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Shinoda Syan

Shinoda Syan

Job details:

Syan was sitting on a fence posts kicking his legs back and fourth, bobbin his head back and fourth with his eyes closed. "Why are you so happy boy?" Syan looked back opening his eyes to see Kranox, the large tiger that travels with him walking towards him."Because, I got us a fun mission to go on." The tiger looked at the boy tilting his head to the side. "Is that so? and what is this?" Syan put his hand up giving Kranox the thumbs up and a cheesy smile. "Yup!" Syan stood off the fence taking out a flyer. "I guess some thugs have been strong arming the villagers, and it's up to us, to get them out of the village." Syan up the paper back into his pocket. "Their leader goes by Lucky Jack." He smirks and got a look in his eyes, as if he was about to take on a kage, excitement. "He wont be so lucky afterwards." Kranox gazed to Syan at his words. "Where do we start boy?" Syan blinked a few times putting his hand behind his head. "I have, no clue." Kranox growled slightly at how clueless the boy was at time. "Damn it boy." Syan gave him a cheesy smiling turning his back to look over the ledge towards the market district. "I doubt it will be hard to find a couple of wanna be tough guys. All we have to do, is ask around and I am sure someone will point us in the right direction. Kranox growled slightly. "And if that doesn't work?" Syan looked back once more. "Then we ask so many people, and poke around so much, that they find us." Kranox lifted his head slightly, the boy actually came up with a decent sounding plan. "Alright boy, lets go." Syan jumped over the fence landing on the lower ground of the market district, Kranox following close behind.

Syan combed through the market place, asking about the The Hangmen gang, most of the people he questioned told him to get lost, and gave him no information besides saying he is looking for trouble, or that he is going to get hurt. Syan side leaning back on a wall, taking out a canton to drink, the cool water slipping down his throat. "Man we haven't gotten anywhere.". Kranox was standing in front of Syan. "They are scared of what will happen if they hear about them giving up answers." Syan nodded a few times. "Yeah, I know." Syan stood up wiping his mouth before putting the canton away. "Guess we have to do this the hard way." Kranox always knew what this meant, so with out wasting anymore time or any words he walked off into the village leaving Syan alone. Syan wasn't the brightest shinobi, but anyone would know that, no gang wants someone asking questions and poking around, and if someone was said gang would want that person gone before he or she could start trouble, and that is something Syan was very good at.

Syan drifted through the market area, going in and out of local shops, pressuring the owners for answers, making sure to speak loud enough so others around could hear him poking around about the gang. After a half hour or so, Syan pestering paid off when a man stopped him. "You the kid asking about the hangman gang?" Syan turned to look at the man and nodded slightly. "Yeah, I am, do you know anything about them? Where their base is perhaps?" The man nodded and smirked slightly. "Sure do kid, hell, I'll even take you to it." Syan smirked slightly as someone from behind grabbed him in a bear hug. "You're coming with us kid." Syan was lifted off the ground, wiggling his body slightly trying to get free, after a few seconds the man who told Syan that he would bring him to the base put a rag over his mouth causing him to pass out.

Last edited by Shinoda Syan on Sun Aug 18, 2013 8:09 pm; edited 1 time in total

Shinoda Syan

Shinoda Syan

Syan woke up a two hours or so later, he opened his eyes his vision a bit blurry at first. After a few seconds everything became clear, he was in some old warn down house, through the window he could see the sun setting dipping behind the horizon, meaning he been our for roughly two hours. He closed his eyes listening to the faint voices outside the room he was alone in, he heard at least five different voices in the room out side of his own. His body was tied to a chair, and his mouth bond and gagged to stop him from screaming for help. he opened his eyes hearing the door opened and footsteps getting closer. "So, I heard ye been looking for me boy." SYan put his head to the side looking at the man before him, a scruffy, unkempt looking middle aged man with weather-tanned skin, a thick beard, and a long scar running from his scalp, down over his right eye, to his jaw-line, lucky jack. Jack reached out taking the rag from Syans mouth. "Well, here I am."

Syan smirked slightly looking at the man before him. "Yeah, I'm the one." Jack crossed his arms over his chest. "And what do ye want kid?" Syan leaned back in the chair as best as he could smirking slightly. "I want you to pack your things take your thugs and leave this village, and never come back." Jack chuckled a bit at the young boys words. "And what if I don't? What are ye going to do?" Syan's smirk never left h]is face as he eyed the man and the six men behind him. "Well, if you don't, I'm going to make you leave." This time all seven men laughed at his words. "Oh? and how are ye going to do that kid? You're tied to a chair, and you are all alone." Jack slammed his fist across Syan's face causing him to fall to the ground. Jack waved his hand the punch causing some pain to his knuckles. "Get him up." As his men started to lift the chair Syan was tied to back up, he started to chuck that then turned into a laugh. "What the hell are ya laughing at kid?" Syan had blood dripping from his lips, he glared at Jack his eyes burning through him. "You honestly think, I would go at this alone." As he spoke these words a thunderous roar echoed from just outside of the house.

A deadly silence broke through the room, there was no laughter, Jacks men looked at the door, and then back at Jack. "The hell was that?" Syan let out a huff of air slip through his thin bloody lips. "I am Shinoda Syan, the last remaining of the Shinoda family, and member of the Sabaku clan, and that." As he spoke Krandox broke through the main door of the house, letting out another roar. "That is Krandox." Syan jumped to his fet bent over due to the fact he was still tired to the chair and lunged forward head butting one of the men in the stomach causing him to fall to the ground, he then twisted his body slamming the chair into another with enough force to break it, thus freeing him. Syan quickly freed himself from being tangled of the newly loosened ropes. He made a quick hand sign which made sand rise up and break through the floor boards, the sand grabbed the two downed men and whipped them into the walls of the house before repeating the process to toss them outside.  "Two down."

Jack pulled out his kunia tossing them at Syan, his body bursting into a cloud of sand. A grunt was heard as another one of Jacks men fell to the ground Syan standing behind him with his staff. "Three down." Jack growled slightly looking at Syan. "I have fourteen men kid." Syan brought his hands together. "You sure about that? After all, Kranox was a tad bit late." Jacks eyes narrowed, realizing that, the other half of his men, were placed outside as guards, and they have yet to come in. "Damn it." Jack tossed more kunia at Syan, but a stream of sand rose up blocking the kunia. The stream of sand that caught the four kunia flicked the kunia back towards jack and his men hitting one of them. "Four."

Shinoda Syan

Shinoda Syan

"Don't make a fool of me!" Jack tossed a few paper bombs at Syan before taking out his wakizashi and charging through the smoke at Syan. Syan ducked under the attack and rushed passed him placing his palms on the last thugs Jack had left. "You're in the way, leave!" A split second passed as two streams of sand came rushing passed Syan's hands slamming into the two thugs causing them to crash through the wall of the building. Syan stood up turning to look at Jack. "Just you left." Syan used up a lot of charka, but he was hiding the fact he was tired well from Jack. Jack clenched his jaw in anger. "You know your not the only one, who can use jutsu!" He placed his hands together changing them to form different hand signs. He took in a deep breathe, letting out a burst of air toward Syan. Syan seeing him take in the breathe quickly lifted the sand up around him to soften the blow of the wind, that broke through the air and sent him hitting the wall behind him.

Jack smirked seeing the limp body of the boy leaning back against the wall. "Heh, not so tough were ye runt." A low growl could be heard behind jack, as he turned around he saw the buzz sized tiger staring at him, arcs of lighting erupting from the bottom of his paws. "Shit, I forgot about the cat." As he said this Kranox roared loudly, as he did this the ceiling of the building started to crack and fall apart, with in an second large chunks fell ontop of Jack, covering his body and burying him "You lose human."

Syan woke up a few hours later, being carried on Kranox's back, the sky was dark, the sun had been swallowed by the horizon. Syan rubbed his head slightly. "The hell happened? Where's jack?" He pushed up on the back of Kranox slightly to look around realizing they were in the middle of the village. "The village police took him and his thugs away, the mission was completed." Syan put his hand to his head trying to remember everything. "How?" He didn't remember finishing off Jacks, al he remembered was the wind release jutsu jack did. "The ceiling gave away from his bombs, and his jutsu, it knocked him out. Someone near by heard all the noise and called the police." Syan sighed closing his eyes, a bit disappointed that it was  luck that they had completed the mission. "What ever I guess, pay is pay."

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