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It was a beautiful day outside. The sun was a deep blue water-like color, giving the impression that the giant fluffy Homuncluluses were swimming across the big divine sea. Owydelu got up from his bed, with the purpose to go get a bite of something. The sun's rays were laying on Owydelu's face now. It was a little annoying, so he had a hard time to stay in bed and to support them at the same time. In the end, Owydelu surrendered and he got up, then going to the bathroom. As always, he took a nice, long and warm shower that would open up his mind for this day. He was thinking about the good fight he had with Sousetsu. He won, after all he's his sensei and a Special Jounin. After some time, Owydelu got out of the shower and he got in the kitchen to prepare something for him to eat. He made Peanut Butter and Jelly sandwiches. They were perfect to fill Owydelu's stomach this early morning. After he finished eating, Owydelu dressed-up, without forgetting to put his mask on. He locket the door, like this protecting his house from burglars, thieves and any other threats. The kids were going to the Ninja Academy to learn the basics they needed and the men were going to do their duty for the village. Owydelu walked slowly to the Konoha's Kage Building, conserving his energy. When he got there, Owydelu had taken his information and he got out of the room, and out of the building. As always, Owydelu sat down under a tree, protecting himself from the sun's rays. He opened up the data he had and he started to read it slowly in his mind:

A Konoha shinobi was found dead in the early hours of the morning. Witness reports of arguing and later investigations indicate foul play. The shinobi's partner, a jounin by the name of Fukawa Sora, matched the eyewitness account given to investigators and can not be found. It is assumed she has defected and left the village. All oi-nin are currently on assignment, so the task falls to you. A blood trail indicates she may be injured and traveling slowly, so time is of the essence. Find and subdue Fukawa Sora by any means necessary. If she engages combat, you have express permission to kill her, though this will result in reduced pay. Fukawa Sora will be found nursing her wound - a stabbed and moderately bleeding leg - in the rolling hills of Hi no Kuni. She will be irreconcilable, any words will fall on deaf ears and you will be forced to engage in combat with her.

Owydelu then turned the page, trying to read the last page of information he received :

Fukawa Sora is highly aggressive both in and out of combat. Doesn't enjoy casual conversation and is known to initiate and partake in conflicts over very fickle events. Prone to violence.Until recently, it was thought that Sora's main motivation was protecting Konoha, but that has since been disproven given her alleged actions. It is most likely that her current motivations entail personal gain - power and money are both plausible candidates for her actions. Fukawa Sora is known to dislike large bodies of water, and has an immense phobia regarding being completely submersed in water. However, being encountered with such a scenario has been noted to increase her volatility and efficacy in battle.
Fukawa Sora is not to be trifled with. She is proficient in the fields of both kenjutsu and taijutsu, and is known to always carry two high-quality tantos everywhere she goes. In addition, Sora possesses immense skill that compliments her swordplay and close-quarters combat. The fact that she has no known ninjutsu or genjutsu techniques aside from academy jutsu should be noted as well. It is highly thought among jounin ranks that Sora has higher levels of endorphins than most ninja, indicative of her known immunity to most forms of pain. Her aggressiveness and wild combat forms belie her intelligence and cunning - do not mistake brash movements for recklessness.

After finishing reading, Owydelu got up, saying: Well, now, I should go and wait for the others. With some quick steps, Owydelu got to the village gates. For some minutes, he waited for the others to arrive.


Rin came to designated location. The sun shone and the sky was blue. With her were most needed ninja tools. The wind blew lightly and she enjoyed the situation very much. Deciding to wait a while for the rest of the squad, she sat on the ground and enjoyed the scenery. Some birds flew by and she watched.

Koji Senju

Koji Senju

Sun rays sang upon the village of Konoha. The sky contained an angelic blue, one that would harmonize with the pearly white clouds in the heavens. Bypassers would observe the sky in awe, amazed with the arrangement of the sky. The grounds of the town were at a pleasant temperature causing some of the citizens to stroll about barefoot. The dirt brushed against their toes and caused some to contain smiles with every step. Laughing and rejoice echoed through the air; exhales of people’s breath tougher due to their laughter. It was a flawless day.

Koji was darting through the grounds of Konoha, dirt kicking up from beneath him indicating the pressure of his feet hitting the ground. There was obvious excitement within his character. Finally, the day appeared; the day that Koji would embark on a life threatening mission! It was all thanks to his brother. Koji had embarked on a new chapter in his life: his squad. He was excited to be apart of something that meant guaranteed friendship. The young man was well prepared, he was ready!

Koji arrived to village gates; intense excitement channeled through his veins. The young shinobi jumped up and down and up and down like a little girl, emitting tiny squeels.

“Finally! An awesome mission!” He said before slipping his arm around Rin’s shoulder, attempting to grasp her tight in a flirtatious gesture.



Owydelu waited for the other three to appear and to give the signal that the mission can start now. The kids still weren't there and that was pissing Owydelu off. After Owydelu waited for some time, Rin, one of his students arrived at the respective place. She was there, sitting all calm and chilly, like nothing was about to happen. On the other hand, Owydelu was scared as hell. This was his first Squad Mission when he had to take care of his students. The wind started to blow with a severe power right into our ninja' face. The stress Owydelu was holding wasn't something that could be explained. The sun was shining right over Owydelu's head. The clouds were now making a dance-like movement that was synchronized from the first to the last one. Owydelu knew that the nature was with them in this mission. The people weren't even looking at Owydelu and Rin while they were waiting for Koji Senju to appear. Owydelu turned around, decided to go and get Koji with from from his home.

Koji was darting through the grounds of Konoha, dirt kicking up from beneath him indicating the pressure of his feet hitting the ground. There was obvious excitement within his character. Finally, the day appeared; the day that Koji would embark on a life threatening mission! It was all thanks to his brother. Koji had embarked on a new chapter in his life: his squad. He was excited to be apart of something that meant guaranteed friendship. The young man was well prepared, he was ready!
Koji arrived to village gates; intense excitement channeled through his veins. The young shinobi jumped up and down and up and down like a little girl, emitting tiny squeels.
“Finally! An awesome mission!” He said before slipping his arm around Rin’s shoulder, attempting to grasp her tight in a flirtatious gesture.

They were now almost prepared to go. There was only one thing that was missing : Taigen Kichirou, his third and the most studborn person he ever saw. The only thing he had to do now is to wait for him. A quarted an hour passed, half an hour passed and then Kichirou reaches a new record of getting late, one hour. Now Owydelu was angry and upset, so he decided to go on the mission only with Koji and Rin. This was no more a hide-and-seek playing game. Owydelu was serious about making his students get stronger for the Chuunin Exams. Kichirou was that kind of person who couldn't know when to stop, so he was just playing around all day with his team, trying to fool them like they were in a gamble. The fool was now, Kichirou. Owydelu was now decided to take care of the mission only with his loyal students. From his walkie-talkie, he started talking with the Administration Building : "I'm requesting another gennin-ranked member to come and join this mission, to balance the level of the mission and the power of the takers! The gennin Taigen Kichirou refused to go on this mission, risking to give a low result on this mission! Thank you for the time!"
Owydelu was now rapidly gaining speed while also trying not to push his students too hard.

Suddenly, Owydelu stopped moving, while he turned around to his pupils. "Well, now, we should start activating our sensory powers! Rin, try to look for the enemy forces from now on with your Byakugan! And Koji, try to be prepared to save you and Rin in any moment from now on!" Suddenly, a smoke bomb was just dropped in front of the young Sensei. In some seconds the smoke was gone, but Owydelu was on the ground. The Missing Ninja was looking at the young shinobi as her prey. She wasn't going to give up on this. She just defeated their Sensei and now she was pointing at his Students. They couldn't be just as good as their master, so she just rapidly launched an attack with her Katana, trying to hurt Rin. After all, she was the Sensory type ninja that could sense any of her attacks and, putting away all this sensory type, she had the Byakugan, one of the Three Powerful Doujutsu, alongside with the Sharingan and the Rinnegan. The Missing Ninja could now try to steal the powerful treasure of the Hyuuga Clan. The young shinobi were now to try and stop her attacks.

(OOC: From now on, I'll god mod this missing-nin)

Word Count:


Standing up, Rin remembered the day her parents were killed. The killer still lingered in her mind. He was pretty tall and he wore standard weapons. He took her parents  by suprise and sliced their bodies in half. His forehead protector had Sunagakure symbol on it, she noticed back then.

For most of her life, Rin was very observant and her clan's kekkei genkai helped a lot in that regard. It never hurt to be cautious. So she activated it now. She could see what she wanted to see.

Jumping backwards, she pulled a kunai and held it in front of herself, all the while keeping her kekkei genkai activated as precaution. She couldn't afford to take her chances here. One could never be too sure

She found herself remembering. Her father was a proud but gentle man and her mother was very caring. As for her pet  dog, it was very loyal to her and she was very protective of it, since it was the only family it had. That was why she left it at her  house today. She simply couldn't bear the thought of losing it.

She remembered how her father always pushed her as far as she could go so that she could be prepared for any situation. Still, sometimes Rin doubted herself. Her motivation was simple: get stronger so that if she ever crossed paths with her parent's killer, she could survive the encounter.

Rin was aware of her village's past. However, she believed in the future. The future ahead of her. She didn't want to throw her future away.

The wind was blowing and it played with her hair. Rin preferred water. Water was the source of all life. Water obeyed her and other people with same elemental affinity.

Last edited by Rin on Fri Aug 02, 2013 4:07 pm; edited 2 times in total



ooc: my jutsu are still unapproved, but they're pretty close it looks like. I'll wait for the next attack from Owy and jump in then


ooc: No reply yet?



Ukiyo sprinted through the branches of the dense forest, weaving in and out of branches and lightly touching bark, and leaves along the way. She emerged from the foliage and found herself falling through the air towards a hill. Oh shit th- oh wait, Ukiyo curled up and made contact with the ground smoothly as she proceeded into a roll, Downhill. Ukiyo expanded her arms as she started a second one from the first, pushing off the ground with her arms to lift her body into a standing position. The momentum naturally carrying her as she spreads her arms and legs out to form a cartwheel. Ukiyo performed two cartwheels and then sprang off her hand, flipping and land on her feet. She opened her eyes and laughed lightly to herself. Even when I close them I get a little dizzy.

As Ukiyo made her way over the next hill at a running pace, she came upon what looked like the shinobi described in her mission. She recognized Koji immediately, a slightly older cousin of hers. They haven't spoken much, in fact Ukiyo barely remembers the one time they met. She was too young. But she also knew his face/name from the academy. The brunette kunoichi was as the one described, and she recognized Owydelu as well (another member of her clan, who appeared incapacitated at the moment). More importantly, she saw a shinobi (who come to think of it looks like Fukawa Sora from the description of her) charging at the squad with her sword wielded. Ukiyo was less than 50m away, directly perpendicular to the rogue shinobi's path. She immediately launched herself as she put her hands together to make a hand sign: Hare. As she made the second one, Monkey, Ukiyo was flying down the hill through the air towards the other shinobi. If her reaction is even a little delayed, she will be pinned. She pulled her arms apart, palms facing down and then forward as she quickly snapped them back towards each other, throwing seeds from her palms towards Fukawa's path between her and Rin. Ukiyo's arms crossed and resided on unnatural sides as the seeds got closer, which would take less than a second. The seeds reached within 1 meter of Fukawa (one directly overhead and the other two a little ahead on her path) when Ukiyo curled in her middle and ring finger on each hand and touched each pinky and index. "BACK!" Ukiyo yelled as she activated her jutsu, growing sharpened bamboo from her seeds


Last edited by Ukiyo on Thu Aug 22, 2013 8:54 am; edited 3 times in total



(OOC:Because Koji is inactive, we'll just say he's hurt ._.)

The young gennin were doing very well in a fight with a Missing-Nin. Judging from their actions, it was looking like this was the first fight they've ever had against a ninja from an outer village. The strenght of the enemy was also too much for some mere gennin. The sun's glaze was falling over Owydelu's head now. The thing that was hit was actually only a Replacement Technique. Owydelu was in a tree, watching the fight as it was getting better and better. Owydelu couldn't resist in the end and he jumped in the fight. With his stealth skills, Owydelu got the hang of a punch, right in the right cheek of the target. The impact shoot her 10 meters in the forest. Owydelu runned to the new location of the target and he used his "Mokuton no Jutsu" to capture the target in one big, long wood log. The target was captured and the mission was finished. He returned to his team and they were about to return in the village.

They were going straight to the village, with no stops from their way. Koji, his little brother, was hurt and Owydelu was carrying him as well, with the left hend, in the right hand being Sora, the missing-nin that he just defeated. The only thing they had left to do was to go in the village and to give Sora to the Main Hokage Building Administrators, from where it was to be send to the Interrogation Ninja, to get more information about her and her relatives. The leaves were blowed by the powerful wind in that day. The ground was of a color that Owydelu hasn't ever seen before. Maybe it was the sun, or the sky, or the clouds that were giving this color to it, but surely it was something wrong here, something that wasn't given to be there.

Suddenly, three shuriken were targeting Owydelu and they were getting to him faster than any normal ninja weapon. With his automatic Jounin reflexes, Owydelu dodged that attack, by jumping 5 meters away from his last position. Suddenly, some Shadows landed on the ground with an unseen speed. It was proven that they were only ninja. One of them was about 1,8 meters and he had long dark hair. The other one was 1,7 meters and he had short red hair. Both of them were looking like some nuke ninja. They weren't wearing any headband, thing that has proven that they were some missing ninjas. "Hand us the girl, Konoha clowns! Or you're gonna face the death!" Owydelu was sure that this was going to become a battle between his team and the two of them.

With some rapid handseals, Owydelu made a wooden clone and he ordered it to take his little brother, Koji and missing-nin, Sora to the Village, to safety. Then Owydelu said to his gennin: "I'll take care of the bigger one! You take care of the red-haired one!"
With this, Owydelu started the fight using his wooden shuriken. He launched 5 shuriken to them. It was to see if they were skilled enough to dodge them.

(OOC: From now on, this is going to be more like a fight. I'll godmod the shorter one while you fight with them. Start the attack)

Word Count:

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