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1Goodnight [C rank crime] [Private] Empty Goodnight [C rank crime] [Private] Wed Dec 18, 2013 12:12 pm

Aburame Yamada

Aburame Yamada

Yamada opened up the scroll that had been delivered to him by the courier, reading it aloud to himself

"Yamato has been caught spying on the Cadar Syndicate. You are a mercenary. If you are receiving this message, you have been contracted to eliminate Yamato, as well as any information that he may have on us. Enclosed are directions to his base of operation. Make sure to dispose of this scroll when you are done to it. Once the mission is completed, you are not to make any contact with the Cadar Syndicate or any of it's affiliates, we will make sure that your pay is delivered."

Yamada stared at the scroll for a while, making sure to memorize the directions that he was given. He wasn't to far from where he had to go. Pulling out a lighter, he set fire to the scroll, waiting until it burned to ashes, before burying the ashes in the ground. Nobody would be able to find a single trace of the scroll. Good. The Cadar Syndicate, a local crime group, had learned of Yamada's recent exploits, and contacted him through a courier, asking if he was interested in making some money. Yamada of course obliged, however he had no idea that he would be tasked with assassinating a spy.

Yamada had killed at least 6 people in the past week, not giving it much thought at all really. They stood in the way of his task, and he got them out of the way, forcefully. However these had been bandits, mercenaries, people who engaged him first. Yamada was to break into a civilian's house and assassinate him. The guy had no form of defense at all, and Yamada would end his life in an instant. The thing that intrigued Yamada the most, was that he didnt even care. The death of a defenseless man meant nothing at all to him, he would put him down and never give it a second thought.

A couple of nights prior, Yamada had committed a kidnapping, breaking into a family's house and stealing their little boy. He didnt find it difficult to do this at all, it was just a way of life. Yamada looked at the murder in the same way. He would end this man's life and collect a cash reward for it. He still had his clothes from the kidnap, full black, they concealed him in the dark. They would come in handy during this assassination job. Yamada pulled on the clothes and got his gear ready, setting out to the house of a man who was as good as dead.

The house was big, the guy must have been making a lot of money from spying on criminals. There was a guard posted at the front door. Damn. This could prove to be trouble. Yamada shook such thoughts out of his head. There was nothing that could stop him from completing his task, a lowly guard was nothing to fear. Yamada would be able to dispatch him quickly and quietly. Yamada walked out into the view of the man, speaking to him softly

"Im here to see Yamato"

"He isnt expecting any visitors"


Yamada gave the man no time to things, and was on him in an instant, burying his kunai into the man's neck.

2Goodnight [C rank crime] [Private] Empty Re: Goodnight [C rank crime] [Private] Wed Dec 18, 2013 12:48 pm

Aburame Yamada

Aburame Yamada

Yamada wiped the blood on his hands on the grass, cleaning himself of the warm goopy fluid. He didnt bother to move the body of the guard, it would be a waste of his time and energy. Instead, he chose to slip in through the open front door of the house. He activated his concealed footsteps jutsu. The guy was rich enough to afford guards, and if he had guards, it meant he was paranoid. Yamada didnt want one of the guards to find him, Yamato would be alerted and allowed a quick escape. No, it would be the stealthy approach this time around.

Yamada looked to the back of the house, seeing an open door to a large room, with voices coming from it. Fantastic. Yamada slowly crept towards it, making sure to conceal his presence fully. He readied a kunai for a swift death of the man. The room loomed closer, the voices getting louder. Yamada cursed under his breath. There were at least five voices coming from the room, one of which sounded like a young boy. How the fuck did the Syndicate expect him to shed blood in front of a little boy? God dammit, the mission took a whole new turn.

Yamada peeked into the room, surveying his area of work. Dammit. Yamato had more guards, three of them, this time they were all well armed with swords and armor. There was a young boy on the lap of what looked to be Yamato. A little boy, couldnt have been younger than eight with a round face and big round blue eyes, with long blonde hair on top of his head. No doubt, the death of his father would traumatize this kid. Yamada sighed to himself. For once he was upset with the things he had to do. But there was no going back, he was going to complete his task.

Yamada stepped into the room loudly, presenting himself to everyone, he spoke in a soft, yet assertive voice.

"Get the child out of the room, now. If anyone tries to run, I will see to their slow and painful death"

The screams of the young child echoed in Yamada's head, his mind was screaming at him to stop what he was doing. But he couldnt. He knew he had to do this, and he would.

"The kid won't be harmed, I promise, just get him out of here."

"Go Toby, run now! Dont look back whatever you hear"

Reluctantly, the little boy got up and ran, past Yamada and out of the building, tears streaming down his face.

"Unfortunately, I have to inform you that I am here to kill you. Most people would sneakily get you when you weren't looking, but Im now coward. I look people in the eye when I kill them"

And with that Yamada launched the Kunai at Yamato, seeing it strike is heart. He was dead before he had a chance to react.

The guards around Yamato got up, ready to kill Yamada.

"I dont have time to play with you boys today. I suggest you clean up the mess, dont let the boy see his father like that. Make sure he get's properly cared for. Like I said, no time to play, so bye boys!"

Yamada initiated the replacement technique with a stick outside, fleeing the scene in an instant.

[mission complete exit thread]

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