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1New friends, old memories.  Empty New friends, old memories. Sun Aug 18, 2013 12:39 pm

Shinoda Syan

Shinoda Syan

The sun was just a few hours away from setting, as the light passes through the atmosphere it stains the horizon to a pink hue. A calm refreshing breeze sweeps through the village cooling those who are still outside in the desert air. The Cemetery of the village was located on the eastern side, broken off into rings of grids, and each grouping of grids set aside for something; Kazakage in the center, shinobi around the kage and then, civilians on the outer most side. Due to the sand of the desert, weeds were never an issue when maintaining a grave, but the sand often buried the tombstones, or slowly ate away at the surface when picked up by the winds of the land.

"Why are are we here human?" Syan looked to his side at the source of the question, it was Kranox, the large tiger that traveled with him. "I told you, I am suppose to meet my sensi here, or something." Kranox growled slightly turning his gave to peer into the grave yard of the Sunagkure village. "In a cemetery? Is this not where you place your dead after they have fallen?" Syan let out a soft sigh, he took his staff from his back tapping Kranox on the head lightly. "I don't know why, you got back at the same time as I did." He spun his staff slightly so it was laying across his shoulders, his hands draped over it lazily. "My guess who ever it is, has some kind of story to tell about how there are great ninjas buried here, or how we can't forget the dead or the passed."

Syan slowed his movement at the sight of two graves, the graves were half buried in sand and had dead flowers buried as well. The sand has a gleam to it, as the light reflexes off it. Syan closed his eyes, slightly, remembering the night he came home to find his parents dead, and his brother missing. He opened his eyes spinning his staff off his shoulders and tapped the sand with it. As he did this the sand parted away from the tombstones revealing his parents names. "How long has it been? Kranox looked up at the boy questioningly.Since we been here? When did we leave the village to train? I honestly don't remember. Kranox started to walk towards the center of the cemetery. "It has been one year." Syan let out a huff of air in a short laugh. One year huh? He shock his head turning his back on the tombstones and followed Kranox towards the center.

"Tell me boy, do you know who we are looking for?" Syan smirked. "Nope." A slightly growl slips from the throat of the large tiger. "What they look like?" Syan shock his head slightly. "Nope." Kranox stopped roaring at Syan the sound echoing through the cemetery. "Do you ever plan ahead boy? We been roaming this cemetery for nearly two hours." Syan smiled at his friend walking passed him. "You worry to much, they said that the sensi will find us, we just have to wait." Syan rolled his head to the side looking at Kranox. "Besides, with that roar you just let out, I am sure he knows we are here now."

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