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Upon reaching the barracks where his living quarters are, Ikki spots an open challenge for a sparring match up on the announcement board.Ikki drops his duffel bag and begins to read. "Open Challenge. Test your skill against me in a Kenjutsu sparring match. Meet me in the Arbiter's Grounds arena at 5:00. For Genin only. Anonymous postee" Chuckling Ikki thinks to himself, "Heh, a bit arrogant sending an open invite. Hmm, maybe I should toy with this person a bit. It's close to the time now better head out." Ikki rips the challenge from the bored and takes it with him, as to no be bothered by unexpected guests.

Ikki arrives at the outside Arena five minutes before the posted time and decides to sit at the edge of the arena because it appeared that no one was around. He sat put up his feet on a rock and pulled out a war strategy book. All the while wondering, "Who the hell is late to a challenge that they posted themself?" Ikki decided to wait a few minutes and sure enough someone arrived at the other side of the Arena. A small petite figure walks towards him as he was pretending to continue reading his book. "Maybe if I keep reading, this little shrimp won't bother me," Ikki thought to himself, completely dismissing the fact that this "shrimp" could be the one that placed the challenge.
(Kenjutsu Training:C-B 240/2000)



This entire situation was a bewildering one - something that Miyako still wasn't entirely sure clear about. She had been summoned to the main administration building for a mission assignment, and after obtaining this, exited out the closest door as she left her thoughts focus more on the mission details than where she was headed next. Unknowingly wandering farther in the opposite direction, she had found herself standing outside a large building that she had not yet seen before. It was relatively quiet as she entered, and it was a massive announcement board full of schedules, advertisements, and various other pieces of random information that caught her attention.

As she wandered closer in curiosity, a man approached the wall first, holding a piece of paper and some sticking material - no doubt ready to place his own addition to the board. As he placed it over top of an advertisement showcasing a rather ecchi book series, Miyako found herself reading the short note that was written on the paper. It appeared to be a challenge of some sort, but it specifically said genuine only ... the man putting it up had to be at least thirty.

"Interested, are you now?" The man asked, startling Miyako out of her thoughts. "Would you like to participate? Think of it as training, you'll meet some other genin drawn by this challenge who specializes in Kenjutsu. Just follow the time and date written on here."

So the whole challenge note was simply a ruse to gather Kenjutsu-specializing genins for a sparring match. Before she could voice out her questions as to what the purpose of this was, the man had disappeared, leaving Miyako with a sense of responsibility to show up, no matter what.

And show up she did, with her katana strapped to her side, she entered the arena, eyes scanning the area for any signs of someone who had also come for the sparring match. There was a surprisingly limited number of shinobi there at that time, and most that were there had already occupied themselves in matches. The only other person was a male sitting at the edge of the arena, studiously reading a book. Hesitating for a moment - as really, she was quite the shy and withdrawn person and would never have openly challenged someone if it had been entirely up to her - she approached him.

"Excuse me, are you ... here for the sparring challenge?" She asked quietly, eyes scanning the book title with interest.

[ Kenjutsu Training | S --> SS | (415/9000) ]

Last edited by Miyako on Sun Jul 28, 2013 12:05 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : Added word count.)



"Ah crap, the shrimp's walking my way..." thought Ikki as he was fake reading the book. "How am I gonna talk my way outta this one I can't romp on a little defenseless person, much less a girl. I know maybe she's looking for someone to train her," Ikki continued, as he scratched his brain for a way out.

Just as she reaches Ikki, he hears in a faintly audible voice, "Excuse me, are you ... here for the sparring challenge?"  Ikki lowers the book from his face while saying, "Listen I came out here looking for a challenge, not to romp on some cute little gir..." interrupted himself taking a closer look. "Wait a minute. You look Really familiar. Hmph, you're from the outer branches of the Ryozoji aren't you? No, no, nooo. The way you dress... The red scarf. You're the daughter of the Traitor Matsuo. A Pleasure to make you acquiantance," says Ikki, as he stand to his feet for a proper introdution. he continues, "As you may or may not know, I am, Ryuzoji Ikki, 2nd heir to the Head of Ryozoji behind Bokuden, and son of Ryuzoji Hideki."
Ikki analyzes the petite girl, getting absolutely nothing she seems far too reserved to have been the one to post the Challenge. Confused Ikki shakes off the thought and walks over to the field of the area. "Never thought I'd run into you here. So how did you get dragged into this? or are the rumors about you being shy and reserved false after all," Ikki commented.



This has got to be someone's sick idea of a joke - or fate was just toying with her in the cruelest means possible. Her eyes, usually so obedient in hiding her emotions, suddenly betrayed a look of pure panic - similar to that of a deer in headlights. Of course, it was quickly replaced with her usual blank expression as soon as she caught herself, but still her heart kept pounding, blood rushing up to her head. Ryuzoki Ikki? Of all the people that could have seen the challenge and taken an interest, it had to be one from her clan? And to make things go from bad to worse, it had to be the second heir?

"You're the daughter of the traitor Matsuo. A pleasure to make your acquaintance." Any hope that the male had only recognized her vaguely were dashed as he mentioned her father, and at that moment, Miyako wanted nothing more than to run as far away as possible to hide somewhere and meditate. There couldn't be any possible way that she could spar with someone of his standing, not with her family's history and her mother's instructions to give her upmost respect to those that were part of the clan head's family.

"I'm Ryuzoji Miyako, of Team Karma. I apologize, I didn't realize that Ikki-sama would be the one to take the challenge, it was foolish of me not to recognize you before I interrupted your reading." Her words could almost be described as hurried - polite, but with a definite tinge of panicked wariness. She referred to Ikki with a respectful title, something that she had neglected to do with Bokuden. But perhaps that was due to the difference in circumstance, and so far, her team leader had made no mention to her history.

"I was told by an older shinobi that I could attend this challenge if I wished. But ... it seems we are ill-matched. I will take my leave now." Part of her was disappointed that there would be no match in the end, but she was no doubt ready to just leave and fulfill her desire to run away.

[ 781/9000 ]

Last edited by Miyako on Sun Jul 28, 2013 12:06 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : Added word count.)



Ikki waiting for a response kept scanning this petite girl. In a humble yet frantic voice the girl said,
"I'm Ryuzoji Miyako, of Team Karma. I apologize, I didn't realize that Ikki-sama would be the one to take the challenge, it was foolish of me not to recognize you before I interrupted your reading."
Ikki stood there in utter amazement at her response expecting a violent or at least an annoyed response at the comment about her past. Seeing her utter embarrassment he decide to lay off the formalities. But the comment about being in his Cousin's squad immediately spark an interest. Ikki lost in his thoughts, "So she in Bokuden's squad Karma, huh? Maybe It's my civil duty to test her merit."
After his thought he replied, "Hehehe, sorry that must have come off as some what pretentious and intimidating. Please just call me Ikki. And as for the reading, I was just trying to avoid looking like a bully by avoiding you. But seeing as your a Ryuzoji I'd imaging your well-trained in Kenjutsu."
She Responded in kind, "I was told by an older shinobi that I could attend this challenge if I wished. But ... it seems we are ill-matched. I will take my leave now." It seems the rumors of her timid and reserved nature are true. Ikki wondered why and wanted to know more. It has been mentioned that a person learn who they are and who they face on the battle field. Ikki was about to test this saying.
Smiling Ikki told her, "Come on now, how could you say that as a member of Ryuzoji. High standing means nothing. We're the same age and as such, should have received the same training. I apologize for my prior statement about your father. That was tactless of me. But for you to be in Bokuden's squad you must be very skillful. Please allow me to test your merit." A small portion of Ikki's brain couldn't help but think, "Man this girl is cute, smaller proportions then I'm used to, but damn cute. I think I like 'em shy."



Ikki's sudden change in demeanour was rather unsettling, though if Miyako were to weigh the differences, she would probably prefer the one now compared to the intimidating first greeting that she had received. So here she was, listening to him tell her that she could call him by first name only and to disregard and forgive his mention of her father. It was strange - really quite curious - how both Bokuden and Ikki were far from what she had expected them to be (if the current Ikki was the real one and the one from before had only been a test to see her reaction).

“But seeing as your a Ryuzoji I'd imaging your well-trained in Kenjutsu." Miyako stiffened in alarm. He intended to spar with her? If it was found out that she, daughter of a traitor, had raised a hand against the second heir of the clan … the consequences she would have to face at home were unimaginable. A small voice in her mind told her that this may be a test of her loyalty, to see whether she would take up her father’s traitorous nature and jump at a chance to be in conflict with a member of the clan head’s family.

"Come on now, how could you say that as a member of Ryuzoji. High standing means nothing. We're the same age and as such, should have received the same training. I apologize for my prior statement about your father. That was tactless of me. But for you to be in Bokuden's squad you must be very skillful. Please allow me to test your merit." It seemed as though Ikki had clear intentions to spar with her, and turning this offer down could also be seen as an act of defiance, would it not? If anyone else was privy to her thoughts, they would shake their heads at the way she was overcomplicating things, but that was what she had grown up learning to do – analyze everything, or it will result in punishment. And the way Ikki had phrased his words made it much more convincing for her to spar with him. It was both a test of her skill and to see whether she was worthy to be in his cousin’s squad. The latter served as a great motivator – upon meeting Bokuden as her squad leader, there was no way she was willing to embarrass herself or her team.

“I – … would be honoured to be crossing blades with you, Ikki … san.” She still couldn’t stop herself from adding an honorific, though this time it wasn’t as formal as the previous one. Miyako wasn’t certain what level the other had when it came to Kenjutsu, but the only thought she had was to be able to at least match up in terms of skill. Backing up a more spacious area of the arena, she waited for him to take out his blade.

[ 1259/9000 ]



Ikki stood there studiously looking at her every body movement and pause. She was obviously having some sort internal dispute about whether or not to participate now that she knew who he was. Ikki, starting to feel dissapointed, noticed a change in her expression as he said, "...But for you to be in Bokuden's squad you must be very skillful. Please allow me to test your merit." At that very moment, her face had turned from worry to determined. He had her hooked. Then to no suprise, she said softly but somehow with authority, “I – … would be honoured to be crossing blades with you, Ikki … san.”
Ikki chuckles, "Hehe. at least we're making some progress with the whole formalities thing." As she turn around and walks further into the arena, Ikki follows her. She turns around and just stands there. Ikki readies his sword at his side, but doesn't draw. "Ok here are some rules. One, no other skills other then kenjutsu is to be used. Two, I'll try not to hurt you," says Ikki as he winks. "En garde Miyako."
  Ikki stand there in a ready position waiting for her to make a move, and realizes her face got a little more serious. Perhaps she was offend by his remark. "Maybe I should add salt to the wound," he thought as he began to side step.
  "What, was I wrong? Attack me and prove your worth to be in Bokuden's Squad, or are you, you're fathers daughter after all?" he said with a sinister smile while thinking,"I hope she doesn't hate me for this, but I can't lose. Not until i defeat Bokuden" Ikki was hoping his provocation would work seeing as his style was that of a counter attacker. Being a swordsman came second to him. All his life he secretly trained his Ninjustu more as it was more valuable in a strategic sense. But now that he wasn't able to use them. He finds himself at a disadvantage relying on mental manipulation strategy. Ikki does what he does best, intimidate. Ikki raises his killing intent. It can be seen in his eyes. With his thumb, he raise the hilt of the blade from the sheath. Readying his fast draw strike by placing his right foot forward, he angles his right shoulders forward. he is waiting patiently, like a spider who bides time tending his web.



The rules were simple enough, and his remark about trying not to hurt her didn't draw even the slightest response from her. Such comments meant nothing to her, and it was only references to her past or loyalty to the clan that could affect her as it did before. Which, unfortunately, was the next thing that came out of Ikki's mouth. His provocation did hit her harder than any other comment would, but this time she made sure not to show a physical response, face remaining blank as her left hand reached towards her katana, strapped to her belt to the right of her body.

Seeing as Ikki was waiting to both draw and strike at the first time - a simple observation that could be made from the way Ikki was lowered into a readying stance - Miyako took several light steps backwards, drawing her katana silently in preparation. Unlike what Ikki was preparing to do, Miyako preferred to have her weapon out and ready, knowing that with a longer bladed weapon, unsheathing with a squick speed and still be able to attack or defend was risky. She made no comment towards Ikki's provocations, instead just focusing on keeping her gaze on him while gripping her katana in front of her with both hands. For a moment, she deliberated on moving in to attack first, but decided against it, biding her time and waiting for him to make the first move.

[ 1501/9000 ]



Seeing no reaction pisses Ikki off as his patients wears thin. "What is this a freaking staring contest?" says Ikki as he draws his blade. "Fine I'll go first!" Ikki rushes in with his sword low, looking Miyako in the eyes. Ikki knows she's left handed. When Ikki reaches striking distance. He stopped with his right foot forward and leans in to give his slash extra depth. Ikki twists his waists, transferring momentum to his upper body. While slashing upwards at full speed, he aims for her dominant arm. Ikki didn't not hold back. And with due cause, considering she a Ryozoji it would be a mistake to take her lightly.



Interesting. Just a simple lack of response was enough to provoke the other genin to lose his patience. But still, Ikki's movement couldn't be described as rushed, seeing as it still involved some skill as he slashed upwards. The male's first move puzzled Miyako - normally, those holding a curved blade wouldn't slash upwards until it was absolutely necessary, seeing as it required the twisting of one's wrist in order to slash with the fine, bladed edge of the weapon. But seeing as it worked in her favour, Miyako didn't complain.

The moment he closed the distance with his sword held low, Miyako was already wired to move to the side that would favour her left arm - shifting quickly to her right so that his upward strike missed her by mere inches. Her footsteps were light as usual, covering as much distance as possible without taking too many steps, knowing that she was still unused to the terrain. As she moved, her katana - gripped sideways with both hands - slashed forward after Ikki's blade was above his waist, aiming for his unprotected left side. But she had miscalculated both the speed and the distance of which she covered in order to dodge his attack, and only the top bit of her katana would come into contact with Ikki should it made contact with his body, something of which would only inflict a light flesh wound.

[ 1741/9000 ]

Last edited by Miyako on Sun Jul 28, 2013 7:39 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : Word count.)



Upon seeing Miyako's first side step, he knew he was gonna miss leaving his left midsection vulnerable. Halfway through his upward slash, he leaned right to minimize any damage he was about to take front her horizontal slash. It was a smart move. Miyako had side stepped too far and hard to be in any sort of effective range. Still her blade's tip found it's way through Ikki's hooded trench. Ikki jumps back two meters. "Shit, that was close one, cutie! Hehe." said Ikki, smiling with an sense of exhilaration that only come with close encounters. He remove's his trench coat, tossing it to the side. "I Really liked that trench," says Ikki, still intensely focused on Miyako. IkkI grins, right before charging in again with the blade held high. Running at her as if he was a complete novice with both arms holding the blade as high as possible, suddenly  dedicating his whole body to a downward slash. Digging his sword into the ground while jumping into a front flip over his sword, using every little bit of momentum to speed up his kick aimed for her stomach. Sending Miyako flying back a few feet. Unsure if it connected or she blocked it and threw her weight back, Ikki Jumped back once more. Grabbing his sword from the ground, he said, "Just cause we fight with swords doesn't mean we only use weapons to attack."

Last edited by Ikki on Sun Jul 28, 2013 8:45 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : word count ... lol)



Needless to say, her mistake cost her quite dearly, seeing that her blade had still somewhat reached it's mark, but only cut deep enough to shred a piece of his clothing, the fine threads no match for the razor sharp blade. Still, it was a disgrace to be slicing something other than what she had intended. The moment she realized her mistake she had already begun turning to face Ikki, knowing that if she hadn't caused the other enough damage to be a distraction, he was bound to immediately counter attack. He was in the process of removing his trench coat and, purely out of respect, she waited to see what his next move would be.

Even just from observing his first move, it was clear that Ikki was by no means a conventional fighter. Fighting through other means was something Miyako found herself looking down upon, much like how their entire clan generally looked down on Genjutsu users. It was all based on trickery and lies, not at all following traditional skills passed down in the art. But it did indeed make Ikki a much more dangerous force to reckon with, as his fighting methods were much harder to predict. As he ran towards her with his blade held high, there was definitely something he was planning - but the details were completely unknown to Miyako. She could only hold her ground, placing her katana in front of her to prepare for what was to come.

And what did come surprised her. Instead of attacking her full on, he jammed the blade downwards into the earth, using it to propel himself into the air to perform a front flip, then aiming his foot towards her in a kick. The action shocked her, though she revealed nothing on her face. To use a blade in such a way! No matter how fine the quality of a blade, to force one's entire weight on one was simple ludicrous. For a moment, her quick reflexes were torn between three actions. One; To attempt to dodge the kick and risk being kicked in another location should she fail to avoid it completely. Two; Block with her arms crossed before her and lessen the damage aimed towards her abdomen, but risk injuring her arms and render herself unable to use her katana. And three; Take the full brunt of the attack and deal with the consequences that would come with it.

And so she decided. The moment his foot made contact with her stomach, she was already folding her body forwards to lessen the impact, though it was still strong enough to make her fly through the air. Tucking herself into a ball so that she would land safely, she ended up kneeling on the ground, one hand still gripping her katana. The kick left her quite winded, but within moments she had forced herself to her feet, running straight towards Ikki with her blade held at a knee-high length to one side, aiming for the other's katana. Loosely thrusting her blade against the others so that the clash of metal could be heard, she swung her upper body towards Ikki, using the chance of the preoccupied blades to connect her elbow to Ikki's face - borrowing the momentum from her swing to put force into it.

"I'll keep that in mind, Ikki-san." She replied with no particular tone.

[ 2310/9000 -- LOL I think I got my muse back. ]

Last edited by Miyako on Mon Jul 29, 2013 12:31 am; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : Forever adding word count in later because mobile.)



Seeing Miyako make no hesitation in getting up and retaliating, he held his blade in front of him to deflect or to block the incoming attack. But when she force her weight on the blade, Ikki had no other choice but to block as the heavy swing could not be deflected with no momentum on his part. When the blades collided, much to his surpise she pushed his blade back andto the side. The only word going through Ikki's mind at the time: "SHIT!!"  Realizing how bad his mistake had been, Ikki could do absolutely nothing to dodge Miyako's elbow as Ikki watched it come screaming towards ikki face. Ikki try to minize the damage by bowing his head but it was far too little and too late. Miyako's elbow made contact with the right side of Ikki's face. Causing him to follow the path of his attackers elbow and stumble off to the left.
Ikki disoriented from the attack, found his footing and decided to counter. Immediately tightening his grip around the blade, he planted his foot, twisted his waist, leaned right, and swung his sword as if it were a bat. This was quite effective in produce a massive amount of torque for limited movement. Only looking to push Miyako back, he struck her blade as hard as possible.  Instead of pushing back. he ended up knocking her blade to the side. With the shear force of his swing and the fact that not much resistance was met, he had no choice but to spin right with the swing he had dedicated to. In midspin Ikki decides to take advantage of the fact the her sword is at her side and goes for a round house back kick. Stepping foward with his right foot transferring his weight he could easily swing his left foot out behind him. Going for her face, Ikki hesitated inexplicably. Leaving a opportunity for Miyako to take advantage.

Kenjutsu training:
{Yeah! I've realized. Mine, on the other hand, is still sleeping...} ;)



There was no reason for her to expect such a quick response for Ikki. Although the contact between her elbow and his face was not strong enough to incapacitate him, it should have given her more than enough time to dance out of reach and prepare for her next attack. What she hadn’t been expecting was for him to regain his footing within mere seconds of her attack. Another miscalculation on her part, something of which she deeply regrets.

He went in for a similar tactic as the one she had utilized just moments ago, swinging his sword against hers to effectively knock her blade to one side. The force of the impact forced Miyako’s blade to the side – while the katana itself was of no significant weight, the collision of the blades was too much for her to keep it in its original position. Knowing that something was to follow, Miyako whipped her head around to keep Ikki within her line of sight. The moment she spotted his body following the momentum of his swing with his foot ready to lash out at her, she released her left hand’s grip on her katana, raising it to shield her face. While she had figured earlier that any damage done to her sword-wielding arms would prove to remove any advantage she could have had in Kenjutsu, her instincts screamed at her this time to protect her head from any damages, knowing that it could potentially be dangerous if she took a blow.

Initially, her raised arm was there with the intent of protecting herself via defense, but the moment his kick slowed, she sensed his hesitation and switched to offense. Hand moving to meet his raised foot, she tugged it to one side, using gravity to assist her in unbalancing Ikki. With the tug of gravity on his now off-centered balance, it didn’t require much strength on Miyako’s part to fling him towards the ground, her right hand – though not as confident as her left in holding the katana, but still trained nonetheless – swing a wide arc towards Ikki’s fallen form, aiming for his right arm. Her blade sliced through the air with ease, bringing it down with enough force to draw an appropriate amount of blood.

[ 2686/9000 ]



Ikki hesitated on purpose, to lose this match. He found himself fascinated with Miyako. His foot was grabbed and tossed aside, causing him to lose balance. Once Ikki found himself face up and laid out. He thought Miyako was going to claim victory of the Sparring match. He was wrong she continued, swing her katana with her right hand. In Ikki's quick thinking. He pulled out four senbon needles and on his palm he shoved his left hand out to where the sword was headed. He assumed it be light enough swing to block with senbon considering she was left hand dominant. He was right but he wasn't fast enough the sword had cut into his right arm about a half inch before he could stop it.

"Arrgh, thats enough you've won!! ... Miyako, you're merciless going in for the kill on a sparring match. Haha, Oww!"
says Ikki, as he sits up after having dropped his blade. "I'm bleeding pretty good here. Could you tear some cloth from my trench and hand it to me?" asks Ikki. He was smiling, while looking curiously at Miyako.

"You're a strong one. I'm glad we had this little match. I've learned a great deal about you, other then you muted demeanor. No worries, we all wear 'masks.' The Ryuzoji should be honored to have you. Regardless who your parents are. I mean it. You've impressed me to not even react to my comment about your father. And if you haven't realized by now, where you came from doesn't matter to me. I Promise, no one will know that this injury came from you. I wouldn't want you to take the heat from my provocation," said Ikki, bandaging his wound.

"It seems I won't be able to continue. Are you gonna take responsibility and accompany me to old man Ojimbo's sushi spot?"
Kenjutsu B>A(339/3000)

Last edited by Ikki on Tue Jul 30, 2013 2:46 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : Word count)



The light in her eyes - which had been gleaming in her eyes as the fight progressed - faded, and the blue-gray eyes widened in shock, quickly retrieving her blade and stepping back. It was cowardly of her to take advantage of Ikki's hesitation, and even though she had done so on instinct, she still felt guilty, knowing that the match would have continued without a determined winner if he had landed that hit on her. "I ... I'm sorry, Ikki-san. It was not my intention to injure you." She apologized, panicking at the sight of her injured clan superior. But his smile threw her off guard, as did his comments that followed, praising her and dismissing his injury.

Obediently, she brought his jacket over, and was about to offer to help him when she realized that he was more than capable of caring for himself, being a ninja trained in medical skills. But still she hovered around as she watched him tend to his wounds, concerned about whether she really did go too far with her swing. "I - Thank you for your words, Ikki-san. I hope I will continue to be worthy of them." And at that, she offered him a shy smile, an expression that showed only briefly before all traces of it disappeared. "I will accompany you there if you will allow me to do so." She added formally, sheathing her blade and moving to help him up and retrieve his blade for him.

[ 2559/9000 ]



Ikki grabs Miyako's hand as she offers assistance in him getting to his feet. She hands him his blade, and he sheaths it. "Thank you ... but please drop the formalities. They are not necessary and make me seem overly pretentious and full of myself. Haha. Ok then let's stop off at the Ryuzoji barracks and clean this wound properly then we'll head out to get some sushi. Come on follow me," said Ikki with a smile.
  He continues to add, "And, um, don't worry if any Ryuzoji see us together, as long as your with me and follow my lead, I'll shut the gossipers up. Okay? The official story that will reach your mother's ears is that you found me after I injured myself during my solo Kenjutsu training, dressed my wound and helped me to the barracks and as a thanks I'm treating you to some sushi." He said this because he could only imagine the ridicule and segregation she had been forced into because of her father's treachery. Truth be told, Ikki is a big old softie when it come to family issues. So he figured, he brighten up her day by making her out to be the hero. Standing there Ikki looking at Miyako kindly waiting for conformation.
(Kenjutsu B>A 554/3000)



Miyako nodded quietly at his suggestion to go get themselves cleaned up, then head off for some food. She had to admit, the entire notion was a weird one, to be invited by the second heir of the clan to do something as casual as going for sushi. The sparring had been odd already, but since he worded it as a test of her skills, she let that one pass. But for someone like her to go out to a non-formal meal ... Thankfully, her doubts were eased with his next words.

"And, um, don't worry if any Ryuzoji see us together, as long as your with me and follow my lead, I'll shut the gossipers up. Okay? The official story that will reach your mother's ears is that you found me after I injured myself during my solo Kenjutsu training, dressed my wound and helped me to the barracks and as a thanks I'm treating you to some sushi." His consideration took her with surprise - but not as surprised as she was by his apparent knowledge about her mother. Brows furrowing, she refrained herself from asking the questions that rang through her mind, only nodding once more before saying, "Thank you, Ikki-san. For ... the sparring, and your forgiveness."


-- Exit Thread --

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