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Zetsume Zix

Zetsume Zix

For the Generation of Tomorrow

Was an average day in the village of Kumogakure. Zetsume had already finished getting ready for his mission today. He had accepted a mission in which he must he must motivate a classroom full of academy students. Of course Zetsume never really did like kids all that much but once again he needed the money. He had just become a chuunin though he did not feel like anything had changed. He still felt the same self. He decided not to take his Hishou with him today, for there would be no need to shoot the bow indoors. It was mostly used for long range combat and shooting it indoors would just be pointless. Zetsume closed the door making sure it was locked before heading to the academy.

He had arrived at sometime during noon. He could see all of the students playing around and teasing each other. This brought back many old and sad memories. Zetsume stopped for a moment to hold his heart as it felt like it was being crushed by this feeling. He quickly shook it off and went to find the teacher. He began to read the classroom numbers, the one he was looking for was twenty three. When he found it and walked into the classroom only the teacher was there.

"Yes, I was sent here to give a speech to the kids of tomorrows generation. My name is Zetsume Zix, I am the newest Kumo chuunin.", Zetsume said to her while holding out his hand for a shake. She seemed hesitant first but then shook his hand and replied, "Oh thank you so much for coming. These kids seem more interested in trivial things rather than becoming a respected ninja. Which is why I sent the mission application to Raikage-sama. And sure enough you are here. My name is Ms.Verina."

She seemed like a nice lady, and that she was thankful that someone agreed to talk to these kids. Zetsume had no experience with speeches or kids but he would have to try his best if he wishes to win these kids over. He had something in mind but wondered if it was a bit unorthodox. Yet, he had to try something. After some time the kids came back in. It seems there were twenty of them. They all looked so different and all of them acting different. Some kids were playing with paper kunai, while others were just talking with each other. Ms. Verina went to speak to the class but her voice was shaken and broken. She spoke in a hush tone almost as if scared to be struck down for whatever reason. None of the kids were paying any attention to her, they almost acted as if she did not even exist. When Zetsume was a child this kind of disrespect would have gotten you punished by the school then by your parents. She went to introduce Zetsume, who was standing quietly, but as her voice grew so did the kids. It almost seemed like they actually wanted to out talk her. After roughly thirty seconds Zetsume has had enough. He slammed his hands on the teachers desk and talked in a very loud voice, "I was sent here by Raikage-sama to teach you kids about how the ninja world really is. From the looks of it you have no idea the gruesome things that can happen when you are away from the confides of these walls." When he spoke almost all of the kids sat up right and stared at him. He could not tell if they were actually listening or just afraid that now they might actually get in trouble. Zetsume was not beyond punishing a child, only if they deserved it. After that he had gained the attention of the students he took his hands off of the teachers desk and went to speak again "Tell me, if you are on a mission in which you are surrounded by enemy ninjas what would you do? Would you run, would you beg for mercy, or would you fight". He asked this question in hopes that the one who everyone thought was bad ass would pipe up and say something. Sure enough one kid did. He had brown hair, and was slightly bigger than the rest. Zetsume noted that this kid must be the alpha. The kid replied "I will kill them all and gain a medal for my accomplishment." Zetsume slightly laughed at his comment then went to his next step in his plan.

"Good, can you please come up here. I wish to show everyone a jutsu." The kid was hesitant at first then came up to the front of the classroom. At that moment Zetsume activated Narakumi no Jutsu (Demonic Illusion: Hell Viewing Technique). "Now turn around to face the classroom." The boy did and in an instant he began to scream in horror. He watched as some were ripped apart by spiked chains while others were being decapitated. To everyone else everything was fine, but to him he was imagining the deaths of everyone. He began to scream and back into a corner. At this point Zetsume has had enough and use Kai to release him. It took the young boy to realize that it was all just an illusion produced by this man. The kid's eyes were still in tears as he went back to his seat after Zetsume told him to.

"That was a genjutsu, just one of the many types you may have to face in a battle one day. I wish I did not have to do that, but it was the only way to show everyone the power of jutsus. With it you can protect your friends, family, and even loved ones from those who wish to hurt you. I urge you to train hard and become the best shinobi this village has ever seen. Who knows maybe even you will become the next Raikage".

Really after that he had nothing else to say because he had written everything down before hand and was not to well on speeches. After a moment some of the students began to actually clap. This amazed Zetsume. They began to ask him to show them more jutsus. When Zetsume told them that, that was all he was going to show for the day. They seemed sad and asked if he was ever going to come back. With a simple nod he answered with "Yes, so long as you respect your teachers, i will come back"

After all was said and done, Zetsume shook the hands of each kid in there before shaking the teachers hand. She thanked him as much as she could before he left. While walking out of the door, he could hear the other kids asking the kid he performed Narakumi no Jutsu (Demonic Illusion: Hell Viewing Technique) on what it was like. He spoke in soft mumbles and told them they do not want to know. He wondered if that was needed, but it seemed to grab their attention. All in all he counted this as a completion and headed toward his home.


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