proceeded to walk to the other end to where his camp was at the waterside and then followed his own tracks back to his village slower the the way here because of the ore by the time he got to his village it was night but he went down to the office and passed in the ore and mission scroll.
Mission Completed

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