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1Securing More Assets [D-Rank] Empty Securing More Assets [D-Rank] Mon Dec 30, 2013 5:21 pm



Today, Kurama was once again had to venture into the old mine to secure more precious metals for the sake of the village. The mine he was going into today was the same one he went into last time. This mine was haunted, there was no doubt about it now. Kurama had had an encounter of the fourth kind. Although brief, it left lasting memories. Kurama had seen a something so freaky that he had no idea whether it truly happened however his reaction was one that replayed in his head many times over. According to the note that was left under Kurama's door this morning, he was going to have to gather another cart full of metals and deliver them to old man Jun's house again.

Kurama stood before the large mine opening, it was just as menacing and ominous as before. Although this time Kurama knew what lied beyond this jagged exterior. An equally as jagged, haunted, damp, spider infested interior; that just so happened to be filled with precious metals that were invaluable to the village. Why do  the higher-ups torture us genin with tasks such as this? Kurama thought to himself as he positioned himself behind the cart and began to push it into the angry mouth of the haunted mine. The inside of the mine was quiet, other than the occasional drip of water from the many stalactites that jutted angrily from the ceiling.

Kurama walked down the long abandoned mine, growing ever closer to his destination. The inkling feeling that something was going to happen to him was creeping into the forefront of his mind. He shook his head in hopes that the thoughts would simply fade away as he tried to keep his mind on the task at hand. The mine was getting darker and colder as  Kurama progressed. As he neared the spot where he had his encounter with what he believes is a ghost it got exponentially colder. The hairs on Kurama's neck stood on end and he pcked up his pace. "Ssssloww dowwwnn" he heard a raspy female voice echo through the cave. Hearing this caused Kurama to stop in his tracks, not knowing whether to run or see what made the sound. Kurama let go of the cart and turned around slowly to see what or who said that. There was nobody there. Kurama sighed and said softly "This, is so not happening again.". Last time Kurama was inside this mine something like this happened which caused him to freak out, sprint down the mine and fall into a lot of spiders.

Kurama calmly continued to push the cart down the mine. After a few more minutes he could finally see the end of the tracks, where the precious metals where. Kurama started loading the metals into the cart, making sure that there were no spiders on any of the pieces like last time. After the cart was about three fourths of the way full the are got really cold, as it had earlier. Kurama braced himself for another one of the mysterious woman's visits. "What you ssseeek liesss withinn" she said. He could feel her cool breath in his ear although he couldn't see her anywhere. Suddenly the room returned to its former warmth. This was undoubtedly the creepiest place Kurama has ever been to bar none. Kurama finished loading the cart with the metals all the while trying to figure out what the mysterious ghost meant by "what you seek lies within", more importantly what was it that Kurama was supposedly seeking? Kurama wheeled the cart all the way out of the mine without further incident and delivered it once again to old man Jun's house.

Word Count 626/600

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