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1LECTURE  [KUMO-C] Empty LECTURE [KUMO-C] Thu Aug 15, 2013 11:53 am

Kenji Chikara

Kenji Chikara

Kenji was on his way to the academy to give a lecture on what it’s like to be a shinobi. From what Kenji was told they were quite the apathetic bunch. The teacher needed some help, and Kenji was asked to assist, so he was going to assist. Kenji had a few things that he wanted to go over, but he was most likely going to improvise. Before Kenji entered the academy, he admired the structure, the structure that had been the foundation for him and many others.

He cut the reminiscing short and walked into the familiar halls. Even though Kenji entered the academy late and graduated quickly, he still had some fond memories. He found the room that he was asked to give the lecture at and knocked on the door. In a fraction of a second a pale, yet appealing woman stared at him through the window; Kenji cocked an eyebrow at the peculiar lady. Her head fell down and he could see her shoulders working as if she was writing something. She placed a piece of paper at the window; it read “SMILE.”

Kenji looked around, taken aback by the unusual request. Kenji pondered for a moment then shrugged his shoulders, “Why not?” He smiled widely; putting his pearly whites on display. She stared at his teeth diligently, and then mouthed what seemed to be, “’No fangs’, is that what she just mouthed?” Her anxious demeanor appeared to fade, and she lightened up and opened the door slightly stepping out to have a small conversation before she introduced him. Kenji took a few steps back. Her blonde hair flowed behind her, and her blue eyes looked into his dark brown eyes. Her hands were behind her back, she was now a lot more outgoing; “I’m glad you’re here; I mean thank you; I mean-” She began to blush, overcome with embarrassment for stumbling over her words; Kenji just smiled. “Please, there’s no need for any of that. It’s my pleasure to assist a teacher who is passionate about her students.” Kenji gestured for her to introduce him, so he could begin his lecture. She began to grin excessively and quickly entered the classroom, “Students, do I have a treat for you all. Today, you will be joined by none other than a shinobi of Kumogakure. He’s here to share with you all the adventures and honor that comes with being a shinobi.” The student’s were somewhat captured by the introduction, but most were still not paying attention. She hesitated in waving Kenji in, clearly disappointed by their lack of enthusiasm.


Last edited by Kenji Chikara on Wed Aug 21, 2013 7:51 am; edited 1 time in total

2LECTURE  [KUMO-C] Empty Re: LECTURE [KUMO-C] Thu Aug 15, 2013 1:12 pm

Kenji Chikara

Kenji Chikara

Kenji with his gloves and Hane walked slowly into the classroom; his blue hair had a bright sheen. Ms. Vernia stepped over to her desk and gave Kenji the floor. He nodded slightly, “Good morning!” A murmur went over the classroom; he could make out a few replies. “Thank you Ms. Vernia. As your fine teacher stated already, I am a shinobi of the Cloud. I specialize in weapons and Genjutsu.” He could hear several students begin to chuckle. “May I ask what’s so funny?” One student was looking back and forward between Kenji and his peers, “Genjutsu, that’s what’s funny! I like to blow things up and punch holes in walls!” A resounding YEAH!” rippled over the classroom in agreement. Kenji nodded his head and held his hands up in front of him to the crowd. He began to wave them around so that everyone saw the shiny appearance of his gloves. A look of confusion was on many of the student’s faces; they saw Kenji walk through the wall behind them, and it all of a sudden the real Kenji appeared with his hand on the shoulder of the student who spoke up. “I agree with you.” He said as the boy’s mouth was agape. “Blowing things up and delivering forceful punches are indeed helpful in succeeding as a shinobi. However, deception and tact are just as important. Plus, you can’t fight what you don’t know.”

Kenji walked back to the front of the classroom, all the students were in awe at the Genjutsu Kenji performed and he now had their full attention. He could see many fixing their mouths to ask questions, “I see many of you are eager to inquire about how I did that; please, wait till the end of my lecture and I will gladly take questions.” The students were looking at each other in excitement and then quickly turned their attention back to Kenji. “First, being a shinobi in itself is an honor and should be taken with pride. As a shinobi every inhabitant of the village depends on you to assist and protect. Now, I know some of you think that being a shinobi is all training, menial assignments, and paperwork. Not quite, allow me to explain. Being a protector of the village has many perks. Many members of society will give you favors, showing their gratitude for your service, not just that, but it allows you to build strong relationships with many villagers. Also, being a shinobi means adventure. A shinobi’s job description is full of travel and meeting new and interesting people.” Ms. Vernia was sitting down at her desk in glee as she watched the bright expressions of her students.

Kenji went on to explain to the students that he was able to cast illusions through reflections; using his shiny gloves his katana or kunai. He unsheathed his katana and gave a short display of the cosmetic properties of the blade. The sheen was almost blinding and there was a slight disturbance of the air around the blade due to the strong fuuton affinity. At the end of Kenji’s lecture the student’s were in a frenzy jockeying for position to ask questions. Kenji settled the class down and instructed them to raise their hands and he’d get to every single one of them. Kenji spent a little over 15 minutes answering questions, and they were pertinent questions; this was a bright and promising bunch.


3LECTURE  [KUMO-C] Empty Re: LECTURE [KUMO-C] Thu Aug 15, 2013 2:37 pm

Kenji Chikara

Kenji Chikara

“Well, thank you all so much for having me. Great job students, you all asked very important questions and were well behaved. The first step towards being a great shinobi has already been taken by all of you.” A silence went over the classroom as they wanted to know what they accomplished, “Discipline and self control. It is essential for every shinobi to have self-control, and you students showed flawless strength of will. Ms. Vernia, thank you once again. Goodbye, I hope to see you all around.” Kenji waved and exited to a thunderous applause.

Ms. Vernia followed Kenji outside the classroom and expressed her gratitude; “I- I’ve never seen them like that. You have made my dream come true. My-” She took a deep breath, “My students are finally motivated.” Kenji smiled and put his hand on her shoulder; she glared down at his glove and saw his reflection in it. She lifted her head slowly… “You have a reflection.” Kenji laughed, but she was serious and showed a genuine smile of happiness to know that he had a reflection.

Kenji left the academy and was now home, he pondered on the peculiarity of the teacher for a moment, “What was that lady’s obsession with smiling, fangs, and reflections about…”



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