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1Lecture at the academy [C-rank, Kumo] Empty Lecture at the academy [C-rank, Kumo] Thu Jul 25, 2013 5:39 pm



It was a sunny Monday morning, the day that Academy students hated the most. As a rule,  the sun was so bright and the weather was just brilliant for some activities outside, but yet those students had to sit in class again after two days of adventurous rest at home or somewhere else and listen to very important, but quite boring stuff. No wonder they had no motivation to sit there and listen to any matter the teacher has told them. But why to bring up the whole being an Academy student thing? Well, as it appears to be, this is the new mission Miho was appointed to. Despite the fact that she has been acting mean and showing her attitude of being careless, irritated and prverted, some people still believe that she could actually change by doing some of the missions around the village. Well, that will not be the case anyways.

Miho dressed in her tight and sleek black outfit  and headed out to the Academy. Maybe the outfit was not quite a good of a choice, but did she care really? Definately not. As for the mission, it was all about getting the class to be motivated in the ninja life by giving a lecture about the experience on being a ninja. Miho wasn‘t trying to think up what she will say, she was just walking there emply headed. While walking, Miho did remember her Academy years, and despite the fact that due to the situation of her clan she wasn‘t able to come there so often, she really did enjoy those rare time she was. Suddenly, her thoughts somehow centered on the boys of her class, she wondered how much of a men they turned out to be. Well, maybe she will meet some of them someday and will hit on them. That‘s how she is.

Miho entered the class and saw the view which made her irritated to say the least. The teacher was telling the students about the techniques of using kunais, but those little brats were just doing whatever they wanted. Some were shouting to each other, some just silently chatting, bu not even one was listening. Miho got herself in the centre of the class and slammed the teacher‘s desk with one move of the leg. The students started turning around to see what had just happened there. She go their attention for some minutes. Everyone were whispering in concern who she might be and why she had come here, however, Miho just did not feel like explaining things again and started with the proccedure from the very beggining.

“Okay you little snobs, now you shall listen to ME! Your teacher, the lady who is standing right here, asked me to come and tell you a story, but I have to warn you, those, who ask my name WILL DIE! Those, who do not listen, WILL DIE! And the worst, those, who  talk while I talk, WILL HAVE THEIR HEADS BEEN CHOPPED OFF!

She was staring at the frightened audience making a sulky face, crossing her hands onto her chest. Hell, she looked so furious that might scare even a normal mature person, those children were shaking out of the fear. Miho just stood there for some more minutes to make sure that she gave creeps to each and eveyone of the child that was sitting in this class. When she made sure that everyone was listening, she continued with her story. A normal person would have stopped with that frightening stuff as soon as he got their attention, but Miho was not even planning on that, to scare people was a pleasure for her.

“Now the story, listen to this closely or otherwise you WILL DIE! I point that I saw this with my own eyes, so I know how things are done. Some time ago, there was this child in our village, who did not listen at school. When he got older and needed to pass the chuunin exam he met a beast in the forest. He couldn‘t use kunai to protect himself, because he didn‘t listen while his teacher was explaining him how to do that, thus, the beast killed him. It ripped his ribs out...poked his eyes...ripped out his heart and crushed it.... and finally then ate it leaving the boy without his heart, eyes and ribs....

“Ewwww! Disgusted voice came somwhere from the audience, while the whole audience was stoned in silence. Miho pierced the owner of the voice with her evil stare.

“What did you say? Do you not remeber my warning?!“

The boy got scared  only by the stare she was giving and he started crying tright away. Miho herself looked like a beast that would rip the child‘s heart out and just eat it. Probably those children were really thinking so as the pure silence were dominating at that moment in the class. Miho was somehow happy that was able to make the child cry, that is nothing to be proud of, but still letting those evil vibes out made her glad and satisfied for the day. As for the teacher, who seemed so bubbly and friendly at the beggining, now was looking a little bit frightened as well. However, when she looked around her class, she saw not one studend messing around, arguing with each other or chatting. Eeryone were sittind in their places and listening with their scared faces.  Miho patted the teacher on her shoulder and announced that all class is hers to teach. Then she promised to all children that if they will not behave themselves she will come here again and instead of telling the story again will take some actions to teach them a lesson. Maybe a similar ones like that beast in the forest did. Tears showed up in some of those children eyes again, but that just meant to Miho that her mission here is over. The way she used was really mean, but at least they will be scared of Miho‘s comeback and won‘t mess around in the class so much.

W.C. 1027/1000

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