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My first mission as a missing ninja, Dunki was very excited he could not wait to get going he was getting paid to kill some schmo in the hospital, because he messed with the mob. he had it coming you dont mess with criminals you got to work with them and you both win, and anyways he needed the money he was flat broke since he moved here and he had heard no word of anyone hunting him so he decided that it was time to do something to get higher up in the ranks in the village so he could maybe someday be a real threat to someone and not just a genin in the village, though that was probably the reason he they let him go so far no one wants to hunt a genin there is no money in it. he intel he got on his target was very simple his opponent could not use taijutsu at all because of what the mob did to him so all he had at the moment was ninjutsu of some sort. but since people would recognize him as a hoshigaki so he put flesh colored make up on and threw away his headband for the moment in his alley, and came up with a new name, Galo Asika. so after he figured out his new persona for his mission he decided that he was ready to go kill this guy and get paid he approached the front door to the hospital the man was staying at and noticed no ninja in the immediate area, so he started to walk in calmly and as if he belonged here he approached the front desk and waited for a lady to come up to the desk and ask him.
hey honey what can i do for you
Galo resonded in turnim here to see my uncle johno he just got really hurt and came to see if he was okay
Sorry buddy but he is in the emergency room making sure he heals up nice we can not wake him up or let him move his wounds may open up again but maybe next week
Dammit he thought to himself how else could he get in he couldnt chop his way through because everyone here were highly skilled med ninja so he nodded and left the front door. the moment he was outside he looked up the side of the wall he had to do this quick or he wouldnt finish the mission in time.
AHA the side of the building lead to the windows that his target were in.
he checked around him and no one was around and he ran to the back of the building and started climbing up wall it was quite easy but it seemed that i would be a longer climb then he thought. he went floor after floor until he arrived at the floor he was looking for and as he approached the window that his target was on he looked in and saw a man wrapped in bandages and half of his face  was cut up terribly and his chest had red stained bandages covering, wounds he barely thought you could live through. he had his mission though and nothing would make him lose his vision of making a group of missing ninja and forming a group, but everyone has to start low. he walked into the room inspecting the surrounding area looking if anyone is in the room and coming to the conclusion that no one was in the room and that he was clear to complete his mission. he commenced walking into room very slowing and quietly, he slowly drew his sword, checking his grip and feeling the weight of the bad quality blade he would have to get a new one soon, his blade was crappy and could not cut that deep he could probably kill someone if he hit them in the throat. But as he approached the bed the door opened to a nurse coming in to probably change his bandages he instantly slid underneath the bed holding his breath as the nurse came in and put something down on the table beside the bed started doing something with th linen on the plate. the nurse turned around to throw out the old bandages and he slid out from the bed and quietly approached behind her without her notice. it was obviously not a ninja i this room with him she could not even see nor here him, poor girl, wrong place, wrong time. he grabbed her my the head around the mouth and pulled her to the end of the room noticing that this was the girl from the counter who would not let her in. he then whispered in her ear.
Remember me if only you let me in. he then grabbed her neck and twisted until he heard a sharp crack as she slumped to the floor. he then walked over to the bed and took put his sword back into his back strap, while looking at his next victim watching the door if anything were to come in he would see it right away. but as his attention was focused on the door for that split second the ninja had enough tome to jump out of his bed with a major limp and made some hand signs and made the tiger seal while saying to himself.
Fire Style Phoenix flower jutsu and shot out  4 Small head sized fireballs towards him but it was sloppy his injury to his left arm was slowing down his hand signs which was good for he was a high rank ninja compared to him, but his partners did most of the work. he then quickly threw his hand signs and used his shark missiles sending a shark to match each fire flower sizzling out the flowers like they were nothing and going threw the fire and latching on to his arms and legs and one on his shoulder causing 2cm deep lacerations wherever they bit and started bleeding profusely form all over his body falling to his knees clutching his shoulder where the shark continued biting as he struggled to get it off, just as he ran up and 360 turning slice with his sword hitting right where he shark was latching on to his shoulder cutting the 2cm cut into a 2 inch rough gash across his neck and shoulder that started to bleed profusely. he then fell to the ground clutching his neck as he walked up to the dying man and grabbed his neck and twisted it with all his might spinning the mans head around with a crack. he then left to the place that he was meeting with the mobster for payment.

Chakra 155/170:



Sorry sir. But you can't do a crime here as your in fight currently in Kirigakure located here.

Until that thread is resolved then you can't come to Iwagakure. This thread is now closed and the mission does not count.

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