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1Escort The Lawyer [C Rank Mission] Empty Escort The Lawyer [C Rank Mission] Fri Sep 06, 2013 5:36 pm



Toshin relaxed in the cool warmth of the sun on top of his house. This was a first time thing he ever did, and he intended to enjoy it. Even though it was hard for him to open his eyes, he shifted and turned until he met the right position. This was the special spot, that made you never want to leave. Today was Friday , 10:00 AM. Grey had not relaxed all day since he woke up, so this was his only break. He didn't want any interruptions to ruin his day at all. The brown haired shinobi slowly closed his eyes, letting in all the nature near him. The smell of the air, wildlife, and even insects. He let it all in in an instant, without questioning himself. Toshin was tired of doing that, it manipulated him into making a decision in life at all. It had began to sprinkle rain, but Grey did not move. For he enjoyed the moment that was happening. In his mind, the rain represented the tears he could not let out, that he wouldn't. He smiled, as the rain would touch his soft skin. It didn't bother him one bit. His mother though, was just watching him from a distance. She would stare at him, wondering what he could have been thinking, what he was going threw. Grey had been going through a life changing experience. The kind of experience that made one feel good about themselves. Toshin had waited on top of his house roof for a good time limit. It had no begun to rain harder, and he decided to go inside. Entering his house, his mother would stare at him curiously. 'Did you have a nice shower?' she would say laughing. Toshin started to laugh as well, and went to his room. Dragging his soggy pants up the stairs, Toshin felt great. His room had no longer been dull, it was full of good presence. The kind that made him shiver at the thought of it. Grey took of his clothes, and headed towards the bathroom to take a nice warm bath. Although the rain had struck him good, there was no soap falling with it. The brown haired shinobi had spent a full forty minutes in the shower, as he would come out with steam covering his room. It was like a mist, that faded away. He was all clean, and felt bored. He put on some clothes to wear, a t-shirt and green shorts. Grey headed downstairs to where his mother had been reading. As he headed to the kitchen, he heard a knock on his door. 'Please be worth my time..' he said seriously. Opening the door, Toshin saw an Iwagakure ninja with a letter. Grey took the letter, and the Ninja disappeared, leaving no trace. Toshin sat down at a chair, and opened the letter willingly. It composed another C Rank mission he had too do. In fine print it said, 'A very powerful lawyer has come to Iwa for business, but is finished here. Your mission is to get him back to Suna safe and sound. Meet the lawyer at the Iwagakure gate, don't be late.' he read aloud. Toshin smiled, and instantly got ready for his little trip. It wouldn't take him long to get the lawyer to get to Suna, but there my be some weather problems. Grey opened up his umbrella, and stepped outside to see a rain takeover. It had been raining hard and fast. Stepping one foot onto the street, the rain had struck his umbrella. It was worse then he had thought, the wind conditions were as bad as well. Toshin, struggling to walk, continued his way to the Iwagakure Gate like the letter had said.


Last edited by Grey on Sat Sep 07, 2013 5:23 pm; edited 1 time in total

2Escort The Lawyer [C Rank Mission] Empty Re: Escort The Lawyer [C Rank Mission] Sat Sep 07, 2013 5:06 pm


Grey had stumbled his way across the street, finally reaching the Iwagakure Gate. His jaw had dropped in amazement at it's beautiful figure in the rain. Right near the gate, stood a man in a suit, holding an umbrella. The man had also worn glasses, a watch, and had black slick hair. Toshin was pretty sure that was the guy he was looking for. He walked up to the man slowly, as both of their eyes would meet in contact. ' Hello Mr. Lawyer, I am here to escort you safely to Suna. ' Grey said in a nice tone. The lawyer didn't seem mean at all, but he knew something was going to go down.
The Iwagakure Gate had begun to open, as wind and rain would hit both of their faces. Holding both of there umbrella's firmly, they began to walk their way to Suna. A new wet adventure had unfolded, and Toshin could not wait to see what would happen, as they would on the wet earth below them. The Lawyer kept quiet, and didn't say a word. It was very quiet, and Grey grew bored, so some conversation had to be made. ' So, how was your stay at Iwagakure? ' he said questioningly. ' It was rather interesting, and I had a fun time. ' the lawyer had replied back shyly. The brown haired shinobi would smile, as they continued walking deeper out into the mountains, for who knew what waited for them. Toshin had noticed the rain was getting too hard, and the wain conditions were rising very fast. He stopped the lawyer, and they both hid inside a cave. If they had continued walking they would have been soaked, leaving them vulnerable in the rain and wind. Toshin had saw some wood that was covered by the rain under some leaves, he decided to use them to make a nice fire. After collecting the wood, the lawyer would stare at Grey do his work. ' What is it? ' he would say laughing. The lawyer had quickly looked away, his eyes now focused on the rain. The fire had been warm enough for them both. The brown haired shinobi laid on a rock, and attempted to take a short nap. ' THIS IS NO TIME FOR NAPPING, FOOL! ' the lawyer said loudly. It could have awakened many furious animals, so he signaled him to calm down. Grey had gotten up, and the rain had stopped. Everything seemed to be going well now that they could see where they were headed. Toshin threw the pieces of wood left from the fire into a bush, and exited the cave, the lawyer behind him. The two had continued walking again, this time with new distractions. After walking a long period of time, they had made it too Suna. The two said there fair wells, and Toshin headed back home.


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