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Feeling a bit overwhelmed by being in the city after being alone for so long, it was a really stark contrast, one that he wasn't entirely ready for. Instead of retreating back to isolation, or remain overwhelmed in the city's heart Morrigi decided that he would look for people beyond the city while remaining a stone's throw away from the city. After only being in civilisation for such a short time he wasn't about to leave so easily. His previous chats with various people had informed him of the fissure training grounds that many ninja frequented to improve their skills. So with his tattered shirt; new mask, and what little else he had, the nearly 7 foot man walked out the village gates to the training grounds to find something to do.

Walking the edge of one of the numerous large fissures that the local ninja used as a training ground. It seemed like a pretty nice place to hang out at, away from the hustle and bustle of the city, but still lacked that isolated feeling that was prevalent in the deep forest. The natural energy in the surroundings had a taste of determination to it like he would expect of a training ground. The sounds coming from a few of the openings sounded like they were in pitched "use" at the moment, and he wouldn't want to intrude on their training, lest he accidently get some of the "training" directly in his face. Picking one of the fissures that lacked the sounds of battle in them to avoid any miss aimed dead balls, he hoped to catch someone before or after their workout; if he walked in before then perhaps he could join them in training, if after instead then he could just have a nice talk and perhaps help them with recovering. With a shrug he walked down the tight path that lead to the bottom of the large fissure.

Stepping onto the floor, he mused to himself that the floor and walls around him were probably once a lava flow from some volcano around here; the stone country was well known for it's mountains and lava. Perhaps today he would find a lava user here. From what he had heard Lord Tsuchikage Kazu was a lava user himself, but their previous meeting had not given him a change to see the element himself.

Looking around to see if there was anyone around he futilely opened himself full to the natural energy around him in an attempt to find other people. Without more training he wouldn't be able to actually find even the ground he stepped on, but that wouldn't stop him from trying to. To better the chances of running into someone he called out a greeting. "Knock knock, anyone here?" His words didn't really carry to much substance to them, even if his voice added great volume to the audio level to better make it heard.


Hiroto lay on the barrren ground, enjoying the heat radiating off the earth. The land heated up quickly under the sunlight, so the ground was often extremely warm during the day, while the reverse was true and it was cold, some times to the extreme, at night. The slight foliage that dotted the training grounds did little to help conserve the heat.

The pink-haired boy enjoyed the feeling of the heat. It made him feel alive. A part of him pretended that he had the entire sun at his disposal and its power was coursing through his veins. It made him feel... like he felt back when he had last seen his father. It made him feel like successfully performing the first Lava Style technique – the heat, the sweat, the power – before having his father admonish him for doing it wrongly. He had blown up at his father, and had never heard from him since.

Hiroto's eyes were closed, and had been for a long time, to shield his eyesight from the sharp glare of the sun. No matter how much Hiroto just loved the sun, he loved his eye sight even more. While it wasn't as if he had some amazing Dojutsu hidden up his sleeve, he didn't want to lose the ability to see. After all, those eyes had helped him win more than a battle by helping him pick out several details on the field. Besides, his Lava Style was good enough, better than any Dojutsu.

“Knock knock, anyone here?” someone called out.

It took a while, but Hiroto got up into a sitting position and slowly opened his eyes, scanning the landscape and seeing a man standing still, looking around. Hiroto thought the man had just become bored of taking a stroll, and so walked up to him, not caring to keep himself silent.

“Hey, you looking to train here?” he asked.



Seeing a pink haired kid approach him was a strange sight. Not because of his age but his hair. Pink hair was not a color he had seen someone have as a hair color, definitely not a natural pink head. Funny enough the pink hair didn't even reach his chin. He didn't normally note the height difference between him and other people anymore, but having pink hair catching his eye made him keenly aware of the tilt of his eyes.

The odd hair color aside, he was happy the he was able to find another person so quickly, and he didn't seem to be exhausted already. It looked like he would be able to get a real work out in.

Being asked if he wanted to train Morrigi simply nodded a yes before assuming a more proper fighting stance: arms up and feet spread stable. readying his body for combat he also readied his mind; in the same way he tensed his muscles to fight he could ready his chakras by premixing some of the natural energies that liked to cling in his flesh with the chakra that normal ninja used. No reason to delay to much, save for one last thing. " By the way, I'm Morrigi."

With combat near his adrenaline started to increase, and so with it did his inner beast, like it always did when exciting things happened. But just like every other time things began happening he held the beast in check, for now.


Hiroto was somewhat dumbfounded. The person wanted to train? But he hadn't even been out here with the intention of training in the first place! It had been to find some spices for dinner that night, and he had merely lost himself in the moment and ended up enjoying himself more than he should've allowed. His question as to the person wishing to train had merely been to decide whether he was allowed to remain in the training grounds, or to surrender it to the person and find somewhere else to enjoy the warmth of the sun.

But now, here stood the man, body positioned in a taijutsu stance. His arms and feet... the way they were positioned, the way his muscles tensed... Hiroto did not know this taijutsu stance. Then again, Hiroto couldn't identify the Academy stance anymore even if he tried. He guessed he would have been able to name it a decade ago whilst he was a student, but now he didn't even bother remembering the names of the clan elders, much less a taijutsu style among thousands.

Being Hiroto, he did the one logical thing. “I'm Hiroto. I'll enjoy this,” pocketing his hands.

With that said, he turned to walk away, hoping that the person would understand he was trying to get some space between them, and not walking away from the fight. While he didn't particularly mind fights – in all actuality, he loved them and the adrenaline that coursed through his veins during each battle – he didn't want to accidentally provoke the man by making it seem as if he wasn't worth his time. His hopes paid off when he reached roughly twenty five feet away from the man, and then Hiroto shouted.

“I'm ready!”



Seeing his stance analyzed instead of an attack launched spoke of a mind over body philosophy. The kid wasn't hot blooded or ruthless, if he was then an attack would have been forth coming. Instead the stance Morrigi was using was looked over. His opponent was definitely a thinker. It would mean that he couldn't charge in with abandon and let punches fly; not that he liked doing that anyways since it caused the fight for control to become all the more challenging. He really didn't want to lose control here, and accidently seriously hurt the kid, or even kill him in his rage; Kazu would be REALLY upset with him then even if it was a training accident. He said he could control it and so he will.

Nodding acknowledgment to his acquaintance's name he patiently waited as Hiroto pocketed his hands, defiantly not a primary taijutsu user, and walked away. Since the offer to train came from Hirito and not himself, it was obviously to put starting room between the two of them, and not simply just him departing; at least he hoped it was so. He didn't think he had offered offence so quickly. He could do training alone like he was used to, but it had gotten old doing so so often in the past.
The distance between them would probably benefit his sparing partner than it would help himself, as he was nearly a pure close range fighter. But at least the distance that eventually separated the two of them could be covered in about 3 seconds at full speed. The distance didn't really cause a disadvantage to him so much as remove an advantage from him, so to level the battlefield. It would hardly be fair to stick a someone point blank with a beast like himself unless they too were specialized in pointblank fighting as well.

As soon as he was given the notice that both of them had readied themselves, himself by his stance and Hiroto by his verbal confirmation, he launched himself into covering the distance to test what surprises was in store. He lead with a single left jab aimed at center mass, and then follow up with a swing kick to Hiroto's left arm so to occupy it from forming hand signs. He would hold off on using jutsu, especial clan jutsu, so that things didn't rapidly escalate or get out of control; it also served as a good testing of the defences. Mostly just to restrict his berserker rage tho.


Hiroto's face never changed as he saw Morrigi rush towards him with speed that was almost on par with his. From that, Hiroto gauged Morrigi to be of Genin rank. His eyes caught the way Morrigi ran. A part of him just screamed out urgency, the need to close the gap as soon as possible. From that, Hiroto deduced Morrigi was a close-ranged fighter, and that to catch him off guard would be harder than Hiroto would have thought, since he had initially wanted to fight close range and test his taijutsu skills as well.

Morrigi began with a quick punch to his center, which Hiroto sidestepped to the left, only to find a kick coming at his left arm. He realised he would be unable to block properly in time, and it would still hurt and leave him open, and so ducked below said kick. As the foot flew past his head, Hiroto heard the wind swish along with it.

'Definitely someone who focuses on strength,' Hiroto thought.

Just as the kick passed his head, Hiroto pivoted on one heel, spinning such that he was now behind Morrigi. He then leapt up with said heel, using his momentum to send himself into a spinning kick aimed right for Morrigi's head with his left leg.



Seeing his original punch dodged wasn't unexpected, tho having his kick ducked was a bit unexpected. Not only was he much quicker than expected, he was also crafty; because instead of jumping back out of reach Hiroto was still in striking distance and it was his turn to attack; which followed in the form of a spinning kick aimed at the head. Due to the sheer difference in their heights Hiroto had to jump to be able to reach with a kick.

Following his missed kick, he used it's unspent momentum and a shift in his planted foot to spin his center of gravity and more importantly his body away from the incoming kick by a small degree. The slightly increased distance give him a little more time to replant his foot to establish a solid base. Not one for doing too much dodging he raised both of his forearms to intervene in the kick to his head.

Touching his foot back down to the ground just as the kick connected with his arms. His higher than normal strength let him keep the kick from pushing on to meet his head, but his arms felt the sting of the blow. Not wanting to come away from the exchange without accomplishing something, instead he chose to try to prolong it.

Letting his blend of natural energy, spiritual energy, and physical energies express themselves in his right arm, in a form that nearly all members of his clan had proficiency at controlling, to an extent; body transformation techniques. With the full force of the kick delivered to his arms he pushed back just enough to keep contact with Hiroto's leg as a single 10 inch long extension with a blade facing inward sprouted from near is elbow and curved up to near his wrist, with just enough space for a leg in the gap.

To further prevent a disengage Morrigi brought his transformed right arm into alignment with the offending leg so that he could do an open palmed swat near the knee joint; thanks to the extension at his elbow this would effectively spin the leg if it couldn't get clear of the trap.

Hopefully this would open up an opportunity to deliver a finishing blow very soon, because as soon as Morrigi triggered his physical transformation technique his conscious control of his body was immediately challenged for all it was worth by his inner demons trying to set themselves loose on the world. He was as used to this fight for control as he was at breathing the air around him, so while it didn't distract from the spar it did mean the pressure was on.

155/170 chakra, 1/7 turns for berserk:


Hiroto felt his leg connect with the man's arms, and a sting went through them. The man's skin was hard, and even by normal standards. Just when he was about to pull his leg back to disengage the man, lest he pull out a punch, the man's right hand contorted and a blade extended from his elbow. The hand twisted such that it was level with Hiroto's leg, and Hiroto soon found said leg caught within the man's grasp.

The pink haired teen frowned. While transformations were not uncommon among ninja, active transformations that assisted in a battle, for example, actually transforming one's body to suit the situation, was still quite rare among ninja. There were only a select few clans that were blessed with the ability to manipulate their body to adapt. One example he knew quite distinctly of was the Kaguya clan in Kiri, who had toned down on their savagery and now played an extremely important part of Kiri's ninja roster.

Hiroto spotted the man begin to twist his arm to hit his knee, and he knew that it would be over the moment that happened. It would be all it took to dislocate his knee and cripple him from the fight. While he would still have some ninjutsu to fall back on, it wouldn't be sufficient to take Morrigi down. That left very little in the fight, once Hiroto was unable to move.

Seeing no other option, Hiroto used the man's hold on his leg to draw his body closer to the man, such that his trapped left leg was brought in close. This would prevent it from being twisted. At the same time, his right leg, free, went for a kick at Morrigi's exposed face, aiming to hit him with the front of his leg.

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