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Training was one of her top priorities at the moment.
She didn't know whether it would be of help in any way, but if she wanted to fight them, she should at least prepare herself before.
With closed eyes, Misoka sat on one of the hot rocks in the Thetis area. A training ground, quite popular as she'd been told, but this morning, she hadn't seen another shinobi yet.
She inhaled deeply, concentrating on the chakra flowing through her veins. This time, she wanted to improve her Katon element to make it more frightening and useful in combat.
Meditation was always a good way to start.

Training Katon
Training Inception Shadow Shuriken Jutsu

Phew I never know what to write in training threads xD

Last edited by Misoka on Sat Aug 17, 2013 6:04 am; edited 2 times in total



[As I am in Kumogakure and this is open..I'll join it xD]

It was a beautiful day within the Ryuzoji compound in Kumogakure no Sato, but utterly boring. Aneki was wearing his trademark clothing, putting his katana and sheath into the loop on his back. He needed something to do today. He quietly spoke for a minute to the village elders, informing them of his absence and took his leave from the compound via the front gate. He had his hands to his pockets, strolling down the bustling streets of the village, nodding to a few people as he walked. He departed the village via the west gate, whistling a soft tune from beneath the sash covering his mouth, stepping between trees and such, coming onto a lone path on the road to the outskirts of the village. He met a quiet old man on the road and quietly asked if anything was going on today. The old man pointed to the Tethys Grounds, informing him of someone who had gone there earlier for some reason and Aneki smiled, nodding.

Quietly, the shinobi made his way to the grounds, walking up a rather large hill. He continued whistling to himself as he reached the grounds, moving up the first slope, then down, looking at the pit of ever-present lava. "Hmmm.." He then noticed the female meditating only a yard or two away and chuckled softly. How he had let his senses dull. He hadn't even noticed her when he made his way up there. "Hello there, I am Aneki. May I ask what you are doing here? You don't have the look of a Kumogakure Shinobi." The man's cool grey hues stayed on the girl's face for a while, before scanning her body for the sight of a headband or something to give away the village she would be from. And then he saw it: draped around her neck was a Sungakure shinobi headband. He smiled quietly and looked the girl over once more.



[thank you! I hate to train on my own xD]

Just as she was about to drift into a trance state, a voice pulled her back and her eyes shot open.
Surprised, she stared up at the smiling face of a young man who had introduced himself as Aneki.

"You're right, I come from Sunagakure," she told him friendly before standing up and wiping the dust off her pants. "I wanted to train my Katon element, but truth be told, I don't quite know how to start." An embarrassed smile played on her lips. "So I tried to meditate."
Her eyes widened slightly when she realized that she hadn't even given him her name yet. Not very polite.
Quickly, she bowed to Aneki and said,"I'm Misoka by the way. Which of your skills do you need to practise?"
It was only natural to assume that the boy had to do some training himself. Otherwise, he wouldn't have come here in the first place.



ooc: Still has the sash across his mouth area but I'll ignore it xD

Aneki grinned down to the girl, tilting his head. The sash was over his mouth and she may not have been able to see his smile but it was genuine and not truly a smirk. He took in her question with silence, thinking for a bit. What had he come there for? He was simply bored he didn't really need to train anything at the moment and he didn't feel like training another student, but looking at this girl, he figured he could be nice and give her some help. He silently walked a bit closer to her, moving his right hand up to pull the sash down from his face, his normal, yet small lips pulled into a smile, showing most of his perfectly aligned pearly white teeth. "I don't truly need training myself but you shall be the second I teach of Katon. The most important thing to remember is that fire comes from anywhere and can be completely catastrophic."

He then chuckled, moving from the female. He moved a meter or so away, forming the tiger handseal as he had before with Miyako. He wondered how she would react to this. He then turned quickly, jumping into the air filling his lungs and throat with oxygen and chakra. He then spit out about twenty balls of flame at the girl, each of them moving in towards the girl at a slower speed than normal. The balls would spread out a bit in case she might dodge a bit. He landed quietly on the ground, smirking to the girl.




Um... okay? Why did he want to teach her all of a sudden? She hadn't asked for a teacher, she could do this just as well on her own. Or was he laughing at the way she'd started her training with meditation?
The boy - what was his name again? something with "A"... Aneki, right! - didn't wait for her reply, but instead moved away and quickly made handseals. 'He's going to attack,' shot through her mind as she prepared herself to dodge whatever jutsu he would use.
A moment later, he was spitting out more than a dozen fireballs directed at her. Katon, as expected after he'd bragged about being able to teach her.
She was ready. Quickly, she made a few handseals in order to perform her Kawarimi no Jutsu. Before the fireballs could come in contact with her skin, she had already moved out of the way, leaving behind only a tree trunk.
Now she stood a couple of meters behind the Katon user, not sure whether she should start an attack herself or listen to what the boy might have to say. Perhaps, he had only wanted to demonstrate a C-Rank Katon jutsu. 




When he noticed the girl had used a substitution his eyes shifted around quietly. He smiled, using his clan's passive range sensory kekkei genkai to find that the girl would be behind him a couple of meters. He turned silently, allowing his eyes to switch close-combat range sensory technique, locking in on the synapses of the girl. He clapped softly and mockingly, stepping around her a bit, following a fulcrum in a circle. He wondered if she would actually get into this or just allow him to attack until he had exhausted his very limited knowledge of katon jutsu. He simply shrugged it off, watching the girl intently.

He smiled, stopping quietly in place, moving his hand up to give her the 'comeon' sign, tilting his head. ''Let's see what you know of katon, yes?''

OOC:Might take a while for another post.


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