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1Securing Assets [Private, NK] Empty Securing Assets [Private, NK] Mon Oct 16, 2017 2:07 pm

Kotarō Shinji

Kotarō Shinji

Mission name: Securing Assets (Repeatable)
Mission rank: D
Objective: Secure important assets for Kirigakure’s effort
Location: Kiri
Reward: 150 Ryo
Mission description: “Raw metals are needed for the smithies and crafters. There’s an old abandoned mine on one of the islands west of here to collect them. Some say it’s haunted, be careful.”
Mission details: Go and collect 5 to 10 kilos of raw materials from the old abandoned mine, the mine seems to have had an accident some time ago, leaving raw materials lying around after travelling 200+ meters deep, haunting sightings up to the writer.

2Securing Assets [Private, NK] Empty Re: Securing Assets [Private, NK] Sun Oct 22, 2017 4:13 pm

Kotarō Shinji

Kotarō Shinji

The first mission Shinji was assigned on was called Securing Assets. The day before the mission Shinji got the letter with the mission details in it. After carefully opening and reading them he couldn’t have been more excited. This was his first mission, his first real chance to prove to himself, his family and his clan what kind of shinobi he was. Shinji was determined to fulfill this mission in the best possible way he could. The mission itself was to collect from five to then kilograms of raw materials from an abandoned mine. The mine itself was located in the west outskirts of the village.

The same day he got the mission letter he couldn’t fall asleep. His excitement was extremely large, Shinji couldn’t stop thinking about tomorrow’s mission. What skills would he learn tomorrow, would his own skills be sufficient to complete the mission? These were some of the questions that were constantly lurking through his mind. He made sure to get everything ready for tomorrow. Shinji laid all of the necessary things on the desk ready for the mission. He put them there for easy access in the morning. Those things included his katana and a ninja pack with a kunai and three shuriken.

Shinji woke up two hours before the start of the mission. He quickly got a shower, made himself breakfast and went out. The rendezvous point was located near the abandoned mine itself. The time it took him to get there wasn’t long, that was probably due to his fast walking pace. As he got there he saw a jounin which told him the mission details. Shinji had to collect two kilograms of copper ore and three kilograms of iron ore. As soon as the jounin gave him the mission details he was gone.

WC - 305

3Securing Assets [Private, NK] Empty Re: Securing Assets [Private, NK] Sun Oct 22, 2017 4:30 pm

Kotarō Shinji

Kotarō Shinji

This was the moment he was waiting for, Shinji couldn’t be happier as he was walking through the old mine’s entrance. The light inside was very scarce, in order to see Shinji made a primitive torch from the things he had in his ninja pack. This made the seeking of copper and iron ore a lot easier. The jounin didn’t give him the exact locations of the ores neither a picking axe. He was inside an old abandoned mine, what kind of a shinobi would he be if he couldn’t find a pickaxe?

After lurking around the old mine’s tunnels for about an hour he finally found a small iron ore. He wasn’t sure if he could make three kilograms from it but it was worth the try. Fortunately, on the left side of it was a rusty pickaxe. Shinji picked up the pickaxe and started hitting the ore, collecting the small pieces that fell from it and putting them in his backpack. After doing that for another hour the quantity he had collected was approximately three or four kilograms. It was time to move on to the copper ore.

Shinji picked up his torch and headed deeper inside the mine. While he was walking he was sure that he heard strange noises that resembled a child’s cry. Shinji thought of them as if they were made up by his own mind by the excitement of his first mission. He was going deeper and deeper, the temperature was coming close to zero and he felt the coldness in his bones. Finally he found a medium sized batch of copper ore. Shinji started hitting it with his pickaxe and collecting the small pieces. During the whole process he could feel someone watching him. There was a strange presence in this mine. From time to time he would hear running noises coming deep from the cave. Sometimes they would come closer and closer to him as if they were just on the other side of the corner. While Shinji was mining the copper ore he could feel cold sweat running down his back.

After mining for about two hours he could feel the strength in him weakening with every next strike. When the last piece of copper mine was in his backpack he felt relieved. He had completed his first real mission. Now his only task was to find the way out of this damned mine. Shinji started tracing his way back, after walking for quite some time he noticed that he had been walking in circles. He was back at the place he started walking from, the copper vein location. There was something strange about this place thus the noises from the inside were becoming louder and louder.

WC - 305 + 464
= 769

4Securing Assets [Private, NK] Empty Re: Securing Assets [Private, NK] Sun Oct 22, 2017 4:57 pm

Kotarō Shinji

Kotarō Shinji

As he was walking through the mine’s tunnels there was suddenly a loud noise behind him. Shinji quickly made a change of direction and came into a battle stance, slowly lifting his right hand to the katana on his back. The sound was coming closer and closer when it suddenly stopped. The whole atmosphere became genuinely quiet. Shinji could feel that something was hiding and watching him from the darkness. Shinji’s mind started to analyze the situation. Ghosts were absolutely out of the equation, the only logical explanation was that it was some kind of an animal. He would be in a big trouble if it was a bear, but those weren’t exactly common in the country, the other logical choice was a wolf. From the sound of the steps he could determine that it was a single one. But the bad thing about that was that single wolves are two times more dangerous than wolves in a pack.

Suddenly the thing leaped from the darkness aiming at him. Shinji’s instincts barely helped him to get out of the animal’s way. In a split second he saw the wolf’s crimson red eyes. The animal was going for a kill. Shinji didn’t enjoy killing animals but this was a life or death situation. It was the wolf’s life or his own. All the brutal trainings in his childhood lead to this moment. He was certain that he could defeat the wolf.

The wolf couldn’t comprehend how Shinji had dodged its attack. As it fell on the ground it quickly turned around and started growling toward him. It was like the wolf was trying to find the best path of attack as it was circling around Shinji. In a split second it leaped toward him again. This time Shinji managed to dodge the attack. As he dodged to the left the wolf’s side was wide open for an attack. Shinji made a cut with his katana while making sure not to deal any serious damage to it. He had empathy for animals, a serious wound would definitely mean that wolf’s death. The wolf made another growling sound while it started running in the opposite direction.

WC - 769 + 374
= 1143

5Securing Assets [Private, NK] Empty Re: Securing Assets [Private, NK] Mon Oct 23, 2017 2:31 am

Kotarō Shinji

Kotarō Shinji

Shinji wasn’t proud of his actions but they were justified. If his father was in the same situation he definitely would have killed the wolf and brought back its head as a souvenir.

He was glad that he didn’t become like his father despite being raised by him. Shinji picked up the pieces of iron and copper ore that had fallen out of his backpack and started walking backwards. He had to hurry because the torch was starting to fall apart and he didn’t have spare materials to repair it. In a place like this being without a light source meant certain death.

Shinji reached the old mine’s exit few seconds before his torch went completely dark. There wasn’t anybody waiting for him at the entrance. Shinji didn’t know what he had expected. His mission wasn’t yet finished, he still had to take the raw materials to the rendezvous point, which was located in the middle of the village. The walk to there didn’t take him more than twenty five minutes. Shinji handed the raw materials he had collected to the jounin. The jounin, on the other hand, handed him the mission payment while congratulating him for the great job he did.

This was Shinji’s first completed mission. After it was officially completed he decided to go for a walk around the village before going home. It was just beginning to get dark and the sunset was beautiful tonight. Shinji thought that it was the most beautiful sunset he had seen in his entire life. When he finished the walk through the village he came home. The lanterns on the outside of his house were already lit up. It was a tradition in his family that Shinji would light them. But tonight was different, he wasn’t sure if it was his little brother or his little sister that had lightened them up. Either way he couldn’t wait to come home and tell them about how his first mission went. But the person that he wanted to tell the most was his father. Shinji wasn’t sure how he would react and after thinking about it for some time decided not to do it.

WC - 1143 + 374
= 1517

[Exit thread]
WC needed for mission - 750
Mission reward - 150 ryo
Training stats: Speed from E-0 to D-0 for 750 words
words left - 17

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